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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Don't know what all the HBAR, seafood and hand along the fuselage is... But it finallyseems like popular demand from fans, retailers, and suppliers have made Yamato see all the money they can make.
  2. Yes they should. But I think it's something about that 1/60 TRU affair....
  3. Hey that gfreat. Love the YF19 and 21 standing back to back.
  4. Everybody get away! They're mine!!! How bad are they? I mean, mine are pretty good. Airbrake opens a millimeter when she leans forward, but that's about it. No faulty leg movement either.
  5. I don't believe they will either. There is still plenty of demand, I believe if just one more run of each of the 1/48s, save the Hikaru VF-1A should still sell excellently and in a modest amount of time now that also RT fans know that there is a better valk out there. I still can't believe that some people are just beginning to discover the 1/48s. Those 1/48 molds are worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox to Yamato. Hopefully they realise this. You know, it doesn't necessarily have to be Yamato. If Bandai were to do a COMPLETE overhaul of their VF-17, and if it 1/ looked good 2/ transformed perfectly 3/ high quality, then I wouldn't mind buying from Bandai any day. I think I speak for all of us when all we are looking for is the best transformable toy out there of a VF-X.
  6. your friendly neighborhood haterist of course. Well, I don't care about your LVs, but the Fockers should go to me. I have a good use for them believe me.
  7. Do we have a compulsive buyer here? Hello... look at my siggy here. And I will beat kensei out again because I will have 43 1/48s. MUWHAHAHAHA!!! Just you wait till December man, you goin down bro, you goin DOWN!!! I will enjoy our temporary Even Steven's status. Hey seriously dude, if you want to sell some of your VF-1S Fockers send me a line. Of course I wouldn't think about touching your Low Vises, I doubt that I could get them out of your death grip. I hope that that isn't the case with Macross. I mean, with Yamato, wouldn't it be true to say that the 1/48 VF-1 Toy put them in the higher Toy Developer's category? I think that the 1/48s put them on the map so to speak. They owe their customers, particularly Macross fans a lot more than that. I shall continue to hope that they will still produce and reproduce Macross toys in the very near future. Perhaps, they can do a Bandai and reissue their 1/48 line in a few years. That way, I don't have to buy from the likes of Godzilla and TISINC.com....but particularly Godzilla (j/k. The guys at Tisinc are the real tools)
  8. I hope that this does not turn into another you what. But with regards to your question, give it time. It picks up after a few episodes. Around 10 or so. But, if you still don't like it, well, there's nothing most of us caqn help you with there. Some people don't mind it, some hate it. Personally, I would watch it all before i formulate an opinion. (Then again, I watched 1 ep of CrushGear Turbo and Beyblade, and decided, nup.)
  9. Hard to say....I have the a few more VF1A Hikaru reissues coming in this week or next week. Along with this shipment, I am getting a few more 1/48 Super VF1J Hikarus, 1/48 Super VF1J Millias and 1/48 DYRL Fast Packs coming. I cannot restock anything after this... I was planning to buy 2 Max and 2 more Millia soon. Are you saying that the VF-1J Max is out of stock in America now?
  10. I wouldn't. I'd be pissed. The book style packaging I have no problem with, in fact the materials are nice and it works very well (unlike the MPC itself). The two main reasons I don't care are that I don't care about toy boxes and the RT box isn't my definition of perfect. Toy boxes ultimately mean nothing to me. If Yamato sold them for $10 cheaper in a brown box, then I'd go for it. I'm not buying a box for any other reason than the pleasure of opening it. The other terrible thing about the RT MPC boxes (IMHO) is the Tommy Yune artwork on the spines. Not only does it not look like the original character designs (different style + photoshop = not even close) but it also ruins the very "antique" look that the packaging was trying to achieve. It's a major style clash and it looks goofy as hell. Honestly, Yamato's best boxes were the original 3 DYRL 1/48's. Simple, black, elegant and easy to open. Can't beat that. I'd be pissed too. Fully. I loved the original DYRL? boxes. They were great. To me, the design of the box represents something precious. If there could be just one improvement to them, then the cardboard should be about 3 - 4 times thicker than they are now. The inside box that holds the valk is fine. It is generally enough to protect the valk.
  11. How much damage can the remaining 10% do? I ask since all the valks that have yellowed have presumably been kept indoors which means that the light went through a window. Does the glass of a cabinet further filter the UV that passed through the window? Depends on thickness too I think. The more thick it is the more it bends UV light...I'm not too sure of the details, I'll have to ask my mate. But assuming that it is a pretty standardised measurement, a valk would yellow noticeably in about a couple of years in daily sunlight.
  12. I hope Yamato thinks that way, and I'm with Max, a 1/48 YF-19 WOULD BE HUGE!!! It would be huge but nice. Very nice. And maybe it could be released in America and everywhere else without too much problems with Harmony Gold. But that's a different story. I reckon, Yamato would be surprised at the response they would get if they sold 1/60 or 1/48 or whatever size that's bigger than the current 1/72s. Very pleasantly surprised. fans who saw Macross when they were a lot younger are also a lot older now, and able to afford that little bit extra for a quality toy. I want something that will last on my shelf till I require a walking frame to get around.
  13. It can I suppose, from what I've seen. Yes, UV light is bad for the eyes if it from a direct source. I put my valks in a glass cabinet which provides good but not complete protection. Glass is enough to block out 90% of UV light. Sunglasses can block around 99.9 %. The reason why they are pushing for 100% UV protection in sunglasses is because taht 0.01% can still stuff up your eyes.
  14. Me too mate. BTW, the M0 stuff shouldn't get the boot, let's hope enough sales of it get out for them to release larger scale M0 toys. (I do not necessarily mean something as big as 1/48 ..)
  15. That I agree with.
  16. Hey Neova, guess what I would choose!
  17. I'm happy I got mine a few months ago for $89.
  18. kensei


    isn't the VF-17D in that game the same color scheme? How will they get around that? Actually, I wouldn't mind Bandai keeping the M7 licence if they were thinkin about making a new improved VF-17/19/22 range. Little hope of that at the moment. Hopefully it is as Graham says, Yamato can still possibly get the licence for the afore mentioned valks but with a slightly bigger and improved scale.
  19. kensei


    Thanks for the tip on the licenses Graham. Hey, if I win the lottery too I buy some large shares in that company you're thinking of owning
  20. kensei


    Hey Graham, does Bandai still hold the licence for Macross 7? I was kinda hoping taht Yamato would pick it up and make VF17s for us to enjoy.
  21. huh? you mean you believe it when you see it don't cha? same here, i know they said its coming but yamato has said a great many things that haven't panned out so seeing is believing. i just hope they don't make it like the 1/55 or the 1/60 GBP, where nothing moves, and the valk itself is barely poseable. i'm keeping my finger crossed on this one. Well it goes for the samething as the YF-19 FPs and 1/60 Destroid Monster. Now if they can drop tidbits on the 1/48 CF, Ostrich, Elint, and the VF-1D. I'm dying for a CF. It's so easy for Yamato to do, but I think they might not anytime soon because some people won't forget that TRU exclusive VF-1A Brown Version. I hope that they do make this, I really don't want to customise unless I have to. Oh, and I really don't want to buy the 1/60 series either. The VF-1D shouldn't be that hard for Yamato. If you compare the 1/60 Yamato VF-1D and A, there isn't that much of a change in the size of the heatshield or fuselage or cockpit canopy. Sure, none of it is compatible with the other VFs, but who cares? It's a sweet VF!
  22. Someone ought to tell him that this is just rpbbery, but then would he care? I wonder what would happen if they rereleased the VF-1Ss in November. People would see him for the hog that he really is.
  23. I was hoping to customise my VF-1S into a Thunder Hammer version when the 1/48 GBP armour comes out. But from the picture above, it looks vastly different from the original GBP armour. Especially the crotch armour and the leg missile launchers.
  24. The garland does have a gun. For stats and pics go to: www.steelfalcon.com
  25. I've only seen one of the Megazone 23 series. A guy called Eiji Tanaka was in it. Was that the one? I'm planning to get the boxset of all three now that they will be released on DVD.
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