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Everything posted by kensei

  1. In Battroid Mode, is are the forearms of the VF-17 bulletproof?
  2. Damn....I didn't know they had a couple working on the same series. No wonder he found it stressful. But a few rule for anyone makeing an series as long as Gundam: 1. figure out the whole damn plot first before you even start producing. Have a decent story set out, and if you need to make some changes, then make some. 2. No more than two recaps for the entire series! 3. Never ever use the same footage more than twice.
  3. Oh leave the Guy alone, he's now the star of the series!
  4. If all they need is a break then by all means take one. Gundam SEED series was my first Gundam series and I liked the Original. Even Destiny was awesome, but it got crapper as the show went on. I still love the mecha designs and music though. If SEED three does come then hopefully they can deliver an excellent show.
  5. kensei

    1/48 VF-1S

    That's right. I doubt that you would get a second issue for around 135 USD, and there is more chance of getting a fourth one than a fourth one at the moment. The third got eaten up relatively fast due to the long drought of VF-1S Valks around.
  6. kensei

    1/48 VF-1S

    2nd, 3rd and 4th generally come without the velcro flap. Also the Headrest for the pilot should be curved and not flat.
  7. Great work on the Astray Valk-1S. Now I see why you needed that Gold marker so badly, it does add a nicce touch. You work is excellent as well. Did you get the Junk Guild Sticker with LOWE on it?
  8. Woah hang on, those ones are the ones that cover up the screw holes. I think they are trying to make it easier to access. The preveious issues of the 1/48 were plastic and glued shut, you had to get a sharp thin object and pick it out. This kinda makes it easier.
  9. kensei

    1/48 VF-1S

    Nice work Valk-1S. Now everyone has a reference.
  10. Yes they are very loose. Haven't checked it on my first one, yet, only saw it on the second one. Got 20 more to check.
  11. Interesting find last night, the little circles (divided in half) that cover up the screw on the leg on the insides of each knee are made of rubbery material, not plastic like the others. They're actually quite hard to push in and keep from fallling out.
  12. You lucky bastard . You wanna sell it to me . 332779[/snapback] You already got one you greedy old git!
  13. Certainly not 3.
  14. Probably posable but they will better then the vf-1 hands cause they haven't to fold somewhere. 332486[/snapback] I want hands along the lines of MG or PG Gundam Hands.
  15. kensei


    Be assured that the Capt will try to minimise difficulty, and of course Kurt and Anthony (Neova) were offering their services to convert them. Darn Captain, at this rate you'll have the VT and the Elintseeker out by the end of the year too! EDIT: ruskii is quick on the Reply button! Cheers mate.
  16. kensei


    im pretty sure Cap means backpack. Wouldn't make sense if it was the other way around. 332421[/snapback] Could it be the plate that sits underneath the head? That's the only thing I can see that is missing.
  17. kensei


    I hope that these will be available till the beginning of next year. I want , but I'm not making any promises so that I don't tick you off with excess molds. But the time you took, amazing! The details too! Can't wait to see it with a completed canopy and green visor on the head!
  18. Soooo..... Poor planning and timing, and lack of originality on the writer/director's part. Gotcha.
  19. *smack* Just had a flashback. Just downloaded the Astray Red Promo. In reference to SEED series, in the first few eps, what kind of weaponry were the GINNs using? Are laser and beam tech the same or not? Because I am confused as MAHQ and the Astray made the inference that ZAFT didn't have portable beam tech to use on their modbile suits, only the Earth Alliance did. Sure, when ZAFT stole four of the five GAT series they reverse engineered the tech., but don't you think that ZAFT implemented them unrealistically fast on suits such as the , GuAIZ, Bucue and LaGowe?
  20. I just downloaded and watched Ep 48. What a waste of time. Grrr.... should have downloaded 49.
  21. MW forums. Proud of it. Something about this site.......
  22. No I agree, Shinn ain't that bad. A good fight......that's all I'm after......a bloody good fight........is THAT too much to ask Fukada!?
  23. Good on Ken. But that still sucks how he comes out short. But maybe as a dealer he can pull some strings and actually get a real replacement.
  24. That's cool. As long as it is 1/48! Saturday (Sunday for me) is going to be sooooo awesome!
  25. Good eye. But to me it looks silly when you overlap them, it will affect how the wings extend in fighter and GERWALK modes, making the wings look lopsided in direct front and rear profiles.
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