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Everything posted by kensei

  1. The black belt is basically a scam perpretated on the general public, and in actuality doesn't have much historical backing or importance. Most martial arts never used belts; it's something that's been popularized recently because it makes for good business. People taking martial arts have a hard time feeling satisfied with that they've accomplished; nowadays people like concrete evidence of "improvement" and that's what belts provide to people. Every six months or so the teacher hands out another belt so that people feel like they're doing a good job. I cringe every time I hear of somebody who got a black belt in three years; that's total BS. The idea of reaching the highest level in a martial art in such a short amount of time is laughable not to mention the training itself. Nowadays generic karate and tae kwon do teachings are are a sport, not a real martial art. They train the practioner in a very controlled environment; only a few places to attack (which are the most well protected on the human body); with plenty of padding and no use of anything remotely dangerous or deadly (i.e. effective). I've been doing Yoseikan Budo or Yoseikan Aikido whatever you want to call it, for five years. I've attained green belt so far, or 3rd kyu. I got a white belt in tsutsumi ryu jujitsu I really should be grading, the two arts are very simular! I agree with yellowlightman. Here in Australia there are programs which can get you your own class with your black belt in two years. In tae kwon do, its worse, after six months you can get your own class, without your black belt! In my opinion, that is just so wrong, and so dangerous to think that you've mastered the art after just two years and consider yourself able to teach other students to defend themselves. There's a ridiculous tae kwon do school here too, everytime they stand in line and peform katas in unison, they have to shout out in rhythm to their strikes: Rhee, Tae Kwon Do! The strongest and the best! Also they have to follow certain rules and aim for certain places to score, what a crock! This stuff is meant for combat blokes, what the hell do you want to bring rules in for?! On the street there are no rules! I know that I seem to be knocking tae kwon do here, I acknowledge that is IS an effective martial art, but these days like some karate has just become a simple sport where people complete not to improve their own skill levels but for trophies and bragging rights. Is is so hard now to find a school that aims to teach the art for the sake of art, rather than money or competition. There is only one school that I know of that teaches the art properly, and they've got a cool instructor. Hey guys, please do not devalue the belt ranking system. When used properly, it is an effective method of getting the student to set goals and to provide the student with a proper curiculum (sp?) for training. At my school we set out these gradings, there is a good structure that builds the student up, and always emphasises the foundations. You will find yourself always going back to what you have learned the first time you stepped in the dojo and if you don't you will score poorly for your gradings. Also, I don't really know what goes on in other schools, but teachers here do not just hand out belts. You have to ask and be approved to be graded, which is your first bottleneck, if your teacher reckons you aren't ready, then he will not let you grade. Even if you do get accepted, you have to pass the grading anyway. But really, I reckon its a good way to set attainable goals. Also, just because you've got your black belt, your training doesn't stop there peoples...you're in it for liffe yellowlightman is right though, these days the black belt is just a marketing ploy and an ego booster.
  2. I just got Arnold's encyclopaedia for bodybuilding. It's awesome! You can use this thing to do triceps extensions easily! At AUD $25.00 it was a steal! PS hope you aren't one of those guys on the website you have in your sigs Agentone. Thats just wrong what those guys are doing. PPS to quash some stereotypes, steroids shrink your eggs, not your bacon. Nuff' said.
  3. That's exactly what I'll think about him the way he's been replying regularly for two days on the same topic. That guy got stung by a good number of our members. Why doesn't he just give up?
  4. This is great news. I'm assuing that you guys are talking about the Parts before the movie with Eiji Tanaka and Eve in it. I know some people hated that part, but I quite enjoyed it. Now it looks like I'll be able to get to see the beginning of it all! Awesome.
  5. Who gives a crap?! Make him a Toyota Supra! That would be cool!
  6. WTF?! Tell that guy to go shove his head up his ass, thats extortion! What a wanker!
  7. I for one would like to see more Low Viz Valks released. Only in the A series though. On one hand, you'll get a lot of happy MWer's that missed out on the Low Viz finally have their second chance due to maybe say financial reasons or lack of interest at the time of release, and on the other hand you'll get a lot of pissed off MWers that would say that the value of their already purchased low vizes has dropped due to it being more widely available if Yamato were to release a second production run.
  8. Also it includes stable 90 degree elbow flexion. You can flex the elbows 90 degrees on the previous VF-1a Hikaru and VF-1S Focker, but they very easily snap back about 10 degrees by simply touching the arms.
  9. Uhhhh, agreed, but not with your taste in colour.......
  10. kensei

    2/3 finished custom!

    Thats some very nice painting Guppy! Really clean and neat!
  11. Great Work!
  12. Oh yeah, but I just posted that pic because it was the only one I had at the time. There's the lineart at steelfalcon.com, it was still pretty big in my opinion. Sorry dude, should have poted that instead of the 3D drawing. You're right about the tailfins, if they were any bigger they probably wouldn't fit.
  13. Ahem.....what about the VF-11 and YF-21? One normal version and one FAST Pack version, Two for each mold in total? All they had were some minor parts modifiication for improvement, and some extra pieces of plastic for FAST Packs.
  14. Chill out guys! The VF-1 line is coming very close to an end. I guess probably 4-5 more to go. A couple of Js and maybe an A.
  15. Crazy man! But what a concept! Excellent job.
  16. kensei

    Hikaru VF-1S

    That gap is a result of not transforming the valk back properly to fighter mode. The T-bar must be pushed fully into its two little U shaped holders when in fighter mode. It is simply not enough to just press the intakes and the chestplate together. And yes, I have done this to the new VF-1S and succeeded. It's not mine though, and I have yet to see any flaws. I don't know about the loose airbrake you're talking about, it was fine on the one I transformed. I'll be ordering six from Tamim next month, so we'll see if there are any real mistakes.
  17. Been overworking it have you?
  18. A very nice display cabinet, and a VERY impressive collection of toys. BTW who was that Autobot you got on teh very top left hand corner of the whole display? The shuttle that transforms into a bird and a tiger? That was my favourite autobot from the series, man it's been a long time? Does he still exist in stores so I can find one for myself?
  19. Have you got a demo with your 1/48 decals? I saw your Max 1/60 one, just liketo see it on a 1/48. That would look sweet! I'll take six when I've got my VF-1Ss!
  20. After looking at Macross Zero this question kind of came up. After DYRL? the rest of the Macross series kind of really followed off from the movie didn't it? I mean: 1. Macross Zero,the cockpit control system of the VF-0 Phoenix seemed to be predecessor to the VF-1 controls in DYRL. Why go to an inferior style of controls as shown in the TV series and back again in Macross Plus and onwards? 2. The Zentraedi. Exedol especially. Macross 7, even though I haven's seen him yet, looks more like Exedol in DYRL? than in the TV series. To clarify my question, they pretty much SORT of disowned the TV series as part of Macross and shoved in DYRL? to take its place didn't they? I know thatDYRL? was a movie depicting the events of the TV series, but it really looks like the creators have based prequels and sequels of Macross exclusively off DYRL?.
  21. This poll is going the way I thought it would. Except from the last time I checked the TV control vote has been rising a bit, I really thought that no one would choose it. I thought that having 57 different controls in the cockpit would be enough of a deterrent for choosing it. So far, I have yet to see anyone come up with a good argument for using the TV controls. Even the HUD in DYRL? looks better then the TV one.
  22. Chek a car with an automatic transmission. There's a lock button to prevent accidentally jostling it out of position. I would assume that VFs have a similar locking mechanism. I remember now....thats the audible click you hear whenever someone flicks the left throttle stick up isn't it?
  23. you mean not for a hundred years as in two weeks ago??? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3186850.stm Hey! Cool article. Must be really keepin up wit tech aren't ya? Still, while as cool as it is, I would still vote for the DYRL? control scheme. BCS is for couch potatoes!
  24. kensei

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Oh YEAH! ... But in the picture of the Hikaru and Max pilots, Hikaru's helmet visor looks dirty. Any comments? .............. Oh gah! Yeah, you're right. It looks like Hikaru sneezed or sumtin. Eeeeeeeww............
  25. You flick the left throttle to go to GERWALK mode or to brake, but how do you get to battroid mode? What are the control commands? Curious to know. You got a valid point in the accidental jostling of the stick there and transforming to the wrong mode Mechamaniac. Didn't think of that. PS I didn't put the BCS of the YF-21 in because I'm thinking real world here so far, not just Macross Plus, I don't think that Neuroinformatics has gotten to a point where we can develop that sort of tech yet, not for a hundred years.
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