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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. Well the elites on earth didn't really care about the earth too or the people, when Hamarn dropped a colony on Ireland, the elites were not bothered as they said it would help reduce the population, This is why char wants to move people out in space in a much faster pace, by forcing the elites into space and letting the earth heal even though he'll half destroy it. Once in space let evolution take place without the elites interfering.
  2. I think char was too disgusted by the federation elites' behaviour in ZZ that he had no choice but to go from Quattro to astroid crashing Char in CCA.
  3. I've only played AC4 for ps3 for a short time, the controls are still clunky, but the customisation has been simplified.
  4. "what 'bout my star" Ranka's version is my favourite song so far in the series
  5. The armored core series have always been a enjoyable series for me, what appealed to me was the mecha designs and the endless customisation. The only problem i have in the series is the awkward controls, its not exactly pick up and play, but once you get use to it alot of fun can be had from it. AC 4 i thought was too simplified for me so it was not as great as the previous series. Mech games aren't that popular in the UK so i doubt theres much of a online community or updates for it either.
  6. Well, KOTOR 1& 2 are jedi games for your information. The problem with star wars is that its too popular that you get hard core fanboys that buy anything star wars even if its a load of crap. So even crap games would sell well becuase of the fanbase, so theres no need for Lucas to change their strategy as long as they can still milk money from the fans and they fall for it. Even the new star wars movies were utter crap, but that didn't stop them being box office hits. The Force Unleashed though its pretty average in my opinnion and would still sell well. Jedi powers is the only thing thats original in Star Wars compared to other Sci Fi genres.
  7. No ones saying they're not talented singers or even crap, but i'm just expressing my opinnion. I really think Ranka's voice sounds better, when she sang "my boyfriend is a pilot" i actually think its better than Minmays version even though its a annoying song, it just wasn't that annoying when Ranka sang it.
  8. Over all, i enjoyed CCA, it had great battle scenes, great mecha designs and great soundtrack, but yeah i hate Quess too, she switched sides pretty fast which is something i really wished they could have expanded on. Hathaway killing Chen is also a disapointment, kind of makes me feel sorry for Bright cos he deserves better in a son. If they killed off hathaway straight after Chen that would have been great, sort of like justice being served.
  9. Given the amount of sexy/sexual content in many American movies, TV shows and comics, its not strictly a "Japanese thing" and the article asumes all anime fans are into such things which is just pathetic. Many of us here like watching macross, but how many of us watch it for the cute/sexy content in it, if there is any. Having sexy characters in a show is no different in having a sexy actress in a TV show to boost ratings.
  10. her voice is sometimes a bit too high pitched for me, I don't actually hate all her songs, but some were a bit annoying.
  11. Man, they still making this show, I got bored of it, some how "early years" just don't seem to be early years anymore, seems to be superman becomes "superman" at age 50 by the time they get to the end.
  12. I think i'll be getting these 1/100 series, instead of yamato 1/60, I hope they also make VF 1s so they could stand side by side with the newer Valkyrie designs. They'll probably look great next to my konig monster by yamato.
  13. I finally got round to watching this series and i have to say the music is actually quite good and easy on the ears. Ranka's singing voice in particular is much easier on the ears than Lynn Minmay's voice in the original series.
  14. Just recently, i suspect the new firmware update might have something to do with it.
  15. Your ps3 is a later model and since its the 40gb version it has some features removed that are in the old 60gb model, thats probably why you've not experienced this. I think only the 40gb model has the "fans on full blast" option, but sadly the old model dosen't
  16. I always try to keep my ps3 dust free, but because of the lack of games i don't play it much so dust gathers. But i do clean it when i decide to play it, if the dust is inside, how do i go about cleaning it? Once my ps3 reaches stage 3 its unplayable due to the noise i can't hear a thing in movies or games.
  17. Been playing my ps3 lately then noticed a very loud fan noise coming from it, does anyone else get this problem. I have a 60gb ps3, UK/european model. I don't really play it all that often as some of u may know, so i don't expect any of the components to be worn out. So far i've noticed three stages in fan noise:- Stage 1 is whisper quiet Stage 2 is a little bit louder, which dosen't bother me Stage 3 is very loud, as loud as a hair dryer on max, louder than my PC fans, louder than the actual game....... you get the picture It never use to reach stage 3, but now after 10-15 minutes it comes on. I'm just not sure whats causing it, i contacted sony and they say its not a problem. Only thing i can think of is the latest firmware that was installed might be causing it, before the update, the ps3 sounded fine
  18. bah, its no use, I keep getting disconnected from game my internet connection must really suck, I tried all the solutions you gave me still no joy. The longest I've been in a match was 5 mins, with two kills this time enemies not friendlies
  19. I managed to get all the masks of the B & B ladies and drebin, I wonder if there are mask for everyone, from sunny to otacon........ I bought every single weapon available too, not sure about any secret ones though. I've not tried wearing any of the masks, but maybe they give you specail abilities like in mgs 3 with the camouflage.
  20. I managed to get on-line for 5 minutes today, before the game disconnected . In those five minutes I started beating someone up with CQC, then realised he's on the same team, I think i should do the training first. :lol:
  21. First time playing through the game i forgot all about the tranq gun too, i was too busy using cqc to knock enemies out and having fun with the P90.
  22. I set up MGO, my character name is ZETA, but I can't seem to play it every time I log on, i get "connection unstable" then the game quits. Not sure if its too many people playing or just my internet connection sucks. I don't have problems playing other games like resistance and lost planet.
  23. i must have missed this, but when did they tell us who ocelot's parents were in the mgs series?
  24. I finished it in solid normal mode and got inchworm, no eagle for me says its awarded to sneaky players who crawls alot or something, which is how i played it. Funny moment was when i was crouching and sneaking behind a enemy, when snake decides to tap his sore back giving away my position. I'm playing through it again to get more Drebin points.
  25. This game is brilliant, just like all the previous metal gear games, sure mgs 2 was a bit of a let down cos of the girly man raiden, but the game over all was still great to play. Kind of sad that MGS 4 could be the last in the series, i have always enjoyed the story telling and characters. Good to see how these characters have matured since the first mgs, there are moments in the game that really makes me think back to the days when i first played the series and moments that almost brings a tear to my eyes. Finally a game i can enjoy on my PS3, which has been gathering dust for a while now. :lol:
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