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Everything posted by JELEINEN



    LDs were always about 7000 yen. Those one episode per disc OVAs got really expensive. A quick perusal of CD Japan shows that 4000 yen is low average even for main stream films (and CD Japan usually charges at or slightly below MSRP). Not too far off from the prices for anime titles, really. The point is that people are complaining about prices that weren't even set for the economy they're living in.
  2. Congrats, David. What the heck is that thing on the tail supposed to be?


    Interesting that no one's mentioned that the prices are based on the Japanese economy and not the US. The simple fact is that some things cost more in Japan than they do in the US. Anyone who's imported Japanese DVDs can tell you that (compare $20.00 for a disc to 4,000+ yen).
  4. Screen shot?
  5. How did Fire and Ice end? I remember being disapointed by the ending when I watched it, but it's been so long since I saw it that I don't remember how it ended. The only Bakshi title that I care at all for was American Pop. I thuroughly dislike the animation in it (not a fan of rotoscope), but in spite of the fact that it has no real plot, the story fascinated me. Also the music throughout the film was excellent.
  6. I know I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but that's the case with most anime as well. The design is so awesome (and detailed) it distracts one from noticing that most of the animation is very stiff and jerky. I won't entirely disagree. OVAs and movies have bigger budgets to use more cels, so it's mostly true of TV shows. Of course now with computers taking over the role of cels in animation, most recent shows have had very good animation compared to the past.
  7. I think what the animated series really had going for it was its designs (the animation itself was average at best). The stylized, square-jawed characters in three piece suits. The retro, art deco look to the buildings and other objects. The simple, un-detailed backgrounds and the decision to draw them on black paper. All these made the show ooze atmosphere. It also helps that this is one of the few US series where they manage to pull off serious dialog and not sound corny.
  8. I am so looking forward to this movie. The execs at Fox should be shot for how they treated the TV series.
  9. You can always build your own: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=14565
  10. Pianists aren't supposed to look at their hands while they play, so this isn't that impressive.
  11. EganLoo should be given the title of Thread Necromancer.
  12. There are only two reasons why it wouldn't be funny - 1)The viewer cannot relate, because they aren't familiar with the "world of otaku" enough to appreciate the inside humor. 2)The viewer IS an otaku, or uncomfortably close to one, so the defensive mechanism kicks in to either belittle the parody or just find it unfunny. Personally I find it funny except for the bits that I go "hey....um, that's me." Odd. I found the "Hey, that's me" bits to be the best parts.
  13. So that the exhaust vents discharge in back of you instead of in front of you. Looks to me that if you brought it up to your shoulder, it would discharge right next to you head. It's just a valkyrie-sized pistol. A very cool looking pistol none the less.
  14. I may try my hand at making a Valkyrie MOC. Need to get a hold of some extra parts first. Looks like I'll be scouring Brick Link and Ebay tonight.
  15. It's about a girl traveling back in time to prevent an alien invasion which has all but wiped out humanity in her time. It's in English, but I have no info on who puts it out (I watched on a friend's copy).
  16. Actually, if you read the description of the first one, it's not the Nebuchadnezar. Anyway, they're both good builds, though I'm not fond of the design they're based on.
  17. I refuse to buy from Right Stuf until they give an extra discount to Iowa residents to offset sales tax.
  18. I think the biggest problem is there's no hint of the stylized bat motif that's expected for a Batman vehicle/gadget. It's an ugly vehicle to start with, and without anything to identify it as being Batman's, it just doesn't work.
  19. It's not a starship?
  20. Took about five minutes, but I'm at work, so it wasn't five minutes just spent messing with it.
  21. Wow. That's lame.
  22. Are you talking specifically about tankuban?
  23. Was just looking at it myself. The nose on it is much better than the foundry valk, and the guy has some other interesting ideas in the build. Overall, though, the thing is pretty ugly and what the hell is up with that head?!
  24. Huh? Most manga in Japan is distributed in weekly or monthy anthology publications. Where do you get 2-3 months from?
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