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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Just to nitpick, but it's spelled "EVAR" when immitating the comic book guy.
  2. Assuming you are joking, rape and misogyny are not funny.
  3. I wonder if has something to do with the Sherlock Holmes IP rather than than REH's character. I think someone would have a very hard time proving that the title "Boy Detective Conan" in any way dilutes or interferes with anything associated with the famous barbarian. Case Closed is a pretty lame sounding name, but then I imagine they're marketing the show to kids (which makes sense, since it's a kids show, albeit a fairly sophisticated one).
  4. See, that's the problem, and because it needs all the emphasis it can get... THE ANIME IS NOT THE MANGA! The anime is not trying to tell the story of the manga. It doesn't even try, and to expect otherwise is asinine. The anime takes a set of events from the manga, excises parts of it and expands upon others to create a complete story out of them. A complete story does not require knowing what all the characters do for the rest of their lives. It doesn't need to explain every minor event not connected to the plot. The manga is primarily an action/adventure story, while the anime is a tragedy. Two different approaches with differing results.
  5. The tanks are likely full of reaction mass. The stuff being thrown out the back of the engine to make the valkyrie go forward. In an atmosphere, the air itself is the reaction mass. What is uses for reaction mass in space is unspecified, AFAIK.
  6. Something's missing alright, but it's not an episode... Since obviously you don't get it, read my explanation earlier in the thread.
  7. Okay then, a different interpretation of the word "terrible" (I was assuming you meant it in the more modern "something repulsive" sense). In the sense of being powerful or awe inspiring, I agree, the ending was "terrible."
  8. Great show, but I'm pissed that CPM didn't bother to number the discs. You have to go by skew number to figure what order they go in.
  9. But if he cited his sources, that would hurt his claim to own the copyright on the material.
  10. Here's another vote for Shin Densetsu giving it a rest and getting a life.
  11. IIRC, it's in the show itself. In one of the omake bits.
  12. A self-defeating policy since the literal translation only makes misunderstanding more likely. Real translation is more than just moving words from one language to another; it's moving the ideas and intent of the words as well and making sure that the one receiving the translation comprehends what's being said or written. I'm sure the translation is accurate, but it definitely needs to be rewritten into regular English.
  13. Most of the actual timing is done with Sub Station Alpha, but I'm not sure as to what most groups use to transfer the subs to the video file.
  14. Man, it's been a long time since I've watched CCS. Isn't it Lightning?
  15. A show with a teenage boy target audience has teenaged main characters? Those bastards! I can't believe they'd do such a thing. Where's the damn clue-by-four when you need it.
  16. He did the mecha design, yeah.
  17. You're way too late on this one. He's already been there and done that with Arjuna.
  18. Try the Anime Web Turnpike (AKA, the Anipike): www.anipike.com
  19. You mean in folklore? Nah, I'm 99.9% positive Dr. Helsing is an invention of Brom Stoker. There is no singular vampire legend and they bear very little resemblence to the vampires in modern stories. If you want to see what most folklore vampires are like, watch "Night of the Living Dead."
  20. The character is originally from the novel Dracula.
  21. "TMoS?" seconded. Also, movie, TV, book, or what?
  22. Actually, re-reading your post, I'm going to go on a limb and say that it's definitely Planetes. Excellent series. Near future SF based around space 'garbage collectors' (even the smallest bit of debris can be dangerous when you're in orbit moving at thousands of miles per hour). For the most part, the physics are spot on (it's an NHK show, so whadya expect?), but the SF is more background to some really great character interaction. The best comparison I can think of would be to the Patlabor OVAs/TV series. The manga is also really good, but more focused on one character and much more serious. It irks me to no end though that the morons at TP decided to use sigmas as "E's" on the cover. Especially when it's a Greek word to begin with.
  23. This is funny stuff. You amuse me. They're a business, not a charity. By definition, it's their job to sell out.
  24. That makes about the fourth different way I've seen that line translated. No major differences between any of them, but enough to be noticable.
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