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Everything posted by Ahab

  1. I'll agree with that. That poster is better left unseen
  2. C,mon....If the content fo this thread didn't include Robotech posts, it (this thread) would more than likely fade away. If we Mospeada fans want to continue to see Mospeada content, we're going to have to suck it up when it comes to Robotech.
  3. ? Too clever for me...
  4. I agee. I would be a good kit to cannablize, though. Dioramas depicting valk in various levels of construction or repair.... that sort of thing.
  5. I guess I really lucked out on this one. I don't own any frontier toys and only managed to make it through the first episode. Just not my bag... But when the the red/white yf-29 came out, I really dug it and thought it will propably be my one and only Mac F purchase. Alas, it came and went by the time went to buy... I was up late working the other morning (about 2:30am) when I came across this thread. I decided to give it a shot and secured one at AE for 15,300yen. I'm not 100% sure I'll keep it when it arrives (the paint job is a little 'tennis shoe' for me, but its growin' on me), but if I don't I'll be sure to list it in the appropriate MW forum. cheers-
  6. I hope yamato will interpret the "thighs" a little differently than they have so far. Looks a bit out of place considering the rest of the mech's design. The resin kit, pictured a couple pages back, had an aestheticly pleasing solution. Am I alone here?
  7. A modest start to my collection... Didn't realize I had one going til I started putting them together this evening. I felt like a bit of a goob at the start, but I had fun 'playing'. Notice Cobra Commander's outrage at being second in line to see Spinal Tap.
  8. Ahab

    Macross figures

    How about some "dudes" in non-ambercrombie poses wearing flight suits or ground support gear or maybe a bridge crew in uniform? I dig the ladies as much as the next guy, but come on...
  9. A little wash goes a long way for the CM Treads.
  10. This looks interesting...... http://www.yamato-toys.com/blog/img/370-3.jpg
  11. First of all, I love this topic! If you're gunna dream, dream big.....then make it happen! It sounds like you have your head in the right spot: Learn all you can in the way of educating yourself in various builing techniques and by no means let the fire die. When I made the transition from oil painting to large scale sculpture, I quickly realized I needed to gain new skill sets to achieve the work I wanted. The empowerment you reep will keep the dream alive. Now if I was dreaming of a 1/1 scale destroid, I envision a downed Phalanx, craddled into the earth with one of its missile pods converted into a small pool/fountain, or better yet....a jacuzzi!
  12. http://www.gundammodelkits.com/modelers-g-take-off-vf-1-valkyrie-diorama.html Just came across this. Looks great!
  13. Hopefully people will support this... Who knows, maybe the monster will resurface.
  14. yeessss
  15. Looking good! What scale will you produce this in?
  16. ..didn't see that comin!
  17. The forums sometimes remind me of Thanksgiving with the in-laws...everyone brings baggage! You can't say one thing without the table exploding !
  18. As for the Mac7 toys...get em if you like the designs. As for story...make up your own, cause hand down it'll be better than the show ! Just sayin.
  19. Ahoy Everyone! Apologies for the lack of posts of late, but I've been revamping my shop a bit. My old (and when I say 'old', I'm talkin 70 years+,old) vacuum pump has finally bitten the dust. I've joined the 21st century and bought a Robinair 1.5 CFM pump. For those who aren't familiar with the mold making process, a vacuum pump and chamber/pot are used to evacuate air from silicone. The advantage of this is not only evident in cleaner (bubble free) molds but in consistant castings. When pressure casting, too much air in silicone molds can distort castings somewhat. Its not always evident at a casual glance, but precision castings can suffer. Farewell, my beauty... More updates in a few days.... Ahab-
  20. They did tell me the toy is "still on track" and will be released in the HK market, so let's keep our fingers crossed that HLJ or any like company gets their hand on some!
  21. Congrats Justiciar, looks great! It must be something in the air, I've also been heavily into the monster of late, just finished my 1/2000 and working on a 1/48. Have you decided on a price yet? Cheers Ahab
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