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Everything posted by Lonewolf

  1. Nice recast. Do you plan on selling them for a limited time only?
  2. Nice poses.
  3. Well, at least Starship Troopers was entertaining. Spawn was okay, but nothing more, all the others were crap IMHO.
  4. That PSX DYRL intro was just great. Very nice to see some kind of prequel to DYRL and the animation quality is really excellent. Does anyone know if there is more that what's in that link? I'd really like to see the rest if it exists.
  5. They were.
  6. 1/48 DYRL VF-1S Hikaru started it for me.
  7. Nice, I look forward to get my hands on that.
  8. Here's what I have so far. 1/48 VF-1J TV Hikaru on it's way 1/48 DYRL GBP-1S 1/48 DYRL Super & Strike parts 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru 1/60 Macross Plus YF-19 1/60 Macross Plus YF-19 Fast Pack Pre-ordered
  9. Welcome aboard Sakura! I Pre-ordered the YF-19 as soon as it was listed on BBTS and up to now all I can really complain about is the crooked gunpod which I fixed and the stress mark on 1 of the tabs under the cockpit. Overall I'm really satified with and buying the Fast Pack afterwards doesn't bother me too much. The YF-19+Fast Pack combo will have an updated version of the YF-19 with some fixes, but I really don't mind having a 1st run edition of the toy. As for your chances of having QC issues it's a wild bet. I'm sure you've read stories on this forum. IMHO if you don't transform it all the time it should hold up together pretty well. I hope that helps calm you heart a bit.
  10. Fire Wolf squadron. Obviously there would be red on it with a tail fin logo representing a red wolf head.
  11. I think it would be impossible to get a perfect transformation for this one. Just look at the legs. They are under the engines about mid wing in fighter mode and where they are supposed to be in battroid is not possible without removing them.
  12. Lonewolf

    Graham's Sig

    Well I guess time will tell. I like Dobber's interpretation though.
  13. Lonewolf

    Graham's Sig

    Well to revive this topic, what do you think his new sig means : Catch a falling Starfighter Put it in the pocket of your jeans You can use it as a cigarette lighter Or as an opener for a can of beans
  14. I wonder how much BBTS will be selling it?
  15. GOD LORD! It can't be true... Mylene IS cute, but I think we've seen enough of her.
  16. I'd do Minmei, then the bridge bunnies except Shammy, then Misa and I'd do Shammy last.... Carp I must have been thinking outloud again... :lol Seriously, older girls have always been it for me so Misa all the way.
  17. Lonewolf

    Hikaru's Bad Day

    Nice strip
  18. That's one hell of a collection Emerson.
  19. I love my YF-19, but I'd never buy a repaint.
  20. Well during the moon festival, we can clearly see some full size Zentraedis in the audience. So some of them MUST be left in the Sol system.
  21. I originally intended on passing on this one since it was so small, but the thing is growing on me.
  22. Nice repaint. I think the chest plates should have been some shade of grey. Otherwise, great paint job.
  23. Nice paint job.
  24. I don't really car which companu makes the new toys as long as they are well built and durable. Though I must say Yamato will be hard to surpass.
  25. Very nice... Must take forever to build.
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