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Everything posted by kensei

  1. And it is. At this stage, demanding more is just nitpicking to the extreme. Who knows what some modifications to the underbelly might do to the funciton of the toy as a whole? It's as perfect as it'll ever be, and plus, it's a CAD drawing, not even the real prototype.
  2. Here: http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showtopic=12890 Most useful thing is the 6th post. For your question anyway.
  3. Geez bro, take it easy.....you got your VF-0
  4. someone vote for a VF-17 STAT
  5. I wonder if they can do it with the Full Armour Variant in mind. I won't be expecting much, but it would be interesting.
  6. I'm copying that list before it gets lost by topic deletion. Thanks for screwing up another thread LK.
  7. Nothin wrong with bein phat.
  8. too right. That was interesting.
  9. I agree with you totally on that one. I cleaned out Toy-Wave's stock, he actually had to order more from Yamato, and that was it. No more was to be seen by him. I do not think that there was ever a re-release of the Max.
  10. I hope that they team up against him, but also fight each other. That would be awesome! Villian vs. Villian!
  11. kensei

    1/48 Gbp

    That looks better actually. I have 4 spare CF lying around, might use them for this.
  12. Nope, not a good idea to bring back the 1/60s. The heatshield and the hands would be even smaller or have to be removable. Anything around 30 cm in battroid or fighter mode is perfect. Don't care about scale. For once, bigger is not always better when you consider it in the bigger scheme of things (i.e. shelfspace AND roomspace)
  13. During the last WC, after they lost to the Koreans, the Italian team that had the Korean bloke that scored the goal (for his home country Korea) kicked off the team.
  14. Hell yeah! That means I only have to buy a small quantity, and don't have to expect the giftset.
  15. I really thought they would have thought of everything like loose joints by now, you know, the in the first few valks that make it off the production run BEFORE they continue? Perhaps not cause he had it on the VF-0. I hope that they learn it this time.
  16. Try Ken...the guy in my sig, he's in HK as well as Anthony. Both good dealers, 80% of my valks and accessories come from them.
  17. Is the second run released already?
  18. Aussies are out due to a controvertial decision with the ump./ Italy go forward. Brazil will advance to the next round too, that's a given, but out of Germany and France, who would advance?
  19. What? She's alright. EDIT: WOAH She IS alright.
  20. May your will be done Lord Azrael. I'll admit that if the F91 had thicker legs, it would have a more stronger looking and intimidating prescence.
  21. Bout time you changed your sig eh Nani?!
  22. The Yamato one was too small as well right?
  23. If it was the price of a Stackhat I would buy it.
  24. The Shin VA is pretty good!
  25. that's what they look like to me dude.
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