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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. WARNING! Not a work safe link: http://www.gainax.co.jp/anime/awaawa/ebichu/index-e.html You can also search for A7's review of it on these boards. Back to Cutey Honey, any word on how long of a series this is supposed to be?
  2. I'm with you. For how many years did they keep telling us that they were working on the Giant Robo DVD release? Then we suddenly hear that they don't even have the show and that another company is releasing it.
  3. Just curious. With all the complaints here and on the Robotech boards, has Toynami/HG made any official statement?
  4. If you want a post-Karekano project, look for something called Ebichu Minds The House.
  5. No swords on the Garlands.
  6. No strategic censoring in the actual show. Pretty funny, but Gainax/Anno are really starting to grasp at straws in trying to show off their "otaku-ness."
  7. The company I work for, First National Bank of Omaha, now has personalized credit cards. Basically when you apply for the card, you submit a photo and they put it on the card (within certain limits). Check out www.firstnational.com. The product is calle "One of a Card."
  8. It's a spoof/commedy, so it's really not fair to compare it to those other shows. It's silly and fun, or at least I thought so.
  9. /me breaks out in a rousing karaoke of the The Fifth Dimension.
  10. That toy looks awesome. In the Wonderfest thread in the Toys section there's a shot of a Microman toy posed on the bike. I wonder if it will be able to still hold the figure in robot mode.
  11. Parts I and II are excellent, though most fans tend to like one a lot more than the other (I'm partial to II myself). Avoid Part III like the plague. All three parts are currently available from ADV.
  12. More like 3.5". They're smaller than the 3 3/4" GI Joe figures from the 80's.
  13. From my understanding, Blazing Transfer Student along with Bakuen Campus Guardress, and Prefectural Earth Defense Force (one of my all time favorite shows) will probably never get licensed because the studio that made them went under and the rights are now in Never Never Land.
  14. Awesome! I'll be getting at least the regular Batman figure. The flight pack didn't impress me that much.
  15. I remember seeing the Blade Runner cars in the toy department as a kid and thinking how weird it was because the movie was rated R. Nobody I knew of around my age had seen it, so none of us had any desire for those toys.
  16. Yes. Those are Aquarian Age cards.
  17. Argento Soma draws heavily from Mary Shelly's The Modern Prometheus (AKA Frankenstein). It's not a bad story, but it's obviously not a big budget series. Also Bandai didn't put a lot of effort into the US release (the subs aren't the greatest for instance).
  18. slow down there speedy. language is always evolving so it may not be a word now but it will be later, if that wasn't the case we would be still using old english here or latin. give a few years and 911 would be a word that everyone knows that b4 that happen everyone knew as the number to call in an emergency. its also the reason why us english is diffent than british enlish. man keith and exo your like the twins of haterist and hurin People who don't know how to use uppercase letters should not comment on other's grammar.
  19. The Aquarian Age anime is pretty good, but I don't think the new Kawamori anime is related to that license. If it were, Broccoli would be pumping out the promo stuff right and left.
  20. To paraphrase Damon Knight, Science Fiction is what I point to when I say it.
  21. Usually episode 12 or 13 in most anime series is a recap.
  22. There are two choices with a Flash Gordon film. Either update everything or do it as a retro-future. I think the studio will probably go with the first option because the last Flash movie was done retro-future style (and intentionally campy to boot) and a lot of people just don't 'get' retro-future
  23. These are cool figures. I want the batman one badly, but they're rediculously priced on Ebay.
  24. It's cool because it was cheezy. They only polled 60 scientists. Doesn't that seem to be a very small sample? I'm not a statistician, but 60 just doesn't sound like very many to be accurate.
  25. I had a discussion with a toyshop manager about that Now I might not be a SW fan, but Lego made something out of it no one else could True. I'm just spoiled by seeing so many MOCs that blow the official designs away. Those Hasbro GI Joe and Transformer kits using LEGO knock-offs are some of the most truly horrible toys I've ever seen. Especially the Transformers. You have to take them apart to transform and they still look like crap in both modes.
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