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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. How would this movie fit in with the rest of Star Trek, would it be set during the 60s star trek. If it is set before it, wouldn't spock still be with captian pike instead of kirk.
  2. Thanks for the info guys, I'll see how I get on with the f2p games. I have heard stories of people whos lives have been taken over by WoW, must be very addicttive.
  3. Gundam Maniac and a desperate person trying to expand my PS3 games collection. Hopefully this year alot more games would be released, instead of delays.
  4. I'm going to try RF online since its free. Thanks, I would never have found out about this game If it weren't for you
  5. I bought Gundam Target in Sight, I think its called cross fire in the USA, anyway I know it got crap reviews and everyone says its shite, but the gundam fanboy in me had to buy it. I actually think its a OK game, nice graphics for the mobile suits, but utter crap for the enviroment detail. I think this was probably originally ment to be a PS2 release judging by the graphics. I bought it for £15, I reckon its a bargain considering the games are about £50 over here. I found the gameplay to be not as bad as the reviews made out to be. Now I'll wait for Gundam Dynasty Warriors to drop in price.
  6. I've been playing some online multi-player games for my PS3, I've never really played online games before I got my PS3. Since I found it enjoyable, I'm now considering trying a online RPG for my PC. So far Guild Wars and Warcraft are the main ones that are stocked at my local game shop, but I'm not sure which one to get. Have any of you played these games and whats the differents between them? Also what is the gameplay like? If there are any other titles you can recommend, I would be most grateful.
  7. I googled for a torrent to get my subbed version of V Gundam, it was for all the episodes, not single ones. I think the version I downloaded was from a bootleg which they revised the english subtitles. I think there is a new fansub for V which is a DVD rip, but I only saw a few episodes available.
  8. I'm surprised no one has started singing/typing Turn A, Turn Turn A, Turn, Turn AAAAAAAAA! Anyway, V Gundam is a great show also, it seems to be neglected as well, there don't seem to be much loving for that show. Over all just like Turn A, it has some wacky mecha designs, but unlike Turn A, its a very sad story with alot of tragedy. The V2 Gundam is one of my favourite Gundams. I like the "wings of light"
  9. revoltech, im thinking of getting the patlabor and macross ones, l already have the evas when they first came out. space is the big problem for my collection which is one of the reasons i've cut back on my collectiing.
  10. Funny, but true, I found it funny myself, but also scary at the same time.
  11. talking of dreams, I once had a dream where I was moving my yamato vf 1s about my bedroom, when i woke in the morning, it was actually moved, very creepy that was, i must be sleep walking or something.
  12. I'm just like that now, I haven't bought anything new in three months, and any new stuff that arrives were pre-ordered way back.
  13. I collect all sorts of things from action figures, robots and sci-fi. I started collecting Gundam before I knew what the actual show was about, so I have quite alot of gundam model kits. The vast majority of my collection are either from shows/movies I've watched, books I've read or video games that I've played. But to be out of character with this, I bought a anime figurine of Saber from Fate/Stay night, never seen the show, but for some reason I immediately liked the character design, especially her armoured dress. Anime figurines is something I've considered, but some come across as being too sexy, which makes me feel uncomfortable and dirty.
  14. I discovered you can copy your game saves on to a USB hard drive after all, but you still can't copy other files such as downloaded games and the files in the game utility folder.
  15. I'm a Big fan of the UC gundam shows and I've never really watched any of the non UC shows. Basically the character and mecha designs for shows such as Seed or Wing etc didn't appeal to me. The fact that some male characters looking like female or just plain gay just doesn't seem right to me. I've got nothing against gay people, but when designing a male character at least make them look male. Turn A is the first and only "Alternate Universe" gundam show I've seen. I thought the design for the gundam was great I didn't hate it, but was unsure of it when I first saw it and it was a nice change from all the other gundam designs from the many different shows which are beginning to look all the same to me. Also the character designs were well done even though Loran looked female, but that was acknowledged in the story so he can be disguised as Laura. I seem to like seeing characters in period clothing mixed with advanced technology.
  16. Finally got to see season 3, I don't know about you guys, but I found it very boring most of the time I hope season 4 would be a big improvement.
  17. I use a old PS/2 keyboard and mouse for my PS3, made possible by using a converter, The great thing about this is that the converter only uses one USB port, leaving the other three for my HDD and extras.
  18. I intend to use my USB hdd for music, movies and pictures, but it would also be great if I can store my game saves on it and any downloaded games such as lemmings. I know I could change the internal hdd, but I have not had my PS3 for that long, and I wouldn't want to mess with it just yet. I've spent a fortune on it and I wouldn't really want to spend more on a new hdd. I figured since I already have a USB hdd, i'll just use that.
  19. I got a external 300gb USB hdd, my PS3 can read and copy from it, but how do i copy files from my ps3 to the external hdd?. I got Lemmings on my hdd which i would like to copy and also my game saves from other games. I have created four folders on my usb hdd, photo, video, music and game. Also i can't seem to access my pictures on the usb hdd. Do pictures have to be a certain format and size?
  20. Maybe this christmas they'll be fresh meat for the grinder, I hope they would be even more rubbish than me, that way it will make me look good.
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