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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. Theres nothing to be anxious about, its just propaganda. Every so often the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would pull off a stunt like this. The Chinese Communist Party is struggling to keep up with the modern world, they are trying to remain communist while embracing capitalism, which does not work. The Chinese people are growing increasingly unhappy with the CCP, so to divert attention away from themselves they either dig up old wounds about the Japaneses in WW2, a way of saying without the CCP the Japanese would not have been driven out of China. They would also display military strength such as that rocket test or send a man in space not so long ago, also another way of saying without the CCP China could not have achieved this and that. The Chinese Communist Party would not risk open war with the USA or Europe because China relies on them economically and it would also mean the collapse of Communist Party.
  2. I've not seen the making of documentaries, but the prop designs such as the interior decorations of buildings and also the funeral service of king Theoden's son all reminds me of a Celtic culture. Even the music sounds Celtic when they show the Land and people of Rohan. That gives me the impression that they have been based on at least some Scottish cultural aspects. The soldiers of Rohan reminds me of Vikings on horses, mainly the helmet, weapons and shield designs, but the clothing resemble Anglo-Saxons as stated by many of you. In the books they are probably described as Anglo Saxons, but as in many movies based on books some elements are changed or expanded. In this case I think the culture of Rohan was expanded to include some Celtic elements. One must also take into account that in the real world, when the tribes Angles, Jutes and Saxons invaded Britain, their people and cultures would have mixed with the Celts and Romans that were there before them. So i wouldn't be that surprised if they included these elements in the culture of Rohan. Here are some more questions i want to ask about the movies Did Gandalf die? Who sent him back, and promoted him to white? How long can Aragorn or his race live for? Did Arowyn give up her immortally, and how? Wouldn't it be better to have kept the army of the dead till the final battle, until the ring is destroyed, then let them go after that?
  3. It was a popular show, i think they originally intended the show to end at episode 27 or at least end it the same way. They were working under the impression that the show was to run for a limited number of episodes probably 26 episodes. So they rushed through the Max and Mira marriage and maybe other stuff. But they didn't expect it to be so popular that they were asked to increase the episode count. So in a way they weren't prepared. If they knew the episode count was to be increased earlier, then episode 27 would become episode 36 and the rushed events would have been expanded.
  4. because the shield is held upside down
  5. Yamato's products are not always 100% perfect, there are always quality assurance problems, like easilly breaking parts or parts not fitting properly and also design flaws. When you pay a high price for their products, you expect the best from them. Other companies can make their products at a high standard and at a lower price, why can't yamato.
  6. Yeah, i agree with you 100%. The main story arc was only 27 episodes and the remaining episodes were just to fill space which they could have used to expand those events. But i think they didn't expect to get more funding to increase the episode count so they rushed through certain events.
  7. If these figures do come out, how tall would they be in 1/60 scale.
  8. Well, i'm not saying for certain that they are meant to be Scottish, but when i look at the costumes and the props, it has a mix of Celtic and Viking cultures just like Scottish people is made up of those two cultures and maybe other cultures too. The culture of gondor reminds me of roman england mixed with christianity, and anglo saxons or normans. Of course these are my opinions of the way the movies have portrayed these cultures. Oh yeah, for some reason the elves remind me of the Welsh.
  9. when the giant elephants appeared in the third movie during the siege of the white city, i immediately thought of the imperial AT-ATs from starwars. From the movies, they do make a good impression that middle earth is sort of like the UK especially the Shire and the human towns and cities. The Shire and Gondor feels like old England and Rohan seems like old Scotland.
  10. Oh crap, i just ordered a jumbo grade gundam, which i said to myself would be the last ever mecha i would buy, now this comes along. Maybe one more, no i can't, must resist, already skint.
  11. Good to know you manage to find it, let us know when it arrives.
  12. Anime should remain anime, no point in ruining a good franchise. Though i think Grace Park might make a good major, since the major is Japanese might as well get someone that looks the part.
  13. I meant Western Europe, sorry. Exactly, everything on the map does not represent the "WHOLE OF MIDDLE EARTH". Thats what I've been trying to say, Sauron is only threatening the peoples (humans, elves...etc) on that map. So from the movies it does not seem he is threatening the "WHOLE OF MIDDLE EARTH" just the places on that map. The map represents the WEST OF MIDDLE EARTH. In the second movie Aragorn said the enemy is bred for one purpose, "TO DESTROY THE WORLD OF MEN". So with so many humans from different areas helping Sauron, that threat is no longer valid, and with the possibility of humans living in areas beyond the map it doesn't seem the WORLD OF MEN is threatened that much, only the people (humans, dwarfs elves...etc) living in the WEST is in danger. If the movies wanted to uphold the threat "TO DESTROY THE WORLD OF MEN", then they should not have shown so many humans helping the bad guys because that would just undermine that threat. Thats what I'm disappointed with, but the rest of the movies were great. I hope you can now understand what I'm trying to say now.
  14. Oh, just to clear something up when i say "PEOPLES OF THE WEST", i mean the people that live in the WEST OF MIDDLE EARTH that includes dwarfs humans elves...etc . I don't care if the humans were black or white cause they'll still be called "PEOPLES OF THE WEST". West or western peoples doesn't really have to be associated with white people, in this case it is all the different peoples living in the WEST (as in the direction). I think some people are confusing it with the real world where its mostly white people in the west.
  15. You should forget about skin colour and think more of geography, Sauron targeting those areas in middle earth includes Humans, elves, dwarfs...etc, Where are Gimlis people to lend a hand. Not every elf could have been killed in the second movie, there has to be a least some elf soldiers that survived. The rest of middle earth doesn't seem to be threatened wither its in the east, south or wherever. The only area under serious threat appears to be in the direction of the WEST which includes Gondor, Rohan, Dwarf and Elf nations...etc. This does not imply that everyone is the same, nor did i say the peoples of Rohan and Gondor where the same because they are white in any of my previous post. I merely said their countries where in the same region which is WEST. Just like in the real world France Germany, Spain and the UK are all in the WEST of Europe as well as many other countries.
  16. I pre-ordered the drone from hlj, but then i canceled later on because i began having doubts about its ability to attach to a zero
  17. I've finally decided not to get a gundan, instead I'll get the real Jumbo Grade. Found a place in my country taking pre-orders and it works out cheaper than buying from Japan.
  18. I just watched the first 5 episodes of the anime, its kind of put me off thinking about buying the games.
  19. Does anyone have the first gundam japanese tv box sets. I just pre-ordered them. I thought bandai in the USA said they could not get the japanese audio because it was degraded very badly, so they only release an english dub version. Yet the japanese version is coming out with original audio. Does this mean we have been lied to?
  20. By west i mean gondor and rohan etc, i'm not all that familar with the map of middle earth. The king of rohan did mention his people were men of the west in the third movie. From the movies sauron and Christopher Lee appears to be only targeting those two countries. So what i'm saying, how come no one else comes to help them in the last battles. The elves came in part 2, did their army get wiped out, where are the dwarf armies and if there are other human nations, where are their armies. So if Sauron is such a major threat to all on middle earth, the movies didn't show it that well. It only showed it threatened those two areas. It didn't really show you how the dwarfs/ elves were threatened, only men. It did show the dwarfs slaughtered in part one, but where are Gimli's people.
  21. From the movies, i'm not trying to say they are racist, i'm trying to say the threat of suaron is reduced to just the peoples of the west. They did say in the movies, the orcs wanted to "destroy the world of men" yet we have humans helping them, which gives the impression that the threat is directed towards western peoples of middle earth. You guys can mention a whole lot of things from the books, but its the movies i'm talking about.
  22. Maybe Sauron ain't such a bad guy, he could be totally misunderstood. And he does make some fine looking rings which people are jealous of, especially his uber ring. Maybe he's the victim
  23. Well i don't know much about the lord of rings world, cause i have not read the books, I've only seen the movies, and its the movies that gives me the impression of what i've said earlier. To me anyway it does seem like every one is ganging up on the western peoples human, elves.......etc. I'm just thinking if Sauron is such threat to the whole of mankind, how come no one else puts up much of a fight except for the humans of the west (where are the dwarfs?). How come people from other areas not come to assist. Instead we have humans helping Sauron which like i said before, the movie makes it look as though the threat is only directed towards the west of middle earth.
  24. Although i enjoyed the movies a lot, i was a little disappointed in which the movie depicted men possibly of different race/colour joined up with the bad guys. It kind of took away the whole threat to mankind feeling. It felt it was only the people of the west (who happen to be white) were threatened and not the whole of mankind. I'm not trying to be racist or anything, but thats the impression the movies gave me personally, I've not read the books so i don't know if its the same in that. I say possibly different race/colour but that is just to highlight the fact that mankind consist of these differences and that the bad guys do want to destroy the world of men which should include all, yet there are humans helping them
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