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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Look at all the screw ups they've had since he left. Right off the top of my head there were the problems with the KOR DVDs and the disaster that was the Otaku No Video DVD release. I think Animeigo's days are numbered if they don't pull their collective head out of their butt.
  2. I agree. They're basically going to end up substituting English jokes in for everything that doesn't translate well or requires an explanation. With this show, that means they're replacing a lot of the material and it almost makes me wonder why they don't just make their own show from scratch if they're going to put that much work into this just for a dub. Of couse, making a new show would require talent, something the frakktards at ADV sorely lack. Glad I imported this show...
  3. I'm reminded of the line from Dazed And Confused about "getting older, but they keep staying the same age."
  4. I'm avoiding it. I hate Tom Cruise and any historical inaccuracies (and I'm sure there're plenty) would just distract me.
  5. I enjoy the movies mostly for the visiuals. Plot and characterization-wise (especially, the latter as the film drastically changes personalities and motivations of several characters), the novel is far better. Of the two, the first film favors the most compared to the book, but only because the first part of the book is the weakest of the three. I've heard the extended edition of Two Towers fixes a lot, but I haven't seen it yet, myself.
  6. Isn't Urban Vision still owned, at least in part, by Mad House?
  7. Animeigo has rapidly gone down hill in the last year or so, so I wouldn't trust the quality of their previous works as an indicator of their current ability. ADV would likely sit on it forever or slap it out the door with a half-assed job. I think Bandai would do a good job of it, plus they're the company most likely to release it (only ADV has the necessary money besides them, but I doubt ADV would want to piss of their partners, HG). I'm waiting and seeing when it comes to Genoen as to what the change in ownership does to the quality of their anime line.
  8. Aren't those products of burning hydrogen? Fusing it produces helium.
  9. It was available in stores at least for a short while. Either weren't available, didn't want to do it, or the producers wanted new people. Personally, I like the part 2 designs better. Not really. The idea that what we think is real isn't is as old as every other idea. There's nothing new under the sun, kid, and there's no such thing as a truly original idea. -SPOILER- No and no. The first question has been answered elsewhere. A good explanation of the story background was included in one of the fansub releases. I don't have time to look it up right now, though. Oh, and that button just below "Enter" on your keyboard is a shift key, and the three to the left of it are for punctuation. Using them will make reading your posts a lot easier and raise my consideration of your intelligence by quite a bit.
  10. Just to be pedantic, "prepubescent" means not having gone through puberty. I think I can safely say the Eva chicks don't qualify for the label. And if you're just now figuring out there's an unhealthy obsession with underage girls in anime fandom, I'd say it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.
  11. Wonder if this has something to do with Palm Films selling Manga Ent. a few months back.
  12. While you can't blame Wagner for the holocaust, he was a racist and anti-semite whose views did influence Hitler.
  13. I'm just keeping an eye out for the original LDs. That way I know it'll get subbed right.
  14. In this case, and most others, it's the same person.
  15. I've never heard of this either.
  16. I imagine the guy will get the death sentance (Japan has it; they just don't advertise it). The Miyazaki murders are still probably the worst thing that's been linked to anime/manga.
  17. I'm fairly certain he just translates Japanese sources. I don't know the don't know the status of those sources when it comes to official-ness, though.
  18. If I were you, I would not use the word "jap" in the name. It's considered to be an ethnic slur.
  19. Daaang, that looks sweet. I want one.
  20. Jetfire as a VF-19.
  21. Yeah, and what's up with that Odin guy stealing the name for those dead chicks he uses to take souls durring battles?
  22. Can you at least resize the damn thing then? If you insist on posting it, fine, but it really screws up trying to read the thread.
  23. I didn't mean that character specifically. I meant the young female mutant, who's supposed to be the one the audience identifies with, shows up and does most or all of those things.
  24. Just out of curiosity, do you have to post that same picture in every thread?
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