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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. I'm a commander level 5, Wong@River_Waters, USS Pineapple Salad (akira Class)
  2. A stroll in the jungle with my away team Fighting Species 8472
  3. Yeah i like how its kind of casual cos i didn't really like spending hours grinding away on RF online and when i got into a guild, there were just so many demands that made the game even more boring and less fun. In star trek i can go anywhere, do anything i like without having to be a certain level. Last night in my Miranda class i engaged a klingon fleet, destroying a few bird of preys, but when a small group of us low levels got together to destroy the bigger ships it was extremely satisfying.
  4. I'm really looking forward to getting a defiant ship.
  5. I visited DS9, i saw the worm hole open, i tried to fly in it but i just past right through it. I was really looking forward to getting to the gamma quadrant
  6. I started playing the beta last night, so far its a slow start, quite alot of stuff to get the hang of. I think i'll get the life time subscription for it, now that i've plunged myself in to the world of MMOs proper. So when the actual server goes up, does that mean all the beta characters are wiped? If so i guess I'll try not to put too much effort into my character till the head start begins. My character is called "Waters" my ship is called uss ZETA
  7. I didn't really like the old conan films except for the soundtrack. I don't have a problem with Jason Momoa when he was in Stargate and i don't think they'll be much of a problem with him being conan considering hollywood will always come up with something to make actors look morelike the part. Slap a bit of dirt on him, grow more hair, give him ripped clothes (or none) and bingo a barbarian.
  8. I just bought the digital deluxe version from steam, should finish downloading by tomorrow i hope. Its my first purchase from steam so hopefully it all goes well.
  9. I think i'll take the plunge and put in a pre-order, if i'm ever gonna try a mmo it might as well be star trek instead of the usual orcs and elves stuff which never really apealed to me. How would the "Head start" or "beta" work if i don't have the hard copy to install?
  10. Where could i get a free beta key? edit- never mind, just realised robelwell answered it.
  11. the lifetime subcription is only availabe on the pre-order, so how does it work, do you not need a copy of the game first? I'm so conflicted over this, i really don't like the idea of paying monthly fees, but the lifetime subcription is tempting but its a limited time offer and the game isn't even out yet to get reviews or a demo. I've never played a pay to play mmo before so I've never really spent so much money on a game before. My mmo expeience is limited to free to play RF online which was a total grind and every review i've read on other MMOs both free and pay seem to consist of the same grind gameplay. But this game is "STAR TREK" which has got me really interested.
  12. How much is the subscription fee for this game? I've never really played an MMO before apart from the free to play version of RF online. I'm actually considering trying out star trek though, but I'm worried that it might end up getting deserted and end up being a waste of money. I've heard similar stories with Conan and warhammer where their servers ended up being deserted within a year.
  13. Ok, i watched the first 3 episodes of Robotech on you tube. I have to say i really can't get my head around the changes and the voice acting is terrible for some of the characters. I thought the guy who did roys voice was good though Its hard to try and think of Robotech as something else other than macross and so far most of the plot has remained intact. Not sure if i would want to see the rest since i could just watch Macross instead.
  14. Everytime china does something bad or disgraceful it always relfect badly on chinese people. People tend to forget that the chinese are a divided people, theres mainlanders, hong kongers, over seas and those born in other countries, like myself. Astro plan is just another long line of rip offs, not a shred of originality or creativity.
  15. In other words people is the cause of war. Religion, politics, greed and race are all just excuses to go to war. People always find an excuse to go to war, you can blame it on religion or science but end of the day its just people that causes suffering on themselves. I bet there are Robotech fans who are willing to go to war on the Macross camp because its human nature.
  16. or that every asian seems to know martial arts. Look at zulu in the new star trek samurai sword and everything.
  17. Well to be fair its not entirely a nonentity, i've seen the adv dvds on sale which came out two or three years ago and many years ago there were the vhs versons of it by kiseki video. Whether or not they were actually selling well, i don't know, it always seems like the same dvds on the shelf. But in my experience and others in my generation, i've never seen it on TV, never talked about it in my childhood and never seen any toys or merchandise relating to it. I wouldn't mind getting the series just to see the differences myself, but they're selling them at extortionate prices. Where normal dvds are about £7-£12. Their dvds can be as high as £20. On the dvd boxes it claims to be a huge success and the huge impact it had on the west, but i'm thinking maybe it had impact in the USA only. Anime was an obscure market in the UK and its only about 10 years ago that things have have improved a little. Since Robotech is 20 years old, it can't exactly take credit for introducing anime in the UK at least. The current generation of anime fans grew up watching pokemon, my generation grew up watching transformmers etc.........
  18. i've actually started playing this again with my female character, I've taken my time to do every quest i come across and i've set it to hardcore mode. Only now do i think its bloody good fun and now i'm looking forward to the sequel. Who are your favourite characters/team btw? I always use Tali and Wrex
  19. am not really sure what fate stay night is about, but i like the character designs, especailly saber, i bought the ebcraft figure of her probably 2 years ago now. I like how they gave her a dress with armour.
  20. Forgive my ignorance, i had no idea that HG actually tried to expand their franchise. Its just that in the UK theres is absolutley no mention of robotech anywhere. It wasn't even in the "top 100 cartoons of all time" on channel 4 a few years back (simpsons was no.1). It seems HG don't treat or listen to the fans all that well if they are willing to disregard all the material thats been established. The least they could have done is relegate it to some sort of alternate universe.
  21. After reading the licence agreements above, it really does make my blood boil at how HG has made a big mess of things for macross. The fact that they block anything macross from coming to the west makes it even worst. I get the impression that HG are still trying to market Robotech as still being the "next big thing", but its an old dinosaur. There is no new material for their franchise in decades. They're not getting any new fans and the old fans have either gotten tired of the lack of new materials or have out grown the franchise. Other franchises have faced similar problems, like gundam but bandai solved that by adding side stories and alternate universes. Robotech fans have probably moved on to macross because it has stormed ahead with ovas and new tv series. It seems like HG is trying to stop this exodus of fans by trying to block access to macross, unless they have given it their approval. It apears HG has made no attempt at trying to expand the franchise they have created, no atempt at new stories or materials that can make it split away from macross and grow into something unique and original, something they can actually call their own. They've only waited 20 years or so to come up with a new show/movie and by that time its already too late. This is only my point of view and i have no right to judge Robotech since i've never seen it before, so i'm not saying its utter crap or anything, but HG's attitude does kind of put me off from wanting to see it.
  22. I believe pokeman and all that jazz are responsible for the explosion of anime/ japanese pop culture in the west and not robotech, at least in the UK. Before pokemon there was hardly any anime available in the shops except for a few crap releases from manga entertainment. I've never really heard of robotech, till the late 90s, i'd already seen macross and gundam at that time thanks to relatives from hong kong bringing it over. I have since learned that robotech was shown in the UK but no one in my generation watched it or even talked about it. Everyone remembers transformers, thundercats turtles...........etc, but not robotech. I find it strange that a franchise so huge gets little mention here in the UK.
  23. Well ozma and cathy are two consenting adults, if they fully implied a wee loli was to have sex then i would find it disturbing even though its not real. I'm not sure what robotech fans are saying about "macross" cos i don't follow that franchise, but if they are saying macross is paedo material its kind of sad since macross is the source material for their beloved robotech. The fact that Klan Klang miniturizes into a wee girl is not paedo, its actually humourous that an ace pilot like her is reduced to a little girl.
  24. Thats one aspect of anime i don't really like is the " loli" type stuff, but characters in macross have never actually been shown to have sex. And even if they are legal age or not, they can still be boyfriend/girlfriend without the sex.
  25. Isn't anime just the japanese term animation/cartoon. Just like manga is comic in japanese i think. Anime may seem special in the west but its just ordinary stuff in the east. The only difference i can tell is that the east is more willing to use animation or comics to deal with more mature themes, like war, relationships etc. Also since pokemon and all that jazz, japanese style animation is all the rage now. So making a show look like "anime" is just part of the trend.
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