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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. It doesn't skip it, it just does things in a slightly different order.
  2. Wow. I don't think there's been a single anouncement this year so far that I could really care less about. Guess maybe I'll have money to catch up on other stuff finally.
  3. Those Galactic Heroes ships have visions of table top fleet battles dancing in my head, but $70.00 a set (and around 13 sets) is making me very reluctant to pick them up.
  4. I'm glad at least someone is willing to give Gainax the benefit of a doubt. It's certainly not going to be me though. I can't think of any of their recent productions that I've really cared for.
  5. The series is better known as Legend of Galactic Heros. THanks! It sounds kinda epic. But I've not heard a thing about it until today. Pretty interesting. Try this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...of+the+galactic
  6. Yes. It was the author's role playing campaign. Your turn, VHD.
  7. The Record of the Lodoss War anime is based on a novel. What was the novel based on?
  8. My suggestion is to not make the player pay for the vehicle unless his character personally owns it. Additionally, since the players aren't paying for them, you can pretty much throw point costs out the window and just focus on modeling the stats (or just use the points for comparison purposes).
  9. I've never played the video game, but I thought the first movie was pretty good. I'll go see the second.
  10. Walther P-38 Your turn.
  11. What is Lupin III's weapon of choice?
  12. What is Figure 17?
  13. Heathen! Only the late Yamada Yasua can ever play Lupin and you should be shot for your sacrelige.
  14. Same gesture; different meanting.
  15. Try flushing.
  16. I don't think it was ever a rumor. They'd been sold a while back, but they're just now releasing the details. Maybe this new parent company will take anime seriously, which is something Palm Films never seemed to do. Interesting that IDT also owns Anchor Bay. That company has been sitting on the license for Oshii Mamoru's Angel's Egg for years now. Maybe we'll finally see a US release of it.
  17. No she doesn't. In fact they comment on the fact right away in the show. She speaks standard Japanese, not with a kansai accent, which someone from Osaka would have.
  18. I'm in Council Bluffs and for all intents and purposes, we might as well be a part of Nebraska. People in the Eastern half the state barely seem to be aware that the Western half even exits. No one I know uses "warsh" that I can think of offhand.
  19. But she's not supposed to have an accent.
  20. It depends. In some places and among some groups, the accent is a result of hanging on to the English accent longer, as you say. But for the most part, the southern drawl descended from the accent of the Scotts Irish.
  21. You should move to western Iowa. Rural and urban people here both lack accents and it's an all around better place than the eastern part.
  22. I think this one is a shoe-in for licensing. Especially considering that the manga is already out in the US.
  23. The southern drawl is just bad in general. Thankfully, due to television, it's dying out. I blame country music for helping it hang on as long as it has.
  24. I've not had too many problems with Funimation's DVD releases either, at least with their subtitles. Their translation tends to be litteral, which is good (as long as you make sure you're not on the close caption track that they put on some of their releases). The timing seems to be pretty good too. In fact, I'd rate Funimations subtitle work well above ADV's and even above some of Bandai's releases (they tend to skimp on the lower profile series).
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