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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Love that last one. What would you call that, a Led Valkyrie?
  2. Actually, if you buy the generic bucket o' blocks sets or the designer series sets they're not that bad. It's the licensed (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Spiderman, etc.) that are more expensive. I like the Star Wars sets because they come with some cool pieces, but the sets themselves aren't the greatest. Anyway, LEGO is my favorite toy.
  3. The art is amazing. I'm very impressed. The story... Sorry, Radd, but the silly deconstruction of a genre has been done by every other web comic I've ever seen. What's wrong with a real story? I'm not impuning your talent as an artist or a writer here, but I simply find your choice in subject to be over done and not really that funny.
  4. 2001 was good up until the ending. Never cared for the "we don't know what to do next, so let's just confuse everyone with psychadelia" school of film making. As for that site, not a single one of the films they listed that I would disagree with. The only one I even remotely question is Attack of the Killer Tomatoes because I wonder if a movie that's intentionally bad should really qualify.
  5. Both the July issues of Animage and Newtype (the real Newtype) have articles on the 20th anniversary of Gainax and have pictures from the supposed Top wo Nare! sequal. *shudder* I think I am going to work very hard and try to convince myself that there is no sequal and that any reference to such is merely seepage from an alternate reality... you know, the kind in Star Trek where everyone is evil.
  6. Can't be any worse than the abortion that was the TV series.
  7. Well, the news article says it's only been canceled on Fuji TV. It's still being aired in its entirety on another (probably satelite) network.
  8. Not only that, they severely edited the episodes they did show. TV Tokyo is notorious for being paranoid about what they show ever since Eva (they got a lot of complaints about that show).
  9. I'm almost positive it's not the same script, or if it is, or whoever transcribed it was only semi-literate. And the timing... *shudder* Sorry Kieth, I think your memory is faulty here. Those subs suck compared to anything else but HK boots. Heck, I've seen digisubbers do better.
  10. They're Gunbuster's shoulders.
  11. Hmmm... Maybe post Space War 1. Having players help in the rebuilding of civilization while fending off rogue Zentradi and other bad guys sounds like fun. For a system I'd probably use FATE (http://www.faterpg.com/dl/FATE2fe.pdf).
  12. You're kidding. You're the first person I've met who goes in for that kind of ego crap, other than the digisubbers themselves.
  13. is this true? i really wanted to get one of these please tell me it is not that bad, if it is will you be willing to sell yours? , maybe i can get one for a little cheaper and you can get some of your money back, i was really looking forward to this item. chris The Mirya 1j I have (the post was about the VF-1's, not the Legeoss) is that way. The most redeming quality it has is that I picked up fairly cheap and so I can leave it sitting on my desk at work and not worry too much if something bad happens to it.
  14. You're wrong. It's a pain in the ass because nothing stays in place and flops everywhere with the slightest movement. It is not fun. It is not easy. It's a piece of poo.
  15. Weak story and bad animation are the two biggest reasons I never cared for II.
  16. IIRC, didn't he change it because he was afraid that it was too close to Revenge of the Nerds and he might get in trouble over it?
  17. Saying, "no" to the whole film being shown is semi-understandable, if somewhat anal. Saying, "no" to showing clips is just stupid.
  18. VF-17's? They aren't going for all that much. http://search.ebay.com/vf-17s_W0QQsofocusZ...QQsosortorderZ1
  19. I don't always agree with A7's opinions on shows, but I would never even think to accuse him of being dishonest or being a japanophile shill. If you didn't like the show, then give a counter review. Attacking the reviewer just makes you look like a dumbass.
  20. What's ZDMC? Those toys(?) look cool, but I've never heard of it before.
  21. Don't worry. I figured out the exact same thing about an hour ago when I was reading this thread.
  22. Don't think that's it. I believe Super Dimension is just a straight forward translation which could also be translated as hyper space. 超 chou : hyper- / super- / ultra- 時空 jikuu : space-time / dimension[al] Of course, its also been translated as "A Fortress Exceeding Time and Space" Which I think sounds pretty neat. But anyways 'destroyer' is a class of ship and I just feel that it should be present in the kanji if it is going to be used. "Super Dimensional" has the added value of a double meaning in English. It can mean "really big" in addition to "hyperspace." Never under estimate the ability of the Japanese for puns.
  23. Ah, nothing like a sense of entitlement when it comes to toys.
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