Nah, that's just a resin sculpt, not an ABS Test Shot, which means that the tooling is not done yet (perhaps not even started). In fact even the resin sculpt is not finished as one of the intake covers is not ready (it's missing from the pic)
I'd say based on what I know of Yamato from the past: -
1-2 months to cut the tooling.
Another 1-2 months of making test shots and modifying the tooling to get any bugs worked out.
1 month for the production run.
A couple of weeks for shipping from China to Japan.
We are probably looking at a minimum of 3.5 months up to 6.5 months before the toy is released.
Of course we don't know if the sculpt shown in the photo has Kawamori's/BW's final approval yet. If not and some changes are required, that could add another month or two (at least) to the production time .
Woohooo! More time to save!