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Everything posted by Ahab

  1. Perhaps, they too were mounted to the bomber wings (two valks per bomber)? Yep, that's what I'm goin' with!
  2. When I was a kid, I rented a bootleg copy of Flashback from a local comic book store. Like everyone I was stoked to see the next incarnation of the valk. We were all instant fans of the new design. The strange thing was, none of us were aware that it transformed. I don't even recall a debate about it. I think we just accepted the fighter concept for what it was (what we thought it was). Of courae, this was back in the late eithies when imports were rare (both video and art books). It wasn't until the last ten years or so that I realized it transformed! Guess I've been living in a cave... , That being said, although I really dig the fighter design, I'm not too crazy about the other modes. This is one valk I'll have to live vicariously through the lucky members who will score this creation. Hopefully, a good fighter mode model will come along soon to satify the minority!
  3. I'm looking at my 11c right now and I have to say that it's a really well made toy. It feels solid and holds its modes well. My only issue it the short landing gear. If any money could be alotted in a re release budget to fixes, I hope it would go to a telescopic gimmick to extend the landing gear. For know I'll have to display my scratch built boosters wheels up !
  4. Someone needs to keep an eye on the bar...
  5. Great work and thanks for the link!
  6. Could you post a link? Thanks, Justiiciar.
  7. Thanks for the info, Ghadrack.
  8. It was the TV version. I won't condemn it as a waste of time or effort until I knew a bit more about it. Even a non transformable version could be a doable, in terms of cost.
  9. Does anyone recall the member who was trying to pitch a large scale SDF kit (I think it was 1/2000) based on digital mock-ups? I recall it looking very good, but it wasn't well received. People seemed to be gunshy at the thought of committing to that technology, at the time. From the looks fo things around here, it might not be a bad time for this project to resurface.,,
  10. Nice work, Ghost.
  11. True, as with most Yamato releases!
  12. Indeed, I will be painting it. I bought it little over a year ago, I"m just waiting for a little time off to make headway. I've primarily been working on the electronics for the ARMDs and the SDF-1 (each ship has an independent power source). I'll be posting progress pics, I hope, very soon. Ahab
  13. These 1/2000 scale valks and battroids from Yamato were briefly covered in a previous thread some time ago, but I thought I'd share a few pictures with a 1/2000 ARMD for reference. The sculpts are quite nice with amazing detail with the battroid having two pieces: figure and wing/backpack unit. I'd imagine, if you can get past the scale difference, these tiny VF-1S mecha would work well with 1/3000 displays, as well. I stumbled upon these while on a random "macross"search at HLJ.
  14. Ahab

    1/48 enemy pod

    Mike, Great job on the pod. As for new molds and locator pins, I'd say skip it. I think molding what you have would be fine. I don't mind a little work on my end. In fact you've already saved me loads of time as a 1/48 pod was on my list to build anyway! Now I can concentrate on my 1/48 monster... With regards to scale of the figure, I thinks EXO has it right. However there is always grey area when it comes to the pods and their pilots. If you were designing the pilot to fit the pod, I'd sculpt it to fit comfortably. I've yet to see a kit were the pilot could actually get in and pilot it, even minimally. Again, great interpretation. Ahab
  15. Welcome 1S. Great project. Looking forward to seeing the hard copies!
  16. Do those kits include the special parts(as indicated on the Yamato site)? I didn't realize HLJ sold the web exclusives.
  17. They look great! Any possibility in some 1/2000 scale valks and bridge details?!
  18. Great progress! Looking forward to the paint.
  19. Amen on the gullet!
  20. Ahhh, one of my favorite designs by my favorite designer! Looking forward to this one. Good luck!
  21. Great work Mechtech! You should really be proud of what you've accomplished.
  22. Great work so far! The bridge details really enhance the scale. Keep up the good work.
  23. Glad to see you back. Progress looks great!
  24. It's almost there!! Excerpt from a conversation I had with my wife this morning: Me: Hey baby, check this out. My lady: Holy crap!! That looks real. It looks like the SDF-1 is parked at the Burbank airport!!
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