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Everything posted by shoopdawhoop

  1. i heard the first game was horrible,a far cry from the standard SRW but thats the first game,not sure if they gonna make the sequel better.
  2. "ULTRA SPACE-TIME FORTRESS MACROSS-Do you remember the love" lol...wut? who did the translation?
  3. lol..visual boy is a GBA emulator you need some something like Magic engine to run it,but i hate compiling the disk image file
  4. damn..i got the rom for this game,but for some reason the emulator can't run it
  5. the YF-19 could even punch its enemy while in gerwalk mode
  6. lol..the 80s
  7. here are some i found on google http://www.popcultureshock.com/previewer.php?id=3522&p=1 http://www.collectiondx.com/node/727
  8. love it His designs are unique and could be easily recognized,not your typical so-moe-i-gonna-die fapfapfapfap character designs as seen in a lot of animes,particularly modern ones .
  9. wow..just wow I'm speechless now if you could create Ideon for this game you will be the new god of mecha
  10. well,why not? I noticed you guys haven't release a lot of updates in the past few months and years. I doubt anyone out there actually knows what you guys are up to. A lot of the good mods i have played in the past,usually releases a half done version of the mod as their first version. But they keep updating their mod and let the public keep track of their work easily,by posting it in various forums and places with a lot of people. A lot of talented and interested modders stumbled onto it randomly and offer to help volunteerely . In the end,the mod keeps getting better and better.
  11. poor Destroid pilots:( Most of them suffer the same fate as those VF-11s in Mac7
  12. anyone knows where the missiles are stored? I had saw plenty pictures of it in fighter mode,but i dont see any missiles attached on its wing. Are they stored internally like the V/YF-19? and is there a website or video showcasing a detail transformation of it from fighter to battleroid mode? I know there is a video of YF-19 in youtube,wondering if the same exist for the VF-11 ?
  13. well,i do not have a lot of these 80s mecha show. I had a couple and most of them are impossible to rip due to the BGM.
  14. hi there I need those sound files for a little mod i'm making now,mind sharing it to me too?
  15. Each macross series/movie has a different genre of music. I love the music of Mac7 and original macross. Most of the songs from Mac+ is mediocre to me ,except a few. Macross Zero is just meh >.>
  16. hmm...it lacks the symbolic "WRYYYYYY" sound but still good enough! Thanks! one last request anyone here has the head vulcan's sound from this video?
  17. bump! someone please rip it for me! i dont have the anime
  18. sup guys as you know,the VF-1 has a unique gunpod sound,which can be heard in other mecha animes around that time(late 80s). If anyone here has itor any mecha animes that has that particular sound,could you please upload it to the internet? Thanks
  19. You could find brief scenes of it in a cutscene,from the PS version of DYRL game.
  20. I love both of it. Overall,all the macross are great. I never hate one of them with great passion. If i have to choose one of them,i say Macross 2. The storyline isnt THAT appealing to me. I watch the OVA,movie and series of Mac7,and i'm loving it. I admit the first half of the series is boring as hell,it took me more than a month to finish the first 20 episodes.After that it gets better and better,the whole show just got more interesting when Mylene and Ray joined the Sound Force.I marathon'd the remaining episodes and finished it in less than a week. The OVA and movie serves as a dessert,love both of it too.Plus,the music in the OVA is great. Of course,the battles in Macross is QUALITY.Especially after Mac+,i bet a lot of people took a blow to the nut when they expected similar fight scenes in mac7 . Macross Zero was a close candidate thou. Needless to say,the battles are FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP. As for the storyline......
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