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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Was this the guy that also did Sanjuro? I vaguely remember seeing that name somewhere before.
  2. It's a fricken bad disease I tell ya. Godzilla, sithlord and I are the most heavily affected. I got to stop working overtime before I kill myself. It's pretty epidemic here at MW, this 1/48 craze. I suggest you get the VF-1S Roy. Both Hikaru and Roy have flown it. Everyone knows about the famed Skull leader, but not DYRL? Hikaru. Then again, what you are buying is a DYRL? Roy.
  3. Oh crap...not another guys trying this out...I can't look...... Heh, nice job. Makes me feel quesy though, risking a VF-1S like that. I'll touch wood for you mate, so that it never falls. *gulp*
  4. That will probably happen. But when you get married and have kids, and then when the kids grow up and leave home, you're gonna need something to keep you preoccupied. And good memories. About how you kicked my ass in in the competition for the 1/48 Crown.
  5. Godzilla, let's have less of this defeatist talk. You can have your cake and eat it too ! There are plenty of chicks out there who can accept their man collecting toys. I'm sure you can find a girl who will accept you for who you are. Just look at how many married members we have on these forums who are toy/model/anime nuts and still collect after marriage. Without meaning to state the obvious too much, the trick is to get out and start meeting people. Working 60-70 hour weeks and/or spending all your free time playing video games is not the best way to meet girls . You gotta put yourself in some sort of social situation (clubs/sports/classes etc) where you can meet new people. Graham Yep, try to find a balance, if you haven't already. The easiest way for people like me and you? Anime Clubs. Simple huh?
  6. Well, I'm not doing too badly then. I'm only 20 yrs old, at uni and casual lab tech, and I am going to graduate this year. He should be eons ahead of me, not just scraping by . Cummon old man! Bring it on!
  7. *gulp* Sand? Ok....I'll try, but how do I get the sanded area to look like the rest of the part after sanding?
  8. I have no problem with the DYRL? FAST Packs for this one. Only with the TV FAST Packs. Damn they are a pain. It seems that they orientated the connection point backwards.
  9. That's why we should think up of some way to communicate to them. Macross might not survive too long into the future if this keeps up.
  10. Apaprently they are approving a US release of M0 according to MAHQ. That's what I read anyway. Is this true? Say Graham, didn't you say long ago that there was a reason for making a low cost non-perfect TF toy instead of a PT one?
  11. Maybe we should send a appreciation letter to the CEO of Yamato showing our appreciation of their venture into Macross toys so far. Maybe he'll also open up to Graham again. Yeah right. Anyway, I suggest we should put together a team of toy customisers to actively look into the problems Yamato left on their toys. Seems to me that the problems can be rectified with a bit of thinking, like the floppy wrist syndrome or loose airbrakes and missiles. I would love to look into the problem myself, but I don't have mine yet, I'm still paying them off.
  12. really? I thought it would be selling well? This sucks. I was hoping that this owuld sell well to motivate them to make more unpredicable things, like a 1/60 Tomahawk or a VF-9 Cutlass!
  13. Ok. I get it. Who do you want me to chop?
  14. Doesn't the toy suck up the mothball smell? Even though I would love to keepinsects away as well.
  15. That's why I'm planning to design and build my own shelf. Something that is glass, hinged, deep, lockable and lightable is virtually impossible to find.
  16. I can see that you are a fan of the VF-19S. Love that design as well. There should be a limit on how many lasers you can put on a head though.
  17. Wow, I should go to Macau for a holiday.
  18. 1/48 FAST Packs You can choose your own markings. They got four colours. 1/60 and YF-21 Reviews
  19. I would like to go for the easy way out and go to Ikea or Freedom, but they do not have the shelves suited to my needs. In one shelf section, I need enough space to display one valkyrie in each mode. I would prefer going along the shelf, but maybe I could get creative and find a way to display them in half the space. I got right now 3.0-3.1 M to spare.
  20. Good idea, but anything other than a platypus head. While I thought that the platypus was a cool concept, I would never disgrace a 1/48 with a head that is that fugly. We need a new original head! One that looks cool and most of all, EVIL!
  21. mental note... don't buy used konig from Renato. Or....it could be the one to get!
  22. Okay, let me think...it should be around $60 - 80 AUD. Now because you are going to the eastern states, it should be in the lower price range, bloody Perth *grumble grumble grumble* . I will check for you tomorrow if you want. Actually, I'll check anyway, as I'll be in town.
  23. But....the DUST!
  24. Pretty much what I did. It's sad that out faith in Yamato's QC is so poor, but by hell they earned it. Well, I still rather have Yamato over Toynami's QC any day of week. But of course.
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