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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. It must great to live in your country (is it USA), you have all these anime conventions, theres hardly any in Scotland. Interesting " your last noriko figure" i didn't know there was another one out there, do you have a reference picture?
  2. Thats sh*te . I was hoping to play all my PS2 games on the PS3, if i buy one that is. Then i could store away my old machines.
  3. I thought MS Igloo was a good show. The story was good and it gives a sort of realistic setting to Gundam, though the 0079 era seems to be over used now. It also shows you can make a good show without having a gundam in it. By the way, in episode six, the fleet that was retreating, do you think that could be the Delaz fleet in 0083?
  4. I hope when the European PS3 is released it will have all the bugs sorted out and updated. If its region free does this only apply to PS3 games, what if i was to put in a Japaneses PS2 or PSone game.
  5. I would definitely get the MG THE-O if it comes out, now seeing those pictures we now know bandai already has managed to make a prototype, my hopes have been raised
  6. I wonder what the A & b Boxes are in the limited edition version, if only i could read japanese. What games did Ehrgeiz make?
  7. Hi, Does anyone have more information about this game, and whats in the limited edition version or if anyone is thinking of pre-ordering it. http://appleseed.sega.jp/
  8. Great job, i wish i had the guts to do up my yamatos, they just so expensive, i wouldn't dare alter them in case i make a big mess which is highly likely. Anyway yours look great i like your chosen colour scheme looks bad ass.
  9. In the beginning i didn't know they were bootlegs, i thought they were hong kong official releases because they made the packaging look so good , and it was during a time when there was absolutely no anime in the shops apart from crappy manga video releases . My only option was to import from the USA(expensive) , also gundam wasn't around in the US that time, so i looked to hong kong(cheap) .
  10. Just got my Bome Noriko figure, I have to say it looks great. The sculpt and paint job is excellent for something mass produced. Looks like it's time already for my YF-19 to step aside cause Noriko looks amazing beside my SOC gunbuster. I don't usually buy anime figurines but this may spark a whole new collection.
  11. I've got a problem with one of my yamato scopedogs, the right hand that holds the gun keeps falling of, i think the wrist joint must be worn down, but I've only changed hands once.
  12. With the release of the Zeta Gundam movies, what do think the chances are of Bandai releasing MG versions of THE-O and Hammurabi?
  13. Well i don't have many fansubs to compare, but bootlegs, their subtitles can be absolutely rubbish to being quite good. My bootleg copy of 08th MS team had good subtitles, but my copy of Nadesico had rubbish subtitles, on one single episode the subtitles was nothing but the word F**K.
  14. I would buy official releases anyway since they would have better quality and subtitles. Thats what i use to do when i bought bootlegs, then when official release came out i bought them too. Fansubs are probably better than the bootlegs since they don't benefit criminal organizations .
  15. Those picture of the takara scopedogs look awesome drifand, make me regret buying my yamato scopedogs, I should have waited
  16. I see, I only just recently discovered fansubs on the internet when looking for the zeta movies and they are free to my surprise. In the UK, especailly scotland there doesn't seem to be much of an anime community, though it seems to be gaining popularity now. I used to get bootlegs from hong kong, now i wish i discovered fansubs earlier.
  17. I've got too many MG's some stored away. I used to try and get every single MG model from the UC series, but now i realized its a lost cause and too expensive. I'm now aiming to get the main character mobile suits, I'm currently waiting/hoping for Bandai to release a MG THE-O and Hammurabi.
  18. Yeah it would have been better if it was all new animation, surely it couldn't be that they did not have enough money to proceed. I mean gundam makes millions from all the merchandising. If they could make new shows from scratch like IGLOO and seed then they could have re animated ZETA. Watching the movies I've noticed cameo appearances of certain mobile suits from 0083, I notice the GM QUEL in the first movie and a green GM/Gun cannon similar to the suit piloted by Keith (in 0083) launching from the argarma in movie 3. I wonder are there any others?
  19. Mine has to be the 1/48 Roy VF 1S followed by the Miria Queadlun Rau by yamato
  20. I don't know much about AU series, but i only used the term re-imagined because thats what they used for the new battlestar galactica, similar ships and characters but story concept changed a lot. I just asumed the same with seed because it has similar mecha designs and names. I agree they should make sentinel into an anime. Also this gundam unicorn sounds interesting i hear a 17 year old Mineava Zabi might be in it, but under a different alias. http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/8428/2006112101pu1.jpg
  21. I think the movies are missing a good narrative, like they done with the first gundam movies. In the first gundam movies they had a narrator that explained events and science technology as though it was a documentary. eg "texas colony blah blah used for blah blah". If you get my meaning.
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