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Everything posted by kensei

  1. As the title says, what style of control do you like from the Macross series? I must say the I like the DYRL? style, you don't have to take your hands off anything durnig combat, everything is at your hands. TV version sucks how you have to change controls when you change to GERWALK and Battroid mode. DYRL? control system is way more efficient IMO. DYRL? Has also influenced how I play my Mechwarrior games as well, I have a corner desk and I put the keyboard all the way to the left so that I can only access the numpad comfortably and operate the mouse with the right. Everything I need is at my fingertips. I must say it is a lot easier.
  2. Are the head lasers that short, or did they get broken?
  3. kensei

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Hey, those new pilots look sweet! They finally got some good shoulder pads.
  4. Well, it's either that, or the debates we had in those 19 vs 21/22 polls awhile back. A few people will admit that they convereted to the 21/22 after that thread. I reckon its all horses for courses mate. People like the VF-22/YF-21 because it can yadayadayada.....people like the VF-19/YF-19 because it can yadayadayada....
  5. Why 4? Oh that's simple. One to display in Fighter, one in GERWALK and one In Battroid mode. I was going to do an extra three, to do the same as mentioned only with FAST packs but thought, nah didn't need to, as those customs weren't around when the FAST Packs were invented. Oh, and the fourth? That's for playing with!
  6. What tha?! Well Anubis, I expected the VF-4 Lightning to go a little better too. I thought that it would go well due to the support I see on a frequent basis on the boards. I was disappointed with the result of the VF-9. I thought it looked really cool. Oh well. The Nightmare is my favourite valk as well. You should have an "I like em all!" option up! There little about all the VFs that I don't like. Not surprised about the Konig Monster though. The big loafer. It may be cool that it was derived from a monster destroid, but that thing handles like a brick in VFX-2.
  7. Oh, I'll do it in 1/48. I'll be doing four of them, with help from a professional modeller if Yamato doesn't come up with them in the meantime, as well as four Kakizaki TV variants. But honestly my MW brother, does the blackframe around the optical sensor really matter? I just tried to imagine it in blue and brown respectively, and just think: bleh. Guess I'll actually try it first though.
  8. But it's sooo hard! Anyone got a pic of one xacto knife? The buggers here don't know what I'm talking about when I ask for one. You can get one here among many other places. Here's an image of another hobby knife. Thanks Dray. Hmph, that looks exactly like a scalpel.
  9. Well then, my custom Max VF-1A will have a DYRL? head painted in TV colours then. Seriously though, if Yamato brings out a TV VF-1A Max then I hope that they don't shorten the length of the optical sensor. Seriously, it looks like it had it's face pushed in.
  10. I fail to see whats so funny about this.
  11. Have to disagree with you ELM. They are pitifully small. Just watch M+ again and look at this picture, even from that angle they should still be bigger. Hell, it looks tiny when you look at it in side profile.
  12. Look, other than the colour differences in the DYRL and the TV head is there any real structural differences? All I can make out is that they are exactly identical. If I wanted to be nitpicky, I'd say that the black frame around the eye sensor is a lot longer on DYRL? valks than on TV VF-1As.
  13. Yep, I'll be doing a review when I get mine, hopefully later this week as soon as I get paid Actually, it is my favorite VF-1, so I'll be buying 3. Graham Wow, then I must be a bigger fan than you Graham, cause I'm buying 6!
  14. No, a VF-1A Hikaru should be on the way as well as a VF-1S Roy Focker. Check out www.tmpanime.com for preorders.
  15. Sorry to hear that mate......and I don't think it could get any worse but I have to tell you.....it's a wirte-off. Yamato will NOT give out any more parts to fix broken valks. That repair thread was unpinned months ago due to yamato's stingeyness. Again I offer my condolences. *salutes*
  16. Wouldn't hold my breath for the stampede mate. Yamato will hopefully do all the variants of the VF-1 line, and hopefully they will make all the two seater valks. Something like the stampede is just not worth doing. As a novelty item however, I think that Yamato is that game enough to make something like a Minmay Guard of an Angelbirds valk, but ONLY one and not both, or any other scheme that comes to our mind (Blue Roses, ThnderHammers etc).
  17. Sounds good for the future then. I do hope though, that they get to do the whole Macross line, not just the DYRL?, TV and Macross Zero and Plus, but all the way to Macross 7 and II for those that love it. In your opinion Rob, does Yamato do at least modestly well internationally than locally?
  18. I feel the same as you Gobotfool. If the 1/48 line wasn't so lucrative, I bet that they would not have continued up to the point they have now. If they do experience a little slump in their sales, you can be sure that it will go up agin later, its only Macross fans recharging their credit cards. Plus, other Macross products are enjoying popularity too, not just the transforming toy line. Remember those little CMS figures that sold out really fast in every toy store? Well they are re-releasing them again!
  19. Thankyou soooooo much for the heads up Anubis. I so wanted to get these last time, but by the time I already knew about them they had sold out ages before! I don't care about the Minmay doll really, I just want one of each main Macross character.
  20. And I meant that as a joke.
  21. I had a feeling that it was a custom, but I didn't know what convention it was from. Details about it were vague. All I can say is then, is that he has very good cleaning skills. That, or he got himself a vanilla valk and then painted it. You can't tell that he has done that from one of the existing VF-1As.
  22. i came across this Valkyrie on one of my old disks. What the hell is this valk meant to do? Hunt whales? Never in my Macross career have I seen this valk on Macross world or any other show. I have not seen any Flashback or Macross 7, is it in any of these series? It's really weird!
  23. Exactly. The heatshield is a VERY nice piece of work for a custom, and it is painted underneath like all the regular releases of the Yamato valks, if I'm not mistaken it is exactly like the VF-1Js heat shield. It isn't panel lined (Yamato is not known for it's panel lining of the DYRL or TV series of VF-1s except for the VF-1A Low Viz. Even the VF-1S Hikaru isn't panel lined. And the fact that is is shown at a convention leads me to believe that this could well be a future release.
  24. Take a look at this photo I got from one of the other threads. Take a real close look. I don't think that this is just a custom job. If you look closely, it isn't simply painted over a regular VF-1A you can get now, otherwise the famous Skull Squadron Stripes would show up especially at this distance. If you look at the thread "Custom 1/48s - Not mine I'm afraid" the painter obviously customised his valks from the current VF-1As. Also take a good look at the heat shield. There is no Skull emblem on it and it looks like a clean white shield that will be coming out on the VF-1J Hikaru, and we know that the J isn't released yet. The vernier jets in the arms and legs seem to be cast out of a genuine blue plastic or painted completely blue at least before insertion, unlike the Japanese modeller who just sprayed over the whole thing and never bothered to paint the half circles black again. Well guys, what do you think? I think that we could well see a VF-1A Max TV version in the future. Yay Yamato!
  25. WOAH! EVERYBODY STOP! HEY! Let's REWIND back a bit here. THE VF-1A Low Viz is an invention and WILL NOT appear in Macross Zero? I was made to understand that it was! Someone sort me out!
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