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kung flu

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Everything posted by kung flu

  1. To me, macross was always never all that great story wise compared to gundam or votoms.....it was always a show that had great mecha and character designs. Macross Frontier still hasn't really made me change my opinion. I agree in the review about all the loli/fan service stuff, I don't like it it either and sadly its a direction that most new anime shows are headed in. Girly/Emo male characters I especaily hate a lot , if a character is male then make him look male, even the openly gay Bobby looked male, but the staright Alto and bera is girly. Over all the story was nothing really new, but i did like some of the music.
  2. I found the original UC gundam and its sequels to be far more enjoyable than Macross. Though the first TV series is good, i actually think the movie versions were far superior. So if u get bored of the TV series, give the movies a try. I would recommend watching all the original UC gundam shows since they are in the same universe and leave the alternate jazz for later.
  3. I don't have a VF 1A, but I can't seem to see anything that much different?
  4. The Max Valk in the TV show never really appealed to me, but seeing the yamato version, it looks great, I would like one too but i would settle for a noraml 1/48 VF 1A if the price is right, either it be the angelbirds or DYRL versions, seems like an easy job to customise one in Max's colour scheme considering my crappy modelling skills. I customised 1/60 VF 1S(old version) in Max's DYRL colours, the problem is trying to get the right blue, I went through 3 types of blue and i'm still not happy
  5. How do i post pictures in forums again? I've never posted pics before and i'm thinking of showing my collection sometime.
  6. whats the overall height of this model? I would really like to see it side by side with other 1/60s valkyries.
  7. I agree, I was disapointed when i heard there was only 25 episodes, I always thought the standard number of episodes for a tv series was 26, since most anime series i've seen are only 26 or more episodes. Still theres always the chance for a movie, OVA or even a season 2.
  8. Macross is just like Gundam, in that there's the original continuity, followed by many Side stories or Alternate universe Shows, that don't have anything to do with the original franchise. Wither we like it or not, it's just another way to milk money from Macross fans with all the merchandising.
  9. I would have prefered the mardook to have been the supervision army, instead of the protodelvin in Macross 7. Unless i've missed something and the supervision army is still to show itself in the Macross universe.
  10. Do you remeber love, I thought the character designs were better. Nice to see them get updated uniforms etc and the Zentradi were much better than the TV versions.
  11. because the vast majority of mankind already live in space and they are being ruled by the minority on earth, which is why space people are disgruntled with them. They get to live in luxury and rule from a distance. By forcing these people or wipe them out from earth is probably the reason Char was able to get the support needed for his army.
  12. Maybe a new update firmware is available to download, that includes your country in the list or maybe its not listed because your country is in a different regoin and you have to get a PS3 in your regoin instead.
  13. Bandai is really doing a great job on this valkyrie imo, and giving their financial background and quality assurance i'm sure they'll do a better job than yamato. Not that yamato ain't good, but Bandai just has more resources at their disposal to create better products.
  14. ???? you still don't get it??? or are you just joking about
  15. there seems to be a few fmp toys coming soon, and theres already a revoltech figure already released. I think Alter is bringing out a action figure of abalest as well. if the scale and sculpt is right then i may consider buying some.
  16. Yeah, Char is the the ultimate user of people As for his plan, i'm not trying to defend, but trying to explain it to those who just don't or refuse to understand it.
  17. Char really dosen't care about the people on earth, he tried in Zeta to persuade the elites about how destructive mankind is, yet they don't listen and wish to carry on as if nothing was happening. Amuro in CCA cares for the people on earth and believes or has hopes for mankind to eventually progress, but Char has grown impatient and wants to accelerate space immigration and evolution. Char's plan, though destructive, we know the earth would recover eventually, since the earth has survived many astroid impacts far worst in the past. No one says it'll be an instant "cure" and evoloution dosen't happen over night, everything takes time, Char's plan was for the long term. He was able to have an army and support that actually believed in his plan/ theory, but ultimately he just wanted to settle the score with Amuro.
  18. Don't you get it? mankind won't need to live on earth any more, hence earth heals(nature takes over) without human interference. Humans on earth, means destruction and pollution. If Char succeeded and all people lived in space, the earth has a chance to recover. It'll take thousands, if not million of years to recover from the asteroid attacks and in those years, people are meant to have evolved to a stage where they no longer need earth to live on. So the earth is saved after all. Edit:- if you still don't understand, think of a cancer patient. In order to remove the cancer you use radiotherapy to remove/kill the cancer cells. By bombarding the body with radiation the cancer is being reduced, but at the same time the radiation is harmful to the patient's body too, he'll begin to feel week/sick and lose his hair etc. Once the cancer is completely removed, the patient still has to recover from all the raditaion side effects which would take months or years. In this case Earth is the patient, Humans is the cancer and the astroids is the radiation.
  19. Earth has always been one of the main reasons why all the wars are being fought in Gundam. By making the earth uninhabitable to humans, no one would fight wars over it. By the time the earth heals, humans would have evolved to newtypes, meaning they'll be no more wars and no need for Earth. After all, newtypes are ment to be people who can live without war, but are being used by old types for wars.
  20. The characters in gundam have always been more believeable compared to other animes of the same genre. They are never really depicted as simple good and evil. We get all these factions in gundam, yet on both sides there are good and bad people, just like real life. Since first gundam, Char was always ment to be a bad guy, but at the same time he's also shown to be a good person. If he was depicted to be totally evil from the start, i think people would have less of a problem with his change in CCA.
  21. Nah, they're all dead, thanks to the nuclear mine field Char planted
  22. Yeah, this way the elites would no longer have a "playground" anymore, while everyone else lived in space. Gundam has always shown how the elites treated the Earth and the people in space, they are so comfortable on earth they won't even move to space themselves. What Char is doing is actually giving them a kick up the arse so they can get a move on and finish the space colonisation which was ment to include everyone.
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