Just curious as to what other peoople find to be the worst of the worst in the SF film genre. My picks:
My runner up is Battle Beyond the Stars. Seven Samurai is a brilliant film. The Magnificent Seven not only manages to remake the original in a different setting, but it's a classic in its own right. If the story works in medieval Japan and the American West, you'd think it'd work great in space, right? Wrong. The film comes across as trite and cliche ridden. The re-used props and the bad acting don't help much.
Worst ever: Silent Running. Not only is this film depressing and silly at the same time, it's outright boring! I have never been able to stomach the entirety of this film in one sitting. I always have to get up part-way through and come back to it later. I'd rather put a bullet in my brain than watch this steaming pile of feces again.
So, let's here your nominations (and feel free to disagree with mine, though I doubt either will have very many defenders).