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Everything posted by kensei

  1. I prefer the VF-9 there. That's more awesome!
  2. Woohoo, as usual the mkv works a treat. Great Ep! Something tells me that Ai-kun could be the saviour of the show.
  3. I'd recommend Aikido, but there are a lot of crappy styles/schools out there, which may be hard to filter, and it may be a bit complicated for a 3 year old to understand. Judo may be a good bet due to its philosophy and the heavy involvement of working with a "partner," rather than against an "opponent." But a bit of Kung Fu or karate never hurt either, or some jujutsu. Research has to be done before entering any school for any martial art. Equipment is very cheap for these martial arts as well. I'd recommend BJJ too, but it depends on two things, 1. if you are wanting your child to do it for self defense or for sport and 2. the club you train at. BJJ with a heavy sport emphasis is not that great for self defense, but if mixed in with the consideration of striking is great. I trained with a great club while i was in Sweden, they were all friendly and real helpful and great sport. There was no ego involved. Get back to Australia and I found that most of the schools were full of meatheads wanting to be the next Fedor Emelianenko. Very unfortunate. Find out what it is like at the school before you decide to join. One BJJ Teacher who whom I respect a lot is a guy called Roy Dean. One of my friends studied under him for a bit, and what he taught was great.
  4. Please. Talk to me when you live in Perth. Things take even a month after the eastern states here, and I don't see anything special about them. We are putting the money into Australia through mining afterall.
  5. I can't wait for the release of the Spartan Destroid. The complete line up will be awesome.
  6. Had to nuke my hard disk and recover everything. It works! Dunno what happened though. The last thing that I did for awhile was to install Iron Man. That didn't cause any trouble on my friends computer though.
  7. Tightarse Tuesdays. Gotta love em.
  8. Thanks guys. Mike, I've certainly got a tablet, and 95% of the time you would be right, and I would have a integrated graphics card. But I don't. Mine is a Tecra M7 from Toshiba with an NVIDIA GeForce 128 MG dedicated graphics card. Two GBs of RAM are still showing up on my system. Vince my man, I turned off system restore, cause it often doesn't solve the problem for me (in the past anyway). Safe mode struggles as well. This is really weird, I might go for a reformat, but I hope, I really hope, that it isn't a hardware issue. This was an expensive tablet due to the Core 2 Duo processor, dedicated video card and screen size.
  9. Damn you for getting that sketch! lol Hope you can trust those boys to get it down here for you. Congrats!

  10. I can't wait for this game! It looks better than I thought it would!
  11. I'm just running XP. I'm wondering if there is a wire loose on the motherboard regarding the sound or something, but it can't be right if it's choking on Videos (all types avi/mpeg4/flv etc) and also just plain music.
  12. While idle, explorer, task manager and firefox. Values range between 2-4.
  13. At the moment,. system idle process is running between values of 80 to 94. Very weird.
  14. Wow, i just developed this new prblem with my tablet in the space of a couple of hours. Fired up everything as usual, played videos and music, all fine. Went to a birthday party, and then when I came home, everything started to really struggle. Windows were taking longer to switch, restart and shutdown was abysmally slow, mouse pointer lagging like crazy, and most of all speakers have fits and bouts of the snap crackle and pop. WHen I play videos now, even on Youtube or from the HDD, sound and video go out of whack, you hear static, and the computer really really struggles. I ran AVG Antivirus scan, Ad-aware scan and it all came up clean. Reinstalled new K-Lite codec pack too. STill the same result. Any ideas what this could be? CPU usuage is at 48% av, and also around 500 MB/2000 MB RAM used.
  15. Low, especially since it's now released. When changes were made to the 1/48 down the track, they were real minor. This looks like it'll take a little more effort on their part.
  16. We also also see him eject in ep 3, when most of his armour was written off by a Lobster.
  17. Considering their dollar is very close to ours, and their minimum wage is much lower, they have a reason to want to have some price breaks.
  18. I felt a sense of pride, just like Alto when Ranka was made the star of the movie Tori no Hito at the end. Also, when she sand her version of What Bout my Star at Folmo. Best Non-mecha moments in Frontier.
  19. Actually, I know at least five other Perthians that would attend. So YOU guys come down here.
  20. Dynames and Virtue MKII models look like downgrades :S The waist design looks crap on 00 too. Kyrios v2 looks rockin though.
  21. Sheryl's most beautiful and hottest outfit was the red dress and purple hair. Klan is only sexy in giant form.
  22. Just noticed something about the VF-27 cockpit. Don't know when it'smentioned before, but when he gets a bit of a knock and causes a glitch, you can see that Brera is wearing a whole suit and helmet. This was prominent when he got his gunpod capped my Michel.
  23. Actually, just tested myself, you're kinda right. Depends on what 3D game it is, but not optimal compared to others.
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