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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Great idea, I haven't seen any custom member title's in awhile. Any new ones that is.
  2. You mean they just reissued it as is? No colour change or anything? Wow, that's laziness. Wha?! The VB has been reissued?
  3. I knew it. But, I'll keep my mouth shut.
  4. Yeah. Just jump in the boat and see it, despite the warnings of other antiM7 members. Like or don't like the show, it's up to you. I reckon the mecha are cool, as it is the only time you will ever see a VF-19S, VF-11 Thunderbolt with Full Armour, VF-22 Strumvogels and of course the VF-17s! But yes, too bad there are many recycled frames.
  5. kensei


    They have to. 3000 pcs of the third edition Roy VF-1S, now this. How long do you think the original FAST Pack run lasted? If they do make another run of them, it will still be under the total of non-FAST Packs valks. Becuase of course you cannot assume that everyone who owns a VF-1 will want a FAST Pack, if of course it doesn't come with one already.
  6. Godzilla and Sithlord for sure, but I would say the sith, because of the collections he's got. He got quanatity and variety.
  7. Mildly entertaining for some parts, but most of the parts there was some really bad acting. Worth my $10 I guesss, but not the 1 hour wait.
  8. kensei


    But dude, even if I was to buy a lot compared to the average buyer, at least I am not buying the whole run of them! Put your preorder in for at least one and actively save for it until August. You will have your CF. I am now going to walk and use public transport to get to uni and eating cereal and sandwiches for the next few months to get these babies. Make the necessary sacrifices, and you will be rewarded. Let's start getting in info from the retailers here. Apparently what is confirmed from my local retailer only is the 1. It is a LE version (2) other than HK, it is more likely to hit the streets of America and Australia in September, not August (3) nothing really is mentioned to retailers about this being the "final" variant, not that they really have an interest in that. We only have the caption from the pictures before mentioned.
  9. kensei


    Nah I am pretty sure it won't sell out before released. Even if it's going to be a LE it's not one of those where it's like only 100 produce or something. The thing we should ask is how fast will it sell out once it comes out. This will depend on alot of circumstances. Like whether its a LE, size of production and demand. But still if you look hard you probably can pick one up after a few months being released. But the price then could be lower, higher or the same. That's wha I was thinkin. Even if people want to collect it to sell later, they are going to ahve to dish out an enormous amount of cash. It will not get critical in the first few weeks of sale. It probably will get critical in late October or next Jan. I swear... people here are such experts... the speculations have hit ludicrous speed... yeah tell me about. Well, just wait then. I'm not the one to panic about some toy that might sell out in the first week of release. Sit back and let them come, you know about it so start saving and don't leave it for too long, or you will regret it later. That's all I'm saying. My collecting days are done after this. No more petty collection size wars, just going to work on a display to be proud of, that I am.
  10. kensei


    Nah I am pretty sure it won't sell out before released. Even if it's going to be a LE it's not one of those where it's like only 100 produce or something. The thing we should ask is how fast will it sell out once it comes out. This will depend on alot of circumstances. Like whether its a LE, size of production and demand. But still if you look hard you probably can pick one up after a few months being released. But the price then could be lower, higher or the same. That's wha I was thinkin. Even if people want to collect it to sell later, they are going to ahve to dish out an enormous amount of cash. It will not get critical in the first few weeks of sale. It probably will get critical in late October or next Jan.
  11. kensei


    I haven't talked to anyone about it. I wouldn't order from HLJ anyway, I recieve no reply to my emails and I've lost about $100 USD to them already. @Prometheu5: Do you really think it's going to sell out even before it is going to be released? EDIT: (1) some people misread who I directing the second sentence to (2) I'm F'in dyslexic.
  12. kensei


    Yeah, that could be a possibility. As long as there is demand, there are reissues in the future, sonner or later, doesn't matter, they will come around only when they decide the time is right.
  13. Those look more like DYRL? Hands more than TV hands.
  14. So it's a Zaft MS afterall? Man, I was hoping the Blue Cosmos rumors would be true. And why does Destiny have a normal shield if it has beam shields? Overkill? I swear, it seems as if Destiny is the most loaded Gundam I have seen in my life. 2x Beam Sabres/Boomerangs 1x Beam Rifle 1x Beam Cannon 2x Palm Beam Cannons 1x Anti-Ship Sword 2x Machine guns 1x Shield 2x Knuckle Shields With the amount of powered weaponry it has, I sure hope the battery life holds up. Even Energizer batteries would get a run for their money powering that thing.
  15. latitude -31° 53' 13.597387851484" longitude 115° 52' 18.514863091206" Hope that is right. That is also Valk-1S's relative location, we live in the same city.
  16. kensei


    I don't think that it will be a LE version or if it is, there won't be another production run version. Didn't that TRU Exclusive 1/60 followed by the normal CF piss some people off and hurt Yamato's credibility in the eyes of it's customers? I don't hink that they will be doing that again. I mean, look at the 1/48 LV. Yamato knows that they can make another big fat bonus income for their extended families if they released another production run. But they didn't. Why? Because now they learned that LE is LE. Methinks that this is just the first ones off the conveyor belt that they are delivering tot he Hobby Show, and the rest will be on the shelves of your favourite dealers when the production run is fully finished and ready to ship. Yamato will be shooting themselves in the foot if they put out a LE valk again, there is just too much demand for any of the variants.
  17. kensei


    i see that you will order 30 CF to make up to a hundred 1/48... much brown i sense in you Heh, I forgot about you. I will only buy enough. I don't want to make it to the magic number "100" just for the sake of having "100" valks. If I only need 100 valks, then so be it. I want 18 of them. I plan to convert four to VF-1Ds with Captain america kits. Methinks the tan matches the Hikaru VF-1D tan parts perfectly. I think I can do it and still have a PT valk to play with, as the parts I need to paint orange are not articulated! No paint chipping! Yeah!
  18. kensei


    I really thin that is your own personal opinion. There are some people out there that love the CF, and not others. And they are not completists.
  19. kensei


    So no news frmo other sellers about a run of CF's coming into their inventory? Kevin?
  20. U mean the whole GBP project, or just the bundle with the 1J? GBP Bundle = VF-1J + GBP Armour
  21. BAD! It's "Loves Drifts Away". . . RT-er! Burn him! ? I gave away all my Robotech DVD's awhile ago. I just got the Animeigo set, but haven't had time to watch them all yet. But I think my loyalty can be proven by my sig
  22. Heh heh heh.....
  23. The surface of the SDF-1 looked to be completely redone, then again, that is probably the fact that the movie has more lavash animation than the TV series. I would love it if they made the version seen at the beginning of Force of Arms. That was the most sweetly detailed TV SDF-1 I've ever seen. It should be no bigger than two 1/48s tip to tail to be practical. Then again, they tried to make the 1/60 Monster....
  24. It just doesn't make sense that Athrun is not piloting I. Justice. Even Gunota listed the Justice as piloted under Athrun. I hope that Azrael is right and that these are only rumours. So the pilots of the Destroy and Diablo are new biological CPUs?
  25. I never found their CS to be good anyway. Yamato suppliers are still saying taht the GBP Bundle is not happening.
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