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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. It's the kanji for "adult." The first symbol is upside down on top of the second symbol with a circle drawn around the center.
  2. Not that I've ever heard of.
  3. I guess "mauve" would be the technically correct term. I notice the swing bars on that one are painted and not chrome. Is that standard for their pre-production samples?

    D20 Macross

    Yeah, but then you just end up having to fudge the whole thing anyway with weight efficiency to get it to come out right.

    D20 Macross

    Mekton's build system is just too much number jugling for my taste. I also prefer to use real world values when possible.
  6. I'm 99% certain the manga came first.
  7. It's science fiction where the science takes back seat. Basically, space operas are closer to SF's pulp adventure story roots. In fact, the term itself is a play on the term "sadle opera," which are western adventure stories. Most non-written SF falls in the space opera category.

    D20 Macross

    I think the D20 Mecha rules are pretty good for designing various vehicles. If you want a really good set of vehicle combat rules for D20 or any system, I highly recommend checking out Spycraft's chase system.
  9. What movie includes the animated debut of the Dirty Pair?
  10. Others you might want to look for: Toward the Terra, They Were 11, and Crusher Joe.
  11. Eh. Another never-ending Takahashi series. Saw a couple episodes and read a little of the manga, which means I've probably seen what 90% of the rest of it's going to be. Takahashi thrives on formulae and redundancy.
  12. Well, you're not missing much. - The animation quality of Crash is inferior to eps. 5-6 of BGC. - Due to her commitment as a rock singer, Kinuko Omori stepped down as the voice of Priss. She was replaced by J-Pop singer Ryoko Tachikawa. As a result, Priss' character gets screwed up and she betrays us by becoming an idol singer. - No GENOM here. Not even an explanation of what happened to the corporation. Of all the animated incarnations of BGC, Crash is the weakest. At least it's still better than Adam Warren's poor attempt at doing a BGC comic. You forgot to mention the fact that Crash is mostly over the top silliness and has none of Crisis' edginess.
  13. Side Kick WAAAAVE!!
  14. Isn't the GSC manga still running? Personally, I never cared for GSC. Sonoda's a good artist, but I don't think his writing skills are up to par.
  15. You got ripped off.
  16. I'm not sure of the source, but a friend once quoted me a statistic that Japan spends more money than any other country in the world, that doesn't use it as its native language, on teaching English. Yet, they routinely score among the lowest when it comes to English proficiency tests.
  17. try legend of galatic heros. epic scifi. There aren't any big robots in LotGH, let alone ones that transform.
  18. Why bother with nukes? Just drop rocks on them. Wait a couple decades for the dust to settle back down and then you have a perfectly usable planet again. No radiation to clean up.
  19. I turn the thread over to Dangard Ace.
  20. The answer to attempt #2 was nude model. Attempt #3: Name four anime shows/movies that reference either Colonel Sanders or KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).
  21. The answer is Martian Successor Nadesco (Kidou Senkan Nadeshiko). Attempt #2: After leaving the Soyokaze in The Irresponsable Captain Tyler episode 26, the crew found different jobs. What job did Andresson, the drop ship pilot, find?
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