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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. A co-worker sent me this link the other day: http://englishrussia.com/index.php/2010/03...lan/#more-11522 It's kind of sad to see it sitting like that, wasting away. I can't believe how huge it is (someone in the comments on that page posted its coodinates, so you can find it in google maps: 42° 52′ 54″ N, 47° 39′ 24″ E).
  2. Saw this on CNN today: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/03/25...dex.html?hpt=T2 I didn't realize they had their own version of the B1.
  3. I'm still curious as to the differences, if someone doesn't mind taking a few moments and answering for me. Thanks in advance.
  4. I just got mine today. What is/are the difference(s) between the first and second release? I'm rather annoyed because I lost one of the covers to the place on top of the wing where the booster connects (it flew into the air when I popped it off, never to be found) and the right hand fell apart (got it back together, but the pinky now refuses to stay on).
  5. Apparently they like to slip hidden messages into the html of their front page. That's the latest one. The speculation is that they're hints of an unanounced title.
  6. Bandai Enternainment's site (http://www.bandai-ent.com/) has the following hidden in the html: It looks like a lot of Macross hints there to me. Edit: source is www.animevice.com
  7. But we see him sitting in the cockpit in figher mode in that exact same scene.
  8. When they panned past the Queadluun Rau towards the end, there was a skinny, green robot standing there. What was this?
  9. Laumer's books, originally.
  10. Surfing around on Brickshelf today and founc this: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=275311 Lots of really neat stuff. The valks are pretty cool, but I'm not sure if I like the nose. Not entirely sure if they actually transform or not. My favorite though, is the Vifam (a series that doesn't get enough love).
  11. * Wings of Honneamise * Legend of the Galactic Heroes * Escaflowne * Whisper of the Heart * Aim for the Top! * Giant Robo: The Animation * Di Gi Charat
  12. I suppose this means my chances of ever seeing any of wave one are nil. Stupid Hasbro.
  13. Just watched the first episode of this and was very impressed. Anyone else manage to catch it? Also, does anyone know how close this version is to the manga? I know the Giant Robo: The Animation OVA from the 80's/90's wasn't at all.
  14. The hover tanks in Drake's Hammer's Slammers series are cool, as are Laumer's Bolos. They're both in novels though, so no pictures.
  15. I don't see the WoW-ness in the art previews they've released: http://www.enworld.org/index.php?page=4e&a...index.php#style I'm looking forward to 4e. I won't decide to get it for sure until it's out and I can see it, but so far, I really like what I'm hearing. Then again, I think the Saga Edition of the Star Wars game is amazingly good.
  16. Yeah, it's a VF-4. Sorry, I couldn't get a clearer pic.
  17. http://www.japanprobe.com/?p=2656 Pretty fun to watch (nice to see some old stuff there), but like any list, a lot to disagree with (Yamato was only 69?!)
  18. Just watched it and got a kick out of this bit here (note the center of the top shelf):
  19. The last three episodes (Human Nature, Family of Blood, and Blink) have all been just amazing. In fact, I think Human Nature/Family of Blood is probably my favorite DW story of all time now. Everything just worked perfectly with it.
  20. Man, I so completely scooped you: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...1399&st=44# I've got my pre-order in with Right Stuf. Can't wait to get it.
  21. I didn't see this posted elsewhere (if it is, then I expect the mods will take care of this thread): http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-...neda-dies-at-58 58 is way too young. He left quite a legacy of work though.
  22. Yes. Your turn.
  23. In the opening of Megazone 23 part II, what was the pin ball game being played?
  24. Instant plot for season 2. Save the Indian, save the world.
  25. All they need to do to get rid of Sylar's powers is give him Molly's virus. Like I said, the set-up is already there.
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