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Everything posted by kensei

  1. If I get a Angelbirds version of the 1/48 out, I'm gonna give it my spare Max and Millia FAST Packs. And mix the covers. Voila, quick and easy FP Custom.
  2. Damn I love those missiles....
  3. Sorry mate, yes I am talking about a computer DVD Drive. Thanks for the answer I'll look up on it. So I can get software? I'll try download.com.
  4. Hi Guys. Just realised something tonight before my uncle stuffed my computer up for good. On DVD players these days, you have to set the region that you want to use. This is usually the case with all the recent ones or so i've seen. Apparently though, when it asks me to change the region, there is a finite number of times that you can change the regions. I only have one left. Apparently it's an anti-piracy thing, and it doesn't matter if the DVDs are legal or not, but after you change it for the last time, it will permanently set it at the region you've last selected. I'm just wondering if there was anyway to get past this? I'm not that computer savvy and google is proving fruitless. Is it a hardware or software thing? Can anything be done?
  5. That looks sweet! Wish I had one now.
  6. That's been a major gripe I've had with the way Linux is handled, and I AM computer-savvy. There's been way too little effort expended on user-friendliness for it to be the Windows killer it's supporters keep claiming it is/should be/will become. 406007[/snapback] Awesome! I feel much better now.
  7. Seriously? I think that you're probably the opposite of me! I've been using PCs since my old 486 DX2 Packard Bell with Windows 95, and I've been using Windows XP pretty much since it came out, on a total of four different machines. And it's not that I dislike Windows now, just that I'm kinda bored with using it everyday, so I decided to branch out. I've messed around with a few Linux distros (Knoppix, SUSE, and Mepis mostly), and while they seem interesting, the computer I've dedicated to being a Linus box is a tad underpowered, and combined with my lack of familiarity with KDE, I haven't done much with it. On the other hand, I installed a patched version of Mac OS X Tiger on a spare hard drive and put it in my main system. It doesn't run perfectly, because the hardware isn't real Apple hardware, but I've still found myself to be very impressed. It looks more modern than Windows XP, perhaps even Vista. In fact, a lot of the newer features to be incorporated in Vista are already in Tiger. I think it's also very user-friendly, as well. Overall, I think I'm finding that there are some things that Mac OS does better (mostly the little day-to-day things), and some things Windows does better (gaming, and I still like Windows Explorer). And it's not so much that I want to switch to being a Mac-user as it is that, in the future, I intend to keep at least one Mac and one Windows PC up and running. 405793[/snapback] Yup seriously, but to each his own. I'm not saying that WinXp is without it's problems, but it works better for what I do. I've had my PC for about....5 years now, P4 1.9 GHz and I still use it, it works like a dream. I'm not doing the graphics thing with my Pharmacy degree and I use Freemind and Microsoft Office extensively, so there is no need for a Mac. Also I like the games that it has to offer too. I'll be upgrading soon, But I'm in no real rush as it still does the job for me. There's a time for Mac's and time for PCs. Linux? Not for me mate. Too complicated, I'm not all that computer savvy.
  8. Oh yeah, I forgot to say what OS I use. I use both WinXP Pro at home and at uni. I used Macs for 6 years, when I finally discovered PCs I never went back. Always prefer Firefox, and sometimes I use IE6 cause the Mcarosmedia stuff I need to download and get assessed on won't work in firefox.
  9. I think i've seen one in Force of Arms. Before they blew up Bodolza's fortress....there was one sticking out ofthe hatch with the other missiles.
  10. kensei


    Bringing a never before seen VF to life....I love it!
  11. VF-1(X) - Factory Version or something.
  12. I just checked out seamonkey....and man does it suck. Firefox is like way easier and more convenient to use. It looks suspiciously like Netscape too, which I hate even more.
  13. Just needed some help here with my GQ MMM series Strike Deactive Mode and also Force Impulse. On my Chogokin Strike, the left arm at the elbow joint is loose and I assume the whole damn thing is metal against metal. The right shoulder joint which is plastic to metal. Anyone know how to get these types of joints tight again? Nailpolish don't work here....
  14. That's really what I wanted people to speculate in this thread....something that's not a VF-1 or VF-1esque. Something that we would never have dreamed that they would consider.
  15. Same here. I'll wait to see who IGN picks next week. 404820[/snapback] But I do respect that she is a fine woman, not ugly, jsut not my type of beauty.
  16. This one I'll have to say no to.
  17. Here we go....
  18. mention it to Graham to pass it on. in small quantities, yamato might be surprised at what they can sell.
  19. I agree with the first one......but really, while respecting other people's opinions just wondering what is wrong with the second one?
  20. Heehee. http://www.dailysixer.com/ffad.shtml
  21. The Prince looking clapping chick was Arclight (no relation, thank god)... yes that was a chick believe it or not. Edit: Arclight was played by Omahyra Mota, a very emu looking model. 403899[/snapback] Shockwave if I rememeber correctly?
  22. It's as Bling as Akatsuki.
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