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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. The great thing about the Japanese releases of the Ghibli films is that they have English subtitles. As for what I haven't seen, the only one I haven't gotten around to is Ponpoko. I have it on tape, but just haven't sat down to watch it yet. BTW, My Neighbors the Yamadas is a great film. Too bad it bombed horribly in Japan. Theres a little comic strip in the DVD case that explaines why: it opened against Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
  2. Does anyone have or at least seen in persong the 1/12000 Yellow Submarine Galactic Heroes ships? How big are they and are they worth 7200 yen a set? Thanks.
  3. I don't know, maybe an ending that wasn't utterly lame and ruin the entire show?
  4. Blue Gender is beyond bad. The people involved with it should be shot.
  5. Batteries are not food.
  6. It shouldn't be too hard to find out if Valks can leave the atmosphere or not. Just compare their top speed with escape velocity. I'd do it myself, but I don't have time to look it up right now.
  7. A pretty good show, which really surprised me. I was expecting it to suck.
  8. I think he meant the ship looks like a big gun, complete with hand grip.
  9. I haven't watched the show in years, so I didn't realize it'd been changed until I saw the post above. Blech.
  10. I grew up in the 80's and never saw Robotech.
  11. I wonder if the guy with the ISD has plans for it he'd be willing to sell. I have a couple nephews who would love something like that.
  12. For something a little different, I really like these designs: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=70751 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=77654
  13. * The Arcadia and just about any other ship designed by Matsumoto. * The Reich battleships in Legend of the Galactic Heroes. * Anything built with a General Products hull #2. * The Red Dwarf. * The Liberator. * The Exelion.
  14. That show is awesome! I love animated shorts.
  15. That was fun.
  16. I'd definitley love to see something big enough to include an action figure. Maybe not full 3 3/4" GI Joe size, but even something more on the scale of microman/naught figures. Then again, isn't the VF-1 smaller than the F-14? If so, then it shouldn't be too bad in comparison to the Sky Striker.
  17. I think it's a head skewered with a hobby knife.
  18. Agreed. Those things were pretty sweet looking.
  19. you're absolutely right, thats why its called science FICTION hence making the science involved false, fake, untrue, etc. science is not the keyword here, its FICTION. so that being said, what "technical accuracy" are you talking about? if you're talking about a real space shuttle, with real astronauts, with real science and facts that have been recorded and documented over all the missions into space, thats fine, i can live with that. if you mean the FICTIONAL technical mumbo-jumbo made up by one gene rodenberry because he joined startfleet academy and battle the klingons therefore he technically knows what hes talking about because he himself broke the light speed barrier, made first contact and discovered the secrets to space travel and he learned all this technically accurate information from the vulcans themselves....stop kidding yourself. *takes a breath* theres absolutely nothing technical about science fiction...its fiction, so you can basically make it up crap as you go along. wheres the science in that exactly? But the science doesn't have to be fake. In fact, often it is preferable that it is not. Men like Poul Anderson and Bob Heinlein were scientists who used their knowledge to help write stories. Now obviously this is not the place for a debate on the definition of "science fiction." but needless to say, science must play a part in it, otherwise we'd just call it fantasy (and even fantasy requires internal logic and self-consistancy). It would be like writing a book of historical fiction and saying the US Civil War never happened; it doesn't make it an invalid story, but certainly disqualifies it from being historical fiction. Certainly some stories are more true to science than others, but that doesn't make it any less of a valid criteria of judgement. Now, you personally may not give much importance to that criteria when judging a show or book. This is fine, but please keep in mind that there are those who do find it important. If you don't like it, that's your problem, not ours.
  20. Technical accuracy is a perfectly acceptable criteria for judging a work of science fiction. That's why it's called science fiction.
  21. Is there another place that has that image? HLJ is blocked from work.
  22. I'd love something like that. How big of fleets can Homeworld handle?
  23. Heck, Viz still can't pronounce "Ranma" right, and they've been putting it out for over a decade now.
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