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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Australia haven't gotten a qualification, much less a world cup since 1974.
  2. A VF-5000 is not really anything new I reckon, the transofrmation sequence is so similar to the VF-1, if we use the VF-1 as our standard of transforming fighter. VF-17, hell yes it was in VF-X2. I place the VA-3 Invader in the same category as the VB-6 KonigMonster, something new and unexpected that I wouldn't mind seeing.
  3. I think that the two seater 1D is possible now that I looked at that New SK Works.... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/shoji/page-7.jpg
  4. I think the wings already do that, you mean the Hyper Dive position right? They have to fold back to get to that particular position alongside the legs in battroid mode.
  5. Stuff Gunota, if you say it, I will believe it Az. Bandai thinks that SEED fans got DRAGOON fever.
  6. Don't know, but not to me. Anything that is about the length of 30 cm in battroid height or fighter mode length is workable for Yamato to make it perfect transformation while keeping it within a reasonable size. Hence why most of the transforming stuff is around that scale I reckon, even the Konig Monster. In fact, the Konig Monster was even shorter than the 1/48 VF-1.
  7. The feet look way better though. I hope for the fans that the kibble can actually reattach to the legs anyway.
  8. Can those shoulders be angled slightly upwards like a Gundam? If you can tell Yamato to make the wings more alrger, I'll be mucho impressed. I think that a larger wingspan makes the YF-19 look like that, simply magnificent. Any chance we'll get a heavy weapons module accessory with this? And will one of the features be internal missile bays?
  9. The real test of the looks of the YF-19 is the look of the legs while in GERWALK Mode.
  10. All that we need to complete the trio is a Red Frame with a Mars Jacket. It looks puny compared to the other two Frames.
  11. All in favour of torture instead say "aye".
  12. TV 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru FP): 004 1/48 Vf-1J (Miria FP): 007 1/48 Vf-1J (Max FP): 007 DYRL 1/48 Vf-1A (Hikaru): 008 1/48 Vf-1A (Max): 013 1/48 Vf-1A (CF): 022 1/48 Vf-1S (Hikaru): 007 1/48 Vf-1S (Roy): 024 Variations 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis I): 002 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis II): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth FP): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Black): 000 Accessories 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Blue): 006 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Camo): 000 1/48 Vf-1 FP: 031 1/48 Vf-1 FP(Clear): 001 Others 1/60 Vf-0S Roy: 000 1/60 QR Miria: 001 1/60 QR Max: 000 1/100 VB6 Koeing: 004
  13. I've been waiting like years for this. I hoped that one would come our as soon as the first 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru was released. I knew that Yamato could do so much better with their toy designs when I saw the Thunderbolt and YF-21.
  14. Battroid doesn't look bad, but really the fighter mode looks ass-tastic.
  15. Might be a good quick buck for them.
  16. I want to check out the posablility. It should be pretty amazing, they'll base it on the VF-1 I think.
  17. Well, I'm hoping that they haven't started producing them yet, so if Graham can tell them about those minor issues, they might increase customer satisfaction and also have less replacements being sent out by making sure that such issues are solved before a lot are produced.
  18. You're kiddin right? Man look at the deatils on that baby, the wings are nice and slim from the front profile, and sweep nice and large for the top profile. Intakes are nice and sharp, loosk like they will put in turbine details. Probably the only thing that looks weird is the gunpod (thought that it would be phatter) and the shield too, and also the cowboy leggedness of the 19 in Battroid mode. Who the hell cares! It hasn't looked any better than this! I'm a getting 7! No wait, I'm waiting for a custom fold booster, so make that 8!
  19. The official dark Horse for this year is the YF-19. I seriously hope that they release the FAST Packs with it, as you know, FAST packs on the YF 19 and 21 are not really FAST packs, or big enough to warrant a seond release... A Watch battery powered Fold Booster would be sweet.
  20. What you're telling me that the gunpod can be stored in the leg compartment? Oh man, here come the Sturmvogel and possibly, just possibly the VF-19A and the F and S. That's a big hope right Graham? Maybe they can get a Super Robot Wars Licence.
  21. For little figures, these things sell damn well. I wish that they would release the first series again. I keep missing out with no cash.
  22. That's it.
  23. What would be funny is that it is actually a photo of the next series of CMs:lol:
  24. Betcha that's the chase....
  25. My ears....the pain...how can they do that do Roy?
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