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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. Watched the 2nd episode of Igloo 2 today. I'm really loving all the detail they are putting in to all the non mobile suit units. We got a lot of tank loving in this episode and the next seems to be more loving for the Guntank. Though it would be cool to see if they can make a gundam look and move real too, like they have done with the Zakus, but then again that might just ruin the Igloo experience since we're getting good stories without a mention of the "Gundam". Even the first series produced a entertaining show without Gundams, except for a short footage of it in the 3rd episode. Seems Igloo 2 is gonna end with Odessa, just like the 3rd episode of the first series. Perhaps they have plans to make three more to end it at Aboa Qu.
  2. I'm not much of a figure collector, but i would probably get this figure but no female from macross can ever beat Misa
  3. Yeah, shame about the price though I gonna try and see if i can make my mode locks look better when they arrive. Since they were quite cheap i can afford to mess with them with my dodgy modelling skills
  4. aw, just realised those cheap mode locks come with big holes in the legs, I ordered some last week and they're already shipped. Too late to cancel Looks like i'll have to try my hand at modding them, since i have some putty i can always fill up the holes.
  5. I would pilot the Hyakushiki from Zeta
  6. I've got 2 other GMs too, I got the RGM 79G and also a RGM 79Q.
  7. Ok, heres my GM, its nothing special, all i done was paint it white, used gundam weathering markers and smudged them a bit to make the white a bit dull. The red is unpainted. Though i enjoy making models painting is not one of my strong points.
  8. I was kind of put off by the greenish blue colour too, but when you look at the anime or art some GMs do have that colour. My MG GM is painted white, but i dulled it down a bit with weathering markers cos it was too bright. My GM isn't as good as promethuem5's paint job though.
  9. Since everything is HD for PS3 there is no NTSC or Pal issues to be concerned about apart from region codes if your buying Blu ray from Europe to play on your US PS3. I'm not sure what the mains power supply in main land Europe is, but if your coming to the UK the mains power is rated at 230v-240v. I've got a US dvd player, i had to get a step down power converter for it.
  10. I wish the UK had more Gundam/Anime stores, I always have to get my stuff form Japan or Hong Kong. When I do find some shops selling Gundam etc in the UK, they are usually really expensive. I went to my nearest Forbidden Planet store, found a HCM pro figure they were selling it for £50!!! that's about $75 USD.
  11. Tomino may have created gundam, but i think he's lost all the "power" over the franchise, its now bandai that decides whats canon and whats not. Hence we get so many alternate shows coming out that could have been called something else but they chose to put gundam in the title so they can milk the franchise.
  12. When i'm building gundam kits i usually paint some bits that are not in the right colour, but over all if its a pre-coloured kit i would leave it the way it is, then panel line it. Painting machines i find easy, if a certain part is one colour, but if i was to try and paint patterns like camo or weathering effects, i always end up making a mess. The T61 tank dosen't look that difficult to paint since its mostly one colour scheme. When it comes to painting people, i just can't paint small details like the eyes or shading in clothes. I painted the pilots in my MG Patlabor Ingram and they ended up looking like they're high on drugs
  13. Has anyone tried the UC hard graph models? they look great. I'm thinking of getting some, but i'm no good at painting people or weathering my models. The kit thats cuaght my eye is the T61 tank http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN957471 Its quite expensive though
  14. Hey, I had that set too, it was called the Bio Flesh Regenerator by kenner Anyway about the movie, i'm not really looking forward to it, just like T3 and the TV show they were really big disapointments for me T3 seemed "too clean" or toned down, while the TV show is really boring. They say the new movies are going to be darker, but i don't really believe them. They'll probably try and make the movies more appealing to kids judging by the new toy line thats coming out.
  15. I hope Unicorn would get a english translation, but that is highly unlikely, considering the fanbase in the west or english speaking countries are mostly into alternate universe shows, I don't see UC making much of an impact on the market. At best if Unicorn gets animated it would be a ova for the old fanbase only and not for new fans.
  16. oops, my mistake , but 0083 still changed directors half way through.
  17. The 0083 show was a mess, it had great mecha designs and battles, but the actual plot, story and characters were just plain rubbish/boring imo. The fact that it had a change of directors, because the first one died probably had a big impact on where the story was heading. I don't see the point in remaking this or any of the other UC shows. If they were to make a new UC series it would be in the form of a ova like Igloo. I don't think they would go for a whole new UC tv series, I believe Bandai would just keep churning out the alternate universe crap for TV.
  18. Nice pictures, I'm really jealous, i wish i had known earlier about the full case having all the parts. No point in me buying a full case now, then i'll have 3 sets of figures and would have spent a fortune just to get the landmate. Just most shops i visited either sell them sperate or sell the full case, but they say its a "randomly packed box of ten" so i'm confused
  19. If i buy a full case, theres still no guarantee that i'll get the right parts, and if i buy the figures seperately its the same, so i'm really not going to spend any more money to complete the figure, at least i have the full team, but would have been nice to get the Landmate as that was the main reason why i bought the kits in the first place.
  20. I just bought a full set of 1/20 snap fit kits by hot toys. Though the figures are great, i'm really disapointed as i thought a full set ment i can complete the Land Mate figure. Turns out i need to buy more than one of the same figure just to get all the parts for it, HOW BLOODY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!
  21. Since the first igloo concentrated on the same cast, I think the new one is actually heading in the direction of depicting a glimpse of a soldier's personal battle within a big battle. That way each episode is probably not connected to each other.
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