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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Being in the military, I'm sure that there is a big stash of them for him to use, who knows, maybe it comes standard with his uniform for those unexpected encounters.
  2. Personally, GGs level of accuracy for the time spent is perfect for me. Perfect compromise between accuracy and speed. I must say that one of the best moments WAS when Ranka started to sing Anata no Oto. Really captured the moment. I only wish that the last song was one strong good clear version of both her and Ranka doing Lion.
  3. Man, I just got new Logitech Speakers, and when listening to Welcome to my Fanclub Night, the bass is pumpin!
  4. I was actually referring to the 1/60.
  5. Not that it wouldn't be that hard to implement detail on parts that DO have plenty of room, such as the knees, neck and shoulders.
  6. Awesome. The Judah system was the AI program that was used in the Sharon Apple Incident. Seems Luca has modified it to be battlefield practical. I was wrong about the Ghost V-9s though, they sport a red dorsal section and a blue underside, it has both a laser cannon and missiles. Great to see the technologies from Plus being used.
  7. Those more detailed photos really make a difference. Good from far, but far from good as they say.
  8. These new Universe figures are really good, now that they are here. Little gripe before about Powerglide, but the new Autobot cars are not bad. They pose really well.
  9. Galaxy's tech really intrigues me. There are noticeably two versions of the Ghosts, one that has energy based weapons like the 27, and one that is more missile based. The ones that I am talking about are in blue. Also their A.I. have been improved. They work to destroy the enemy and protect the mothership. Same for Luca's Judah system. Notice when he was about to be fried by laser fire, the Ghost moved in front of his cockpit to sacrifice itself. Much like support craft in Raiden Fighters.
  10. Helmet inconsistency again in the last ep. Brera holds his forehead directly to stop the blood flow, but how?
  11. I love the Judah system of Luca's. Real awesome to see, and the Ghost - G Variant...so cool!
  12. A LOT of references to other Macross in this episode. That was the best thing about it. With the love triangle, who cares if it is unresolved? I'm satisfied that it wasn't!
  13. The only thing that I didn't like about the end was the music medley. I kjust wanted one good song, and I guess I am glad that it wasn't focused on Anata no Oto. I was hoping for a good Extended Version of Lion, but perhaps that would be rectified in the Movie.
  14. EX Gear. There are no standard control per 25, it depends on the EX Gear to link up to it. Then again, we gotta explain why a loli has her own EX Gear.
  15. What could really help is the reduction in size of his head. Now under his chestplate, I see a heart. The only reason I could think it is there is because of the homage to the cartoon episode the girl who loved powerglide.
  16. Only way Basara or Minmei would show up is if either seiyuu was busy with Big West at this time.
  17. I remember a certain annoying member who was temp banned as well and created another account and he/she is now back too, and I feel that he is even MORE annoying than misterryno. But, I feel that if the mods are lenient again on this issue, being banned is no longer viewed as a proper punishment but a simple annoyance. I applaud the mods for taking a stronger stance in this matter.
  18. Just got Powerglide, and damn, he is ugly. His only saving grace is the good size, and also the fact that his transformation has been one of the more satisfying ones to date. I like complex. Whoever designed the oversized engines (that ruin most of the otherwise good looks) and the landing gear should be shot. Oh yeah, and also the gun. Prowl is quite cool. I like how everything is hidden in vehicle mode.
  19. I'd volunteer to be temp banned, but you can still see the forums, so there is no point.
  20. Yeah that's right. I asked that question to a HK dealer, there is no toy tax in HK.
  21. Best put together 1/72 I've seen so far. A little overboard with the tinting, but still good. Bandai have done a terrible knee design though, ugh.
  22. Which I am afraid, may be the main song for the final episode.
  23. I'd be eternally grateful if they could come out with a script within 6 hours of the RAW. Too much to ask though, it's just a wish.
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