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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Actually, they're meant to be watched interspersed with the TV series. Agree fully that there are some of the funniest (and best) episodes of the franchise in the bunch. New Summer season started up. Looks like I'll be following Kami-Sama Dolls, Usagi Drop, Kami-Sama no Memo-Chou and Mawaru Penguindrum. I'll also be continuing Nichijou, Tiger and Bunny and Steins;Gate from the Spring season.
  2. I think that if you don't like it by this point, you're not going to like the rest of it. I enjoyed the series, though the plotting could've used quite a bit of tightening up. For something different in the same setting, you might try switching to Armor Hunter Mellowlink.
  3. The art and setting are kind of giving me an Escaflowne vibe.
  4. That show has the best explanation for sound in space.
  5. I have a few Hoiho-san models that I haven't gotten around to yet. I should try and see if I can get a Pest X just so I have all three of the main ones. I love the manga. Too bad CMX never released any more of it over here.
  6. Now I'm going to drive myself crazy trying to figure out where I picked up that bit of information since I've never seen those films and I've known it since pre-internet time.
  7. It's been years since I read the book, but I seem to recall that the original premise was that uplifted apes had become a widespread slave labor force before they took over.
  8. That's rather unimpressive. If I do get one, I think I'll leave it as the individual Buster Machines. What they should really make, and what I think Revoltech would be perfect for, are the RX units and the Sizzler units.
  9. I don't know. Visually, it looks great, but I'm so sick and tired of the science is evil drivel that Hollywood is stuck on. Also, unless those apes literally breed like rabits, there's no way they're taking over the world.
  10. I'm at work, so I can't see it, but is it worse than the t-shirt Aya wore in the Gekisou concert?
  11. My problem with Crest of the Stars was mostly one of disapointment rather than anything bad about the show itself (although I'm not a big fan of the making the bad guys the protagonists approach to story telling). I was told to expect epic space opera and often saw comparisons between Crest and LoGH. What I got instead was a rather pedestrian, if decent, SF story.
  12. Just saw it a few days ago as well. I didn't mind the length and I agree that it was entertaining. I also recently watched Trava, which has a somewhat similar style, but isn't nearly as good (but not terrible either).
  13. It took me a bit of thinking it over, but I've decided that I like the film. It turned out to be a lot darker than I was expecting, but I'm OK with that. One thing I really apreciate is that it took its audience seriously by letting the ambiguity stand and not spoon feeding them an explanation. Most of the negative reviews I've seen have so many inacuracies, it makes me wonder if the reviewers actually watched the movie.
  14. Coherency isn't one of Shiro's strong points.
  15. Reynolds has been rather hit or miss with me, but I'll definitely check out anything new he has coming out.
  16. I believe 6 is what they have planned.
  17. Mazui are the only ones I know of who finished subbing the series. I didn't have any problems with their work on it. As for me, I just finished the fourth Break Blade movie and it was awesome. I hope five isn't too long coming now. With all of the mecha fans on this board, I'm surprised it isn't getting more talk.
  18. A lot would depend on the sort of thing you like, but for hitting a lot of bases, you really can't go wrong with Katanagatari, so I'll just third it. Plus you get the added advantage of longer episode lengths allowing for fuller stories.
  19. Charts for the new Spring season are showing up: http://thecartdriver.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Spring-2011-v3.jpg http://brianandrew.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/20101230_spring2011.jpg Seems that off-beat and weird are the keywords this time around. Some good SF prospects though with Appleseed XIII (I hope Production IG does for it what they did for GitS) and Steins;Gate (although I hated Chaos;Head, I'm willing to give this a chance). Also the two historical dramas interest me greatly. Otherwise, I'll do my usual watching of each first episode and go from there with what to stick with.
  20. A very high tech aegis destroyer. Zipang is pretty good for showing the characters struggling with their consciences on how they should act (being modern Japanese they see Americans as friends and they're aware of the dark side of Japan's actions durring the war, though the latter part doesn't get as much attention as it probably should in the show). The biggest problem with the series is that it's essentially unfinished and you'll have to find the manga to get a conclusion. It's interesting to contrast Zipang with Konpeki no Kantai (which I'm currently pushing myself to get through). The latter doesn't bother with any sort of self reflection and is nakedly jingoistic in the extreme.
  21. I saw that Studio 4° C is doing the animation, so at the very least it's going to be very pretty. I'm a big fan of their work, so I hope the writing end of things matches up.
  22. Finally found my Konpeki no Kantai episodes and watched the first one last night. Man that was painful and I get the feeling that finishing this is going to be a real chore. My description of the series is, "the most offensive anime ever that doesn't involve misogyny or child molestation."
  23. You know, that pistol is the first gun I've seen that actually looks good in yellow. Maybe it's the whole sci-fi vibe the thing has. I think the SMG looking one would be better if the magazine curved the other way (more AK-47-ish). They're pretty reasonably priced, so my have to get one or both (hurray for income tax returns).
  24. Oops. I passed right over your earlier post.
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