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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. I'm not too sure about this game also, i've played the previous GTAs for ps2 and i have to say there is little difference in the actual gameplay between them apart from the setting and minor improvements. Even though GTA 4 has better graphics, the gameplay is probably just the same as before. Breaking the law, killing cops and stealing cars is all fun, but does get boring over time. I still play san andreas sometimes, and i'm not in a mad rush for more.
  2. though games are ment to be regoin free, some games publishers have actually implemented region codes in their games, i think oblivion is one of them. Also since i'm in the UK importing videos is a big minus
  3. yeah, i really hate the way they are making PC games these days, i remember my brother bought half life 2, and he didn't even have a internet connection, which ment he couldn't play it at all. Hope they don't do anything like that for consoles, cos i don't really like being online just to play single player mode. Only problem i have with my PS3 is the region coding, which is totally unecessary, i mean even HD DVD got rid of it, why not sony
  4. I keep meaning to get COD4, but its just too expensive over here about £40 to £50 ($80-$100). Even the second hand copies are £40 Still while i wait for price drops, the only game i'm looking forward to is MGS4, and i'll be getting it as soon as its out.
  6. Finally got a new game for my PS3, can't remember how long it has been since i bought a game for it. Time to wipe the dust away and slap in Lost Planet. The game reminds me of Starship Troopers and a anime called Blue Gender.
  7. I've been searching the web for hints and tips to make money (not real money) in RF online, since all the weapons, armour and items are very expensive after level 35, and every time i manage to get money it is spent on supplies. While searching i came across several sites selling in game currency, i find this very interesting and wondering how would they actually deliver the money to your character or are these sites just scams.
  8. wow, its been a few weeks since i checked back at mw forums, thats because i've been playing RF online, I don't think i'll be in any big rush to buy WoW or guild wars now. So far the character i created is at level 37 accretian. At first i found the game a bit boring with the constant grinding, but now i find myself wanting to level up just so i can kill other players. So far i'm mostly being killed, though i have killed a few noobs. I also managed to learn the "geekspeak" that players use. One of the main problems i'm having in the game is that i'm always running out of money to buy items and weapons. Anyway thanks to the guys who mentioned this game to me earlier in the topic, otherwise i would never have found out about it.
  9. Beautiful?, aye if you like very wet, windy and cold places. Its not always as its shown in the movies especailly if you visit the central belt where theres no fine scenery. If your in the cities be prepared to put up with drunks, NEDS and the odd racist remark (if your not white) almost everyday, especailly at night.
  10. SCOTLAND!!!!!, I'm from Scotland too, your not alone, I thought I was the only one also for a time. I believe we've met before somewhere in the forum. Where you told me you're from Falkirk?
  11. I prefer to type also, since people have a hard time understanding my Scottish accent. Thanks I'll keep that in mind.
  12. Yeah, I think I was killed by creatures led by other players also, though I'm not really bothered about that. Its just when that guy turned into a big gun, I thought "hey, thats cool" then he/she shot and killed me, "not so cool" Does anyone play a game called Lineage?
  13. How do I kill other players in the same faction as me in RF Online, I know we're all ment to be in the same team, but while going about minding my own business I met another player who is the same race and faction as me, Accretia. He/she turned into a big gun and killed me. I know it'll be a bad idea to take this person on since he/she is probably at level 50 or something compared to my level 13. I thought we were ment to be killing the other factions?
  14. what is this robot based on? is it a mascot for american football? It actually looks good, even though I haven't a clue about anything to do with American sports. American football always apeared to be like rugby to me, hence it should be called american rugby just like americans call football, soccer
  15. Might not be crazy, since the game is available mostly all over the world.
  16. Thats great, let us know what you think of the game. I only started playing it last week, still learning the ropes, since this is my first ever MMORPG, still not sure what I'm actually doing apart from levelling up by killing monsters. Theres something called a chip war, not sure how to take part either.
  17. I clicked on the free to play link and it takes me to a page were you type out a word to generate a key, on the same page there are several download links below. I'm not sure what might be wrong with your attempt, but maybe it has something to do with your browser settings? Once I installed the game, the launcher has a registration option where it takes you to the create an account webpage at codemasters. It opens with internet explorer instead of firefox, even though firefox is my default browser.
  18. Sorry, I should have said their website gave me links for the downloads. When I click to download my free copy, they gave me a seial number and several links to get the download, like filefront, gamershell and bittorrent etc....... I used bittorrent since its quite a large file to download and I can't leave my PC on all day for it to finish.
  19. I downloaded my free copy of RF online from their official website www.rf-onlinegame.com, it didn't say anything about it being a trial. So far I've not been asked to pay anything.
  20. OK, so I've been playing RF online, not sure what I'm actually ment to be doing, so far I've gone about killing monters, I have not encountered any players from other factions.
  21. Finally got RF online working, just wondering, do all the races get to control robots, I've created my character associated with the Accretia.
  22. I just spent three days downloading RF online, only for it to not install on my PC, my computer just freezes when I launch the installer. I must have downloaded a corrupt installer, Looks like I have to download it again
  23. That figure looks great, apart from the eyes, they kind of look squint
  24. Why did they ban IP from asia?
  25. So there is a Captain Pike after all, I was a bit confused when I read in the papers that it was a prequel with Kirk and crew, but no mention of Pike.
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