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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Wow, that truly would have been a terrible film. Something like Dark Crystal could be cool... Anyway, I thought the Gollum statue looked lame, so I'll just get the extended edition disc by itself. The bookends with the first EE disc were cool, though.
  2. The only redeeming part of this show was the chuckle I got listening to all the english cuss words in the opening song.
  3. Perverted in a silly, rather than erotic way. I thought it was okay, but not great. They should have used a translation of the Japanese title for the US release: Nanako's Anatomy Report.
  4. The excite.jp one is what I've used for a few years now.
  5. Pedantry Time! LOTR isn't a trilogy. It's a single book divided into three parts. By definition, each individual part, of the three, has to be able to stand on it's own with out the other parts for a work to qualify as a trilogy. As for the film versions, I thought the first one was excellent, but the second was weak. I'm hoping the extended edition will be better. As a fan of the book, I really don't have any problems with the changes to the events in the translation to film. Most of them were to be expected. The complete re-write of some of the characters' personalities (Merry, Pippin, Elrond, Faramir, Gimli, et al) does bother me. The changes were unnecessary (lame jokes involving Gimli or making Elrond a bigot do nothing for the pacing or length of the films nor required impossible special effects) and were a disservice to the characters (Faramir was made into an a-hole).
  6. Neither do I. Especially since I don't swing that way. That was just too funny. You're my hero, A7.
  7. Iowa, in a rural area, so I'm limited to broadcast television and dial-up internet.
  8. I'm curious as to why the regular US discs only have 2.0 for the Japanese track when the Japanese discs are in the 5.1. You'd think it'd be easier to just transfer straight across instead of having to go through the trouble of a new format. Interesting, didn't know that the Yukikaze novel was written by the same guy who did Teiki wa Kaizouku (The Enemy Is the Pirate).
  9. So I have to buy a lame patch just to get a better DVD? Gee, thanks Bandai.
  10. Amusingly enough, Anno was fired about two-thirds the way through the series. Everything from episode 17 on was directed by someone else (name escapes me).
  11. May have to bug someone to record these for me (no cable). I love animated shorts. It's the format the medium was invented for.
  12. Here here. I agree that the value of the show lay in it being a parody of the super robot genre. In addition to the psychobabble and faux religious icons, the fans have been a real turn-off to the show for me.
  13. I think that's a Palladium generated myth.
  14. Probably to avoid violating someone else's IP.
  15. Not terribly surprised -pyo. Koge Donbo did the designs for all four of them before they showed up in the TV series, but you never know when it comes to IP stuff -pyo. I'm looking forward to seeing what the Black Gema ema Dan has in store -pyo!
  16. Chocola -nyo. You're go, A7.
  17. What was Di Gi Charat's original name?
  18. One Week by Bare Naked Ladies (I only know this because I used to work with a guy that was an annoyingly big fan of this band)
  19. IIRC, in the manga he anounces himself as being one. Don't really care much for the anime, so I don't know if he is or not in that reality.
  20. Monev the Gale
  21. Is it me or is that guy really bow-legged?
  22. The manga and the TV series were made at the same time, but not in conjuction with each other and so are very, very different things.
  23. You know, I kind of feel sorry for the Egyptians. Their ancestors go through all the trouble to build these great monuments and hardly anyone gives them credit for it.
  24. Did they continue using the overlays like they did in the TV series?
  25. Because I liked it better.
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