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Everything posted by kensei

  1. While I do agree with you over the Sound Force Vfs, I have to say that M7 boasts some of the finest mecha in Macross as a whole, like the VF-14/17/19 and 22.
  2. Well, temporaryly(is that even a word?), according to the forum rules. But that's not up to me. Back on topic - All I need to make me happy is a 1/48 1A either Max, or Low Vis. But what I really want, waiting, hoping, and holding out for is a CF. Other wise I'd jump the Max 1A band wagon already. I guess my point is, get the Max. Or else pay for it through the nose, if one can still be found. B. Faita found one for the original retail price in a local shop down in Japan didn't he?
  3. Wow, he got banned pretty fast. Well deserved though. In my experience, used DVD's never do up in price, but the 1/48s do. And available for a limited time only and you know it. As we don't know of what Yamato holds in the future for us, I suggest that you do go for the 1/48s. You will not regret it. I mean, you spent ages just looking for a 1/48 VF-1A Max. How long do you think it will take to find a DVD boxset? Not very long I can guarantee you.
  4. 24th or 25th April. Graham Thanks!
  5. Damn...this thread wasn't what I expected it to be.... Because I know nothing about the subject, looking at the title I thought you guys were talking about a new porno or something....
  6. Geez you are so irrepressible Jin. I hope this will warrant the release of another round of plain or Super VF-1J's. Let's wait and see! Well, I guess it's time for me to retire from this thread now, until next month's edition of the Hobby Magazine that is. Would you agree that if these are the pics they show now, the sculptor is already well on his way to another part of the armour, backpack, chest, crotch or legs? When's the next edition of the Dengenki Hobby Mag come out?
  7. They should milk the TV mold for all it's worth. I want a CF, Kakizaki and Max 1A dammit! I'm too lazy and unskilled to make some of these myself. I'm going to have someone recast those side armour panels for me. I want to put them on my unarmoured valks too.
  8. Which gives you time to save. Geez, they are still doubting Yamato.... I'll give the price at a maximum 20-30 dollars more than a VF-1J w/FPs. Time to start saving. I have another long term goal now. Looks like that shelf will never be finished...
  9. HA! In your face naysayers! 10 for me when this comes out! This will be soooo fully sick!
  10. Hmmm, that guy is in my town. I think I know him. I wonder if he would accept 400 AUD cash. I gotta check him out. He might be shifty, no matter how much positive ratings he's got, Victoria Park is only a 25 minute drive. Why does he have to live in a ghetto?
  11. The Hikaru I reckon. It can take FAST Packs if you want to transfer them on to him later, the Max cannot do this. Plus, the blue on Max is absolutely shocking. It's like a baby blue. Ugh.
  12. Unfortunately in real life trying to shoot two guns at once just means you end up not hitting anything. It may look cool in John Woo movies, but it's a really shitty gun fighting technique in real life. Graham But you got the targetting systems of the YF-21 to handle that all for you!
  13. I'd be very keen on trying their pizza. I've been all over the United States, and the best Pizza I've found has been in Western New York. Not just one place, but nearly all of the Buffalo area has superior wings, subs, and pizza to the rest of the nation. I've also found, though, that those recognized in any "official" capacity are often easily outdone by some unknown, hidden away somewhere. I agree that WA is the most obscure place in the world to find the best pizza. But Theo is a hard working guy. He's tried basically everything to keep his customers interested. That's probably how he came up with the dessert pizza's. HE got something with strawberries, chocolate and cream and yadda yadda...It makes you balk, but when you try it, you change your mind.
  14. Hey guys, As you well know, time is running out to buy the FAST Packs and Super VF-1J Hikaru. I need 10 FAST Packs and 2 VF-1Js. Which one should I go for first to guarantee I get them both? Just looking for relative availability in all the stores. I know a couple of places to buy from. HLJ is not one. Not that I would want to buy from them anyway. Just state your opinions. I think I know where to get it from. Cheers lads, kensei
  15. I don't know... I think Rey is the better pilot. BTW, what ep are we up to in terms of availability to download?
  16. We'll probably see the Blast Impulse again, just not flown by Shinn. Just because he swaps mobile suits, doesn't mean they'll get rid of Impulse altogether. I won't be surprised if they give it to Rey.
  17. 1 release only, available in Super and Standard.
  18. kensei

    1/48th scale hands

    Excellent! Finally! PS - I noticed that there is another project there in the backgroud too. Is that you take on a TV A head?
  19. kensei

    1/48th scale hands

    Aweseome! KEepin an eye on the boards tonight.
  20. lol, try telling that to any New Yorker. But let's not start the Pizza Wars again, shall we? Pizza Wars? Have I missed something?
  21. Wrong! Mundaring Weir in Western Australia has the World's Best Pizza. Theo has been crowned World Champion.
  22. So the Destroy is non-transformable? Judging from the code assignment?
  23. For me this was like yeah...okay..., as well. I don't know why, but I really hated Akira. I found it disturbing, and it even scared the freakin' hell out of me or grossed me out at times. Don't ask me why, it just did.
  24. Alright that Realdoll link just cut the cake for me. I'm outta here. Nothing beats the real thing boys.
  25. Now about multiple pilots? A few of the ZAFT mobile suits were like that. Are you saying that it might be piloted by Stellar because it is black?
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