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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Do you in all seriousness think that's going to happen? I'm willing to bet that BW/Bandai continue to make M0 episodes and that TP at best starts airing Macross TV reruns and maybe releases it on DVD in Japan (after all, that's what they stated as being the intention of the suit). How does $100.00 sound?
  2. It's a misquote. The actual saying is "The proof of the pudding is in the tasting." In other words, something's worth can only be told through actual experience.
  3. I'll add votes to Blakes 7, Gunbuster, Escaflowne and Newhart (the best final episode EVAR). I'll also add Captain Tylor, which had me ready to stand up and cheer in the end.
  4. Surfing around Brick Shelf, I came across this in the recent folders section: http://www.brickshelf.org/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=58795. I'd love to see in real life.
  5. Here's how I'd rate the three parts: 1. Very good 2. Amazingly good 3. Don't waste your time There really isn't much to Eve. As stated above, she's a computer program and doesn't have a whole lot of personality. For cosplay purposes, you can use any of the three parts as her character design is pretty much the same in all three (the only one, in fact).
  6. Buy some plastic Mickey Mouse figurines and cut the hands off of them. They look about the same (I realize that it's an unpopular opinion around here, but I'll take DYRL? hands over TV hands anyday). Sarcasm aside, maybe one of the guys who do recasts will make a set of hands available who like that sort of thing.
  7. So how does one do this wash thing? Those pics look fantastic; much better than the ones I've seen where people just filled in the lines with a pencil/marker.
  8. The Berne Convention basically says that the signers will recognize the copyrights of the other signing countries. In theory, the recent court ruling should hold up in the US, but last I checked, the Berne Convention has never actually been tested. There are some constitutional issues with the treaty centering around whether or not the US government has the authority to enforce the laws of other countries.
  9. Mine's not crappy...
  10. This goes back to my rant on Torren Smith. He's the one who is for flipping and for sticking with the comic book format, even though practically everyone else in the manga industry has ditched both practices. Studio Proteus (Smith's company) is the company who does all the work on most of the manga DH releases. DH actually had to go with a different company to do Trigun because Nightow (Trigun's creator) refused to let anyone flip his artwork.
  11. Old news as far as the unflipped and straight to trade paperback release information is concerned. They anounced that when they anounced they had the license. The part I'm glad about is that because it is straight to trade and unflipped it means Studio Proteus isn't working on it. Anyone else remember the day when Torren Smith was on the cutting edge of anime/manga fandom? The guy really needs to stop living in 1991. So far, the only bad news I've heard about the DH Trigun release is that they aren't keeping the cool Japanese covers with the fun parody versions underneath.
  12. Sorry man, but if I were feeling generous, I'd say this guy is really naive of how the law and intellectual property work in the US. Most likely I'd just say he's full of s**t. SuperO is right. BW giving up any ground is tantamount to giving up the whole field. If they are the ones who pulled the plug on the project, they did it for sound legal reasoning and not just to rain on everyone's parade.
  13. Oh, also forgot to mention trying Jungle (http://www.animejungle.com). They deal mostly in used LDs & DVDs, plus they offer a service where you can list a title you're looking for with them and if it comes in they contact you.
  14. Try looking under the title "Kaitei Sanman Miles" (3,000 Miles Under the Sea). That's what PA's anime guide has it listed as. CD Japan is down right now, but I recommend look there (http://www.cdjapan.co.jp). Nothing's pulling in the fansub database, so it doesn't look like anyone's ever fansubbed it. My current holy grails of anime/Japanese cinema on LD are Prefectural Earth Defense Force (Kenritsu Chikyuu Bouei Gun), the Daicon IV film, and the live action Captain Tylor movies from the 60's (under the title Irresponsible Man, IIRC).
  15. It really annoys me when I hear this. The ending to the anime was actually very well done, but obviously some people just don't get it. The story the anime is telling is not the same story the manga is telling (although the anime story is contained within the manga). The anime is more of a character study. In the first episode we are presented with a picture of the man Guts, a not entirely sane individual fighting a one man war against supernatural evil. The rest of the episodes tell us how he came to be that way. Giving us any more than that would have been counter productive and just plain bad story telling. In fact, I think the tigher focus of the anime makes it superior to the manga in some ways (though I do like the manga, in spite of it being rather gratuitous when it comes to sex and violence).
  16. Because if he wants people to give him the time of day, he needs to type so people can read what he has to say. I took one look at the post and didn't even bother with it. If he wants me to take the time to read it, he needs to take the time to type legibly.
  17. In spite of there being 11 some more volumes of the manga since the TV series aired, the story really hasn't advanced a whole lot. Not enough to justify another anime, IMO. I also understand that the manga is going to run for quite a bit longer. Really, I'd be surprised if they did another anime. From what I've heard while the manga is very popular, but the anime didn't do very well (for one thing, it had a really bad time slot at something like 2 AM).
  18. Most likely because the extra money it would cost to add English subs would be far less than the few extra copies they'd sell because of them would generate.
  19. Cool! First Blakes 7 and now this; looks like we might be finally seeing some decent SF television coming back.
  20. Well Manga is under new ownership now. Maybe things will change...
  21. That sounds more like something worthy of MST'ing.
  22. No offense to your photoship skills, but that just looks fugly.
  23. This is the exact same thing I was wanting to see. As it is, looking at those pictures, it appears that everyone on my list will be getting a light Christmas this year...
  24. The arm pieces are different.
  25. * I'm a big anime fan and I have a large collection of shows (used to actively trade fansub tapes back in the day). I also have a large collection of Di Gi Charat merchandise. * I love to read. The last book I finished was Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond (excellent book, though a few minor bits I disagreed with). Currently I"m reading The Rediscovery of Man, which is the complete short fiction of Cordwainer Smith (my favorite author) in one volume. * Role playing games. Not video games (which I get bored with too easily), but the real deal (that Dee-in-Dee stuff for those who aren't in the know). Talislanta is my favorite, and I'm starting to get into some Japanese games. *Other stuff includes history, card games (pitch, hearts, spades, rummy, etc.), and lazing around and doing nothing.
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