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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Isn't this the exact same thing that happens in all the other X-men shows/movies?
  2. I could care less about Cartoon Network. I just hope it doesn't give Bandai funny ideas about delaying DVD releases in fear of hurting ratings.
  3. You know, I could care less about boxes, but after a recent move, I'm really glad I kept them. They made transporting my toys without worry of losing or breaking something so much easier.
  4. Yes. I did. He wanted to know the size of the missile bays, which is what that image shows. I said nothing about the officiality of them anywhere in either of my posts.
  5. Did you actually look at the link I posted above?
  6. VF-11 internal missile bay: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/img...apons_bays.html
  7. One of the worse aspects of causes is they tend to be self-perpetuating. This is especially true of highly subjective causes like the one in this thread. At what point are toys non-violent enough for this group? The answer is never. They will never reach a point of compromise because to do so would result in them losing their cause, and the cause itself is far more important than its stated goals. At least a cause with an objective goal (say the American Cancer Society, which wants to cure cancer) dies off once the goal is met (though most of the group will simply switch to a new cause; frex the abolitionists after the US civil war).
  8. I'm going to go out on a limb here and recomend episode 1. It's a good mix of action and drama, and does a good job of introducing the series.
  9. My guess is because when they filmed DYRL?, that was the version they had access to. Trying to refit it with a couple old sea-going ships just to make a movie would have been very expensive and maybe even impossible (doubt many, if any, survived the bombardment and the intervening years).
  10. Ah. I thought we were talking about the one that came out in the 80's. Not being a fan of Transformers, I wasn't aware that it got re-released.
  11. Separate would be a good option, but I don't think it should still be offered bundled at the same time. Not everyone already has a 1/60 1j.
  12. Bandai is such a weird company. How many others out there would be advertising other company's toys?
  13. IIRC, Megatron was released before the events that lead to the laws being passed.
  14. I've tried. It doesn't work.
  15. On an airplane? In this day and age? ROFLMAO!!!!
  16. Is there a source that doesn't use that torrent crap? I can't get it to work, and at this point, I'm voting that its inventor get his hands chopped off to prevent him from ever touching a computer again.
  17. The problem is that those guns are illegal in the US. Ironically, while real guns are legal here, realistic toys are not. If you have one sent to you, better hope customs doesn't find out.
  18. I need to see this.
  19. Capitol ships.
  20. I'd love to get the Rosenritter patch from LotGH.
  21. Sounds like the cover of the first manga collection. Was this in the US Newtype?
  22. I thought the movie was a great hommage to the original comics/radio plays. It's cheesy, yes, but intentionally so.
  23. Just curious as to what other peoople find to be the worst of the worst in the SF film genre. My picks: My runner up is Battle Beyond the Stars. Seven Samurai is a brilliant film. The Magnificent Seven not only manages to remake the original in a different setting, but it's a classic in its own right. If the story works in medieval Japan and the American West, you'd think it'd work great in space, right? Wrong. The film comes across as trite and cliche ridden. The re-used props and the bad acting don't help much. Worst ever: Silent Running. Not only is this film depressing and silly at the same time, it's outright boring! I have never been able to stomach the entirety of this film in one sitting. I always have to get up part-way through and come back to it later. I'd rather put a bullet in my brain than watch this steaming pile of feces again. So, let's here your nominations (and feel free to disagree with mine, though I doubt either will have very many defenders).
  24. Since? Angsty, introspective characters were a staple of the genre long before Eva. In fact, the reason they're in Eva is exactly because they are a staple. Remember, Eva is as much a parody as it is anything else.
  25. Those would be really big toys. Not that I mind. I'm still holding out for a VF scaled for 3 3/4" action figures.
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