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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Hang on, ain't that part of the arm that slings the VF-19 in the direction of the planet in the intro?
  2. It ain't bad for it's size. Nice hands.
  3. I think destroids were decommissioned after SW1 because they weren't much good at what they do. They suit the term "Cannon Fodder" more than the standard issue VF-1As.
  4. Tip, if you're going to complain to USPS, go to the Consumer Protection Department first and get some tips. When you do complain to USPS, tell them up first that you've contacted the CPS, and they'll take you seriously. Otherwise, you're just another complaining customer to them. I did that when I ordered my 5 VF-1S Hikaru's from Tamim, he cut up an extra Yamato box and put it around the box with my valks in it. Dickheads at Australia Post used a stanley knife to get it open (they mentioned that they opened it with a green sticker on the side) and sliced throught he top of two of my boxes. Plus, they must have screwed up seriously because there was a puncture through the tape lining the sides of the box. I didn't really care what happened to the boxes as long as the valks were fine, but thinking about all the treatment that they took just burns me up.
  5. kensei


    A work of art so far Myersjessee! How big is it compared to a Yamato VF-11 anyway approximately? I can tell from your pictures that it will be better than theirs already!
  6. Would it be easier to handwrite them and then scan and send them to a MW Member that is close to him? That member can add all those signatures to a thankyou letter.
  7. Did Max ever have an illegitamate son? One my old magazine articles say that he did, but I can't find his entry on the Macross Compendium anywhere.
  8. kensei

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    It's not that anyone is anti-diecast, it's because 95% of people don't give a crap wether there is any diecast or not.
  9. Update 1/48 = 11 pcs Another Update: 13 VF-1A Maximilian Jenius 5 VF-1S Hikaru 1 VF-1A Hikaru 1 VF-1S Focker 1 VF-1J Hikaru 2 Low Viz Total: 23 1/48's Hee hee....beat that 1/48 fanatics!
  10. You are Macrossworld's King of 1/48 customs! Cheers mate, good show!
  11. A lot of the classic designs are exact copies of the Macross Mecha. Tkae the Archer=Spartan, Crusader=Armoured VF-1A, Phoenix Hawk=Super VF-1S or another exact copy the Rifleman=Raidar X. The naga suspiciously look like the Phalanx as well, and don't forget the Warhawk. I could go on and on........ Erm... No... The Defender became the Rifleman, the Tomahawk became the Warhammer, the Spartan became the Archer, the Phalanx became the Longbow, the VF-1S became the Wasp, the VF-1A became the Stinger, the Super VF-1S became the Phoenix Hawk, the Armored VF-1A became the Crusader and the Glaug Officers Pod became the Marauder. The Regult was the inspiration for the Ostsol, Ostroc and Ostscout, though it's a bit of a stretch. The Masakari/Warhawk is a unique Battletech design. Yeah, I know. I didn't say that the Macross designs came from the Battletech designs I just stated the equivelent or simular looking designs. Thankyou for the correction on the Defender BTW.
  12. A lot of the classic designs are exact copies of the Macross Mecha. Tkae the Archer=Spartan, Crusader=Armoured VF-1A, Phoenix Hawk=Super VF-1S or another exact copy the Rifleman=Raidar X. The naga suspiciously look like the Phalanx as well, and don't forget the Warhawk. I could go on and on........
  13. They look like the models I sculpted when I was in pre-school. Plain fugly.
  14. Update 1/48 = 11 pcs
  15. A spray and wipe of ethanol (70%) would help too before you apply stickers.
  16. Oh...stop whining about Yamato doing repaints. All the "repaints," as you call them now are legitimate valks to sell, they all showed up in the TV or DYRL? movie (with the exception of the Low Viz, but all I've read and heard was praised even though we don't even know that it will appear in Macross Zero). Live with it.
  17. Thanks for the info ewilen, azrael, and others. I pretty much agree that fansubs are illegal. No matter what argument you present to me, my opinion will stay that way. I do admit though, that fansubbers have helped a lot in promoting anime in the west. I was looking for a more definite answer though. It kinda applies to the music industry as well sorta, but I really wanna get my hands on Macross Zero DVD's and play them on my home entertainment system, not just one my computer. If I buy the Macross Zero DVD's (official) now (and others when they are released) and upon recieving them, I download the fansubbed versions and make them into DVDs I have no chance of getting busted right? I mean, I got the originals, and the only reason that I downloaded the fansubs is because I don't understand japanese. That will be my argument (if and ever I get caught). And of course, I will never sell them, or let anybody copy them.
  18. IMO the only good subbed versions of Macross Zero are some of the fansubs available on the net for downloading. I want to credit BW for what they have done, but I don't speak any japanese. I also don't want to get into any trouble either, and have no interest in buying some terrible bootleg. What if I, bought all the genuine Macross Zero DVD's now (ones that are released and the rest later when they come out), as my DVD player can play any region, and downloaded the best fansubs for each episode? I could use my DVD burner to make DVDs out of the fansubs and I couldn't get into trouble for that would I? And lastly, what is the purpose of a fansub? To provide a faithful yet understandable version of the orignal or just plain pirating? PS oh yeah and HG Blows
  19. Nope. Staying true to Yamato and TwinMoons Anime. 7 each. I don't know why people say that it is over priced. They both cost the same as the 1/48 VF-1J and FAST Pack bundles!
  20. I don't think we will ever know the "true" amount of Low Vizes produced. Even Graham doesn't know. The only ones are Yamato.
  21. I pretty much agree with you about the Reba West songs... but Reba West sings in only about 10 songs (out of over 60 songs) on the soundtrack (remember its 2 disks). IMO The person who made the Robotech soundtrack what it is, was Ulpio Manuchi (sp?), the composer of the background music. He composed 41 pieces/scores of music for the series (Disk 1). Looking at my playlists, 10 might be an exageration, The Vocal songs (Disk 2) has a bunch of other singers found in the other three parts to the series (Southern Cross, Mospeada, and the ill fated Sentinels). Even though the songs are really corny and 80's reminisc, "Lonely Soldier Boy" and "Saved by Science", IMHO are a damn good songs. Reba West songs, if you hear them more than once, can drive a man to kill... I love the Robotech series, but every time Minmei broke into song I had visions of commiting arson and murder. There are times I must admit when I could insert some of the BGMs into Macross. Storywise for me, Macross all the way, but with the music I'm on the fence for the original TV series only. Later version of Macross were vastly improved. The BGM for the Sentinels was absolute rubbish. I couldn't believe they actually changed the ________(insert word here fellas, my vocabulary ain't that great after five Midori Illusions) of the music, but it made the opening theme terrible. It's like HG didn't give a stuff, or, did they actually like it and thought that it was better? If so, they deserve a kickbox to the head. Probably will make them think right again. As for the original Japanese Macross TV BGMs they were okay, and most weren't that terrible. Gotta remember that the series was done in the 80's though. But I admit, the composer for RT did quite a good job. Hope he didn't write the lyrics for Minmei's songs though. Or did Reba do them herself? BTW, I reckon the Macross Zero BGMs were good. The best I've heard from Macross already. I wish I could say the same about the songs though. To tell the truth, I have no idea if the songs are good or not, because I can't understand them and doubt that the subs out there are 100% or even >80% accurate. I just can't bring myself to like it. *shrugs* Hope I'm not offending anymone, but on a personal opinion the vocal music in Macross was fun if still a little corny, but the songs by Reba seemed like they were written by a grade school kid, and sounded just awful. EDIT: second last paragraph didn't make sense, I should cut down on the drinking
  22. Hmm, sounds to me like ye olde Jedi mind trick. Let us rephrase this question: Larger scale Macross Plus toys? But seriously, how about a Ghost? When people think Macross Plus toys they think VF-11, YF-19 and YF-21, how about the ghost?
  23. I'd go only half-half for Robotech. I only like two or three of the background music of it. The rest was absolute and utter crap, like Reba West's singing. That's why I don't own the soundtrack.
  24. kensei

    Macross 0 toys

    I'm not saying anything on this. I'll buy one just for the hell of it, then I'll make an opinion.
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