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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Naw, it couldn't have been a surprise. Would you think that Yamato would pass off a chance at milking us more with the 1/48 line? I hope that they release a valk with armour and armour only set. Hey, it could also mean more Valkyries!
  2. Toynami morons. Gah!! What about the toys themselves? They are numbered too. Look in the crotch area... Cool...just did....my toy matches the book and says I have number 00001!!! I HAVE NUMBER 1!!! Thats really cool! I wonder who has the number 1 white box packed up with 417? awesome score Jesse! Wait... Shhhh... listen... I think that was Kevin... Hey Myersjessee, ask him for real...does Kevin still have the #1 box?
  3. Hey guys, I was just wondering about the future, past and present of Macross. Is it or isn't it popular, not only internationally, but in Japan? There seems to be a lack of shelf space for Macross items even thought there are no shortage of items being made. I know that Gundam is all the craze there. I don't mind Gundam, but Macross is just a bit more down to earth IMO. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Gundam, I acknowledge that it is great, but I just prefer Macross. I've been through different magazine articles that say when Macross TV series first came out it was a big success, apparently the episodes after "Force Of Arms" were made in response to the demands of thousands of fans wanting to know how the love triangle between Hikaru, Misa and Minmay finished. Otherwise, things would have ended then and there. Also, Macross 7 was (according to my sources) a great hit as well (a bit of contreversy here, even hardcore Macross fans disagree) so I believe. So why isn't there such a big impact of Macross in terms of merchandise and new stuff (eg Macross Zero) amongst the Japanese, and more specifically, anime fans in general? Just a question bugging me I suppose. Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.
  4. Still a sweet price. I thought it would be nearing $170. I'll buy 4 for sure. I can earn that money in a month. My boss has just given me permission to do overtime. I hope Tamim gets the pricing soon.
  5. Hey wlfx what is that little Royyou got at the front there? Is that a gashapon?
  6. Exactly....and they got the VF-0 wrong....It ain't called the "Phoenix".... Isn't it? I thought it was. What is it called then? VF-0. Just "VF-0". Plain-olde "VF-0". http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf0/index.html I called it the Phoenix myself once, and considered it cannon. Don't know where I picked it up from though.
  7. What the hell......
  8. Extremely. You know, I wished someone could make a 2 x 2 painting of that, so I could hang it on my wall. That looks like something you could display in an art gallery and get every passer-by's attention.
  9. kensei

    2 seater 1/48s

    Gotta remember that a VF-1D doesn't have n airbrake. The length of the two seater cockpit could be extended back into the chest plate itself, rather than towards the nose, if you wnat a linart accurate VF1D. But if they didn't make a 100 % accurate VF-1D but still amde it look 95 % of the original, I'll still buy it. Yamato can sue this mold at least twice. Elintseeker and Super Ostrich would pose the most problem with their stepped up cockpits though. Hell why am I being so fussy, let them come with removeable heatsheilds!
  10. Yes they did. If you look at Hikaru's HUD when before Kakizaki got shot, you'll notice that Hikaru's VF-1 showed something incoming.
  11. Man...your Millia got reeeeeeal banged up there...
  12. Damn...I'm your lackey . I gotta post more....
  13. kensei

    vf-1 1/48 in manila

    To me it www.tmpanime.com. It's cheap to me even though I live on the other side of the world from him.
  14. Well done. That's very clever. I'll do that myself one day.
  15. You got good taste.
  16. If someone could make like a page that show the map of the world, and if we simply "click" on a portion of the map we get a whole list of retailers with some recommendations, products, methods of payments, shipping and so on. That would be cool.
  17. and hopefully not confused with Kakizaki. I think the pipe smoking Captain Global would be better suited to her.
  18. kensei


    It is basically a VF-1S with the standard VF-1A/J/D engines.
  19. Same here. It's about time that someoe made a sleek-lookin VF-17 toy. Hey, that YF-19 don't look half bad don't it, the only thing that's off is the chest.
  20. ? I thought I had the biggest collection of Yamato 1/48s. 1x VF-1A Hikaru 1x VF-1S Focker 1x VF-1J Hikaru 13x VF-1A Max 5x VF-1S Hikaru 2x Low Vis Total: 23 *4x VF-1J Maxk with Fast Packs to come in two weeks.
  21. kensei

    Max VF-1S

    I know that the YF-19 with FAST Packs will come, it just frustrates me that it's taking such a long time. Oh well. But with the Max VF-1S, it would sure make my life a lot easier. I like it, so would hardcore Max and DYRL? fans, but I don't know if that's still enough motivation for Yamato to make one.
  22. Do groups such aa the Angel Birds and Blue Roses have any background information on them?
  23. Sorry then. You know, I've looked at Macross Mecha Designs Website, and I've seen nothing that looks vaguely familiar with those FAST Packs that are compatible with the VF-19.
  24. Hi guys. I'm new to the hobby of assembling kits here so I wanted to ask if kits (preferrably variable) exist. VF-11C Thunderbolt Fully Armoured Variant VF-17 any variant VF-19 A/F/S (I know that this exists, but who makes it and is it still available?) VF-22 (any variable kits, not just plain fighter mode) *Maybe M7 Sound Force variants of the VF-11 and 17, 19 as well? Destroids Tomahawk Spartan Phalanx Monster
  25. kensei

    M0 toys

    Apple Genki VF-0! VF-0S Sara Guard!
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