I mentioned that there were rumors of Nausicaa getting released soon...
Did they redub Porco Rosso? The film was made with an English language track to start with (along with a bunch of other languages; it was comissioned as a film to be shown on international flights).
Um. No.
SF was developed from adventure stories as a form of entertainment. Sure, it's been used for social commentary, but that was not it's "original true aim."
It was a one shot OVA. I know it was released on LD and you could get it with some of the LD box sets of the TV series, but I'm not sure if it's had a DVD release (CD Japan doesn't list it). As stated above, it was half combined footage taken from the various Nadesco TV episodes and half new stuff (plus the Nadesco characters in between).
Offering the armor separately in addition to offering it bundled with the plane is good. Offering the armor only by itself is bad. I probably won't even consider it if it doesn't come with the Valk.
Top Shelf: Gunbuster, something from Gundam, Akazukin Cha Cha, dunno, dunno, Dai-con Bunny Girl
Second Shelf: dunno, B-ko, Godzilla, dunno, Nagisa from I'll Make a Habit of It
Bottom Shelf: dunno, dunno, a kappa?, King Ghiddera, dunno
Eva Poster (obviously)
Other two are too small for me to make out
I enjoyed this film, though I think it did get overhyped for a while. Comparing it to the manga story-wise, is difficult at best. The manga hadn't even been finished yet when the movie was released.
As a starting place, I recommend using Gla Gla's armature. It appears the Gundam at the top of this thread uses a modified version of it as well. You can find instructions here: http://www.brickshelf.org/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=24815. For parts, CF18 is right; just buy sets and then go to places like Bricklink if there's an individual piece you really need.
I heard that was horrible, it was called like attack of the bubble people or something like that with bad british accents
Clash of the Bionoids, IIRC, which was a heavily edited US release. I also believe there was another dub made to help teach English in Japan. I saw a boot copy of it years ago, which had Japanese subs at the bottom with the English dialog.
I disagree. There were a lot of crappy movies in the early eighties. The thing is that only the really good ones ever get remembered so it always seems like good ones were all that were ever made at the time. Same is true for a lot of things. It's hard to be objective about the past. Damn nostalgia.
As for Foundation, I'm not a big Asimov fan. I always found him to be dry and often arrogant, so I'm not really interested in films based on his works.
Thanks for the props, A7.
I like Ebichu, but then that should be obvious. I even went through the trouble of tracking down all the DVDs. This is a great review and I don't have much more to add, except maybe pointing out that the Japanese word for "and" is "to." I also think the closing theme is good and definitely catchy.
Reminds me that I need to get the timing finished on eps 17-18 this weekend. Finally getting translations again. We seem to have a hard time keeping translators for this project.
Maybe I should redo my avatar into Ebichuman...
Classic rock (Zepplin, Stones, Who, Floyd, etc.)
Progressive (AKA art) Rock (Yes, ELP, Rush, Tull, etc.)
Blues (Robert Johnson, Howlin' Wolf, T Bone Walker, Muddy Waters, etc.)
Instrumental Rock (Mason Williams, Ventures, Link Wray, etc.)
I've heard rumors that we may see a Nausicaa US release early next year. And for the love of Pete people, if you're going to import it, get the real thing. Support the artists, not f*cking organized crime. Especially when they go through the trouble of putting English subs on the DVDs.