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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. My picks to get the MG treatment would be:- 1) THE-O 2) Gabthley 3) Palace Athene 4) Methuss 5) Gaplant 6) Asshimar 7) Hammurabi Zudah Most of my picks are from zeta gundam, I really think they should bring out more suits from the Titans, theres already too many Zeon suits, why not some more models based on other factions. With the release of the Zeta movies i hope bandai has plans for more titans models
  2. Mercurial Morpheus was it just the one episode they were screening at the convention, if it was, who's to know if the other episodes were altered as well, I'm beginning to worry about that, they may have cut scenes just like my UK version.
  3. we shouldn't really be taking sides at all, since we all like anime, only some seem to be more fanatic than the other. So respect to all
  4. I saw the dvd on sale at Tescos this morning, and thought, what the f**k when did they make this movie, I've heard nothing about it. As usual the movie would be crap cos its based on a game.
  5. When it comes to gundam i'm a bit of a "purist" my self, but if changes are not that extensive then i would just live with it. The reason i'm so laid back about changes is probably because there isn't that much anime in my country and the fanbase is probably quite small compared to the USA, so i'm happy with what i get and settle for 2nd best because theres little chance of it coming out in Scotland officially, so i import from US and Hong Kong or where ever. Out of all my friends, I'm the only anime fan, they don't even know what it is, most assume its porn, thats how popular anime is in my country.
  6. "the change itself on the master also made in Japan by the hands of the original producers" does this mean the current version out in Japan is also altered.
  7. Yeah, i agree with you on that point, I do think its not worth going through all the trouble of buying another "perfect version" and ripping subtitles. To me it looks like a waste of money and effort. But if the "purist" have the money and time, then why not? The music change may be weird at first, but you will probably get use to it, it may not even sound all that bad. For what ever reason that certain piece of music had to be cut wither legal or technical issues. The fact that Bandai Visual replaced it shows they put some effort to solve this problem.
  8. Yeah, definitely one of the best UC stories, though the 0079 era seems to be over used, it still shows great stories can still be made. Its also great seeing old mobile suits and ships from the first gundam show brought to life in CG in a realistic manner.
  9. The last episode of gunbuster was black & white, did they leave it like that in the movie version as well. That would be kind of wierd if the movie was in colour then black & white.
  10. Yeah, completed Yurika figures are almost non existent, the bikini version and there was one of her in full uniform are the ones i know of. I prefer the full uniform one though i can't find it in any shops or ebay. Probably sold out cos it was released a few years back.
  11. Sazabi MG? Bandai has already made a master grade sazabi years ago, did you mean PG.
  12. Was it this one you got? http://www.hlj.com/product/CAD01117
  13. Is that the bikini version of Yurika?, I was thinking of getting that one, then change my mind to get the Blanceniege bikini figure from the shining tears game
  14. I forgot to ask, did you manage to pick up the Bome Noriko figure at the anime conventions, Mercurial Morpheus
  15. I usually view subtitles once or twice, then never use them again cos i find them ruin my viewing experience, once I've read them, I've got a pretty good idea of what there saying without subs. Good point You can show your friend the R1 version co they won't notice the change if its new to them I don't see it as broken, more like mended It you got the right tools then yeah, go ahead.
  16. If your buying the R1 version and also a R2 version, then theres no need to go through all this subtitle fixing, because you already have a translated R1 version, you can watch the R2 without the subtitles, why go through such measures which would only waste your time and you already know what they are saying from the R1 dvd.
  17. It doesn't really mater if they are legal age or not because they are not real people, most of the figures made give them a much older appearance anyway (body wise). If they were made to look younger, then i would be disturbed.
  18. Either way, I'm glad Gunbuster is coming out on dvd, it may not be the best version but at least its got english subtitles, its more complete than my UK version, and I'll be looking forward to die-buster and the movies. Kieth if you watched the movies can you tell us whats new in them please.
  19. I think they already have released Rambo figures, I remember seeing 12 inch figures of them somewhere, I'm no sure but i think the same company Hot Toys made them.
  20. Manga, I hate them, their releases are mostly rubbish quality and it was them that gave anime a bad name in the UK. So I'm glad Gunbuster is being released by another company.
  21. Yeah, it shouldn't really matter what size the infantry are cos big or small you can still be lethal, and wont being bigger make you an easy target. Though I've never fired a gun before I doubt I'll miss a giant zentradi, a well placed shot in those giant gonads is enough to bring any man down.
  22. Maybe the version shown in the anime convention was not a final release version
  23. Well, copy right is a funny thing, in my opinion, sometimes when a show is not popular enough and is using materials similar to or copied from another source, the copy right holders would sometimes turn a blind eye, but once that show gains popularity they would want to cash in and threaten to take action. Anime is similar to this because it wasn't really popular when it first reached the West, in the UK anime received a bad press, with some people wanting it banned. I don't know how it was in the US but i'm guessing anime wasn't popular as well. Bandai Visual is probably worried about this with Gunbuster now that the anime genre in the US is popular. Edit- a good example of this is file sharing of music like napster, MP3 music was being shared for a long time without any issues, till it gained popularity and the music industry started to take notice.
  24. Come on guys, is it really that bad that they changed the music? Is 1 or 2 minutes of altered music enough to make you want to go and buy another copy from Japan or elsewhere which could be more expensive. Then you'll have two copies of the same show and the total cost of them together is really going to hurt some. Sure it's annoying that its altered, but is it worth spending more money for another copy? If they were to alter the show in a way that takes away from the story/ viewing, then thats what would annoy me. Like my UK version has scenes cut from it, thats much worst.
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