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Everything posted by kensei

  1. $80 USD before shipping. Check the other thread "1/48 VF-1D Conversion Kit enquiries." It's out now, and ready to ship. Some people have already got it.
  2. Just wondering while I have them here. Does anyone want some G1 parts or figures? I'm not interested in them anymore, and they are just sitting here. I was planning to let em off for cheap.
  3. Don't say that if you have nothing to compare it to.
  4. Just like the 1/48s. Look at the kneecaps.
  5. I never thought they would have made this.
  6. Thanks dude. Good picture.
  7. I think everyone should let their hopes on a bigger scale die. Yamato will probably only make scales that are impressive and managable, but stupidly outrageously big so that you have to park it in your garage.
  8. I wish you were here in my country. My best mate's uncle is the head of consumer protection. We could go and turn up in Black suits and have him kick their ass. But alas.
  9. Why am I nice to you for? The 1/48 Macross Line was released on the following dates: 11-27-2002 1/48 DYRL? VF-1A Hikaru Ichijo 02-22-2003 1/48 DYRL? VF-1S Roy Focker 05-17-2003 1/48 DYRL? VF-1A Maximilian Jenius 07-31-2003 1/48 DYRL? Style VF-1A Low Visibility (Limited Edition) 00-00-2003 1/48 DYRL? VF-1A Hikaru Ichijo (2nd version) 00-00-2003 1/48 DYRL? VF-1S Roy Focker (2nd version) 08-11-2003 1/48 DYRL? VF-1S Hikaru Ichijo 11-28-2003 1/48 TV VF-1J Hikaru and Super VF-1J Hikaru 04-00-2004 1/48 TV VF-1J Super Maximilian Jenius 05-00-2004 1/48 TV VF-1J Super Miria Fallyna Jenius 12-12-2004 1/48 DYRL? VF-1S Roy Focker 3rd Production Run ??-??-2004 1/48 TV Style VF-1J JBC Credit Card Promotion (only 3 in the world) ??-??-2005 1/48 DYRL? VF-1A Mass Production Version (Cannon Fodder) 1/48 VF-1 Accessories were released on the following dates: 08-29-2003 1/48 DYRL Super/Strike Armor 05-00-2004 1/48 Clear Armor Parts Kit ??-12-2005 1/48 GBP-1S Armour Set I've done half the work. Now go do the rest.
  10. BUt the forearms reside a little higher than the 1/48. It won't scrape the ground. This is Yamato we are talking about, not Toynami. Yamato has QC issues, not design issues.
  11. BUt it looks good to have the gunpod that fat. I always thought that the 1/48 one looked a bit thin.
  12. Don't you call it a chunky monkey. It is way too good looking for that.
  13. We should make a website for stuff like this and display the incompetence of the postal services fo the countries. Remember Chronopost?
  14. Crap. Oh well. Just hope the coversion rate is favourable.
  15. I would. I reckon they look way better than a Bandai, and certainly a hell of a lot better than that sh!t Toynazi puts out.
  16. How cool is that. Thanks Capt.
  17. He's an amicable bloke, I'm not against him or dissin him, maybe he just got screwed from his sources. As for his handle, well, maybe he just likes to chat.
  18. Well, I don't know if he was credible, this was the guy who put out rumours that the third editon of the Roy VF-1S 1/48 by Yamato was going to be in a TV grey, plus ROy pilot and TV Hands and paint scheme.
  19. Custom Skull Leader VF-19? I thinkk I saw that on ebay. Did you win it Chowser?
  20. It's for the Gunpod man.
  21. Damn small pics...h well best we got. IT sure looks mighty fine. Bring it on. This guy is as beef as A1.
  22. Yeah, but when we were kids we liked it especially because of the cool looking robots waling on each other. Many of us didn't even know what the word philosophy meant. Years have past and people see more meaning in Macross whereas stuff like GiJoe and Transformers just pushes the nostalgia button (if anything). As time passes some new fans will get it others will not, just as it happened with us. 340381[/snapback] That's why I don't get into Transformers anymore, and continue to endorse and recommend Macross as one of the best old school anime around.
  23. That's ultra nice Haterist. Can't wait till the final painted product. Keep up the good work. You have done awfully well to get it together so quickly after recieval.
  24. I dont know why, but i got kind of mad by this. I think the music and song and dance was VERY important to the themes of macross. If you look at the the symbolism behind the anime. The music and the love triangle was clearly repesentative of "love" and the zentraedi and fighting were represented as the theme "war". And altogether Macross whole theme was "love AND war" Not just the fighting as Robotech would have liked. Why would you even be asking the SINGER that? Pfft sorry im done ranting. 340363[/snapback] I'm starting to wonder, maybe in a VERY limited way, Roy was right. I'm not sure some of those people get the point of Macross. They look at it as a mecha-fest when it was actually a bit more philosophical that robots waling on each other. 340365[/snapback] Gazzards. Macross is so much more than that.
  25. 12 for me. That's if they come with other stuff too, GBP and Full Armour with Ghost. Damn, they are dtailed chicken hands. More money on customs hands for me. *sigh* Hey at least they don't have to retract, so they can stay on!
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