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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. I think you misunderstood what I was saying, I know many countries have spy sats, but the USA is the only remaining Super Power since the collapse of the USSR. After WW2, UK and other European countries are now no longer super powers. They are just known as "Powers" while USA is "Super Power". Something I learned when i was in school, its something to do with a country's wealth, resources and military strength. My country UK use to have the British Empire and because of that it was classed as a super power before WW2, but after WW2 it lost the empire and its wealth, so it just became a power.
  2. Every super power as in the USA, since they are the only super power in the world, use to be two when the USSR was around. China is catching up though.
  3. With the captured zentradi micloning device, won't it be possible to have giant human infantry?
  4. I agree with what your saying, the US is also claiming wanting to preserve "PEACEFUL USE OF SPACE", but they have so may spy satellites, more than any country in the world, which is why they're concerned about China's anti-satellite capability, spying isn't exactly peaceful either, though every country is at it.
  5. At last more Patlabor stuff,and these revoltec are ideal for me since i'm running low on space their small size is just fine.
  6. Thanks for answering my questions JELEINEN also thanks to everyone else who answered my previous questions.
  7. I heard this show was about aliens invading earth, and the main mecha is one of the weapons the aliens use. The hero is half human and takes the layzner to help defend earth or something. I think thats what this show is about. The mecha look great though.
  8. Yeah i enjoyed, the TV series as well, though I've not read any of the manga. When adapting manga in to anime, i think it is easier cause there are less obstacles in the way, while a live action movie there are plenty. There are just too many things to overcome such as the actors, special effects, location.....etc. Anyone of these can go wrong, which lessens the chances of a great movie. I think most live movies based on comics/ video games are total rubbish to pretty average, especially ones with super heroes, I know many of you would disagree with this, but this is just my opinion. X Men just made me laugh and so did Spider man. Sin City so far is the best adaptation.
  9. I mean adapting a comic to animation is much better cause it would be easier, and less chance of screwing up, using live actors would be much difficult.
  10. That explains a lot, I didn't have Sky TV back then and I still don't have it.
  11. kung flu

    1/60 YF19 rant

    Thats what i should have done with my YF 19, but i'm happy leaving it in batroid mode now, since i'm too lazy trying to transform it back and sort out the problems.
  12. kung flu

    1/60 YF19 rant

    Well I looked at the instructions several times, moved the parts into position several times, but the hip/legs don't seem to want to stay in position, and also the wings, I compare it to the video, the pictures, its all the same, Its just doesn't want to stay locked together. Last time i checked $140 is still a lot of money, but i'm from the UK so shipping would work out different to some of you guys in the USA and other countries.
  13. I'm not sure myself, I don't remember there being any Voltron or Robotech craze in the UK, Transformers/ Thundercats was the craze at that time. I was born in 1982 so I should remember something. Maybe they went straight to VHS, there were a lot of American shows going straight to VHS
  14. kung flu

    1/60 YF19 rant

    I've notice many of the problems stated in this post on my YF 19 is well and it really bugs me a lot, since i paid $140 for it. I've transformed mine into batroid mode, then when i transform back into fighter, it doesn't lock together properly, so now i just leave it in batroid mode. This would be my last ever yamato product, I can't be bothered with them anymore, especially their prices and quality issues.
  15. Well manga translates to animation much better, so once adapted to animation it should stay that way. Theres no reason to try and take it further with a live action movie. So in a way, anime should remain anime once adapted from manga.
  16. Another historical fact about what makes macross different from other anime at that time was the introduction of anime idols with jpop. Lyn Minmay became the first ever anime idol. With music singles and merchandise released under the character's name. This was in Japan of course. I don't know much about robotech (in fact i've never heard of it until a few years back), i think it wasn't aired in the UK, if it did then it didn't make much of an impact over here. So judging by the USA, i would say it was a major factor in introducing anime to the USA.
  17. If a live movie is made, you can bet they would make it exploitative to appeal to male audiences or teenage males, you just have to look at the tomb raider movies. If that was to be realistic, I think Lara would be wearing a little more clothing.
  18. I'm surprised this show or even Robotech never made it on UK television, if it was a huge hit in the USA or maybe I'm too young to remember.
  19. So is the white Gandalf, more powerful than the gray one or is it just a makeover?
  20. Looking good, did the gold parts come pre-coloured or did you paint them.
  21. Then they are pretty small, i was really hoping they were bigger. I like my robots big
  22. Thats quite small, i hope they are bigger cause bigger is always better. (i mean the robots)
  23. "Hearts and soul" and "flash in the dark" i think are the best songs from macross 7, but does anyone know who sings the songs? The real singer that is, not the character.
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