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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. I believe it's supposed to be really loose clothing.
  2. Looks cool. I hope it'll have a bunch of optional weapons and stuff. For that price it'd better.
  3. That reminds me that I need to get the rest of the Harlock TV fansubs. Great series.
  4. Just saw the trailer... Maybe if we're lucky, sometime before Nov., a really big earthquake will hit Osaka and destroy Gainax' studio and the project gets lost forever.
  5. Sorry, but exactly why does it need a sequal? The ending was beautiful. Trying to tack anything on after that would only ruin it.
  6. Doesn't look that impressive.
  7. Full Metal Panic - Haven't seen it. El Hazard - Stick with the original OVAs, which are excellent. The rest is crap. Slayers(breakdown by seasons, movies) - I found the TV series to be boring and redundant. The OVAs and movies are a lot of fun. Hellsing - Eh. Stick with the manga. X - Suffers from being based on a manga that hasn't been finished yet. Vandread - Not woth the effort. Dirty Pair Flash - Somebody should be shot for this. Soul Hunters - Fluffy, fun show, but if ADV absolutely feels they must re-name shows, they at least should be able to come up with something better than the utterly inane title of "Soul Hunter."
  8. The female cast is definately there for the amusement of male viewers, not female ones. Would you rather have a bunch of dudes hopping around in skin tight hardsuits? Or hard suits with boots shaped so you walk on your toes. Ouch.
  9. You do realize the change was made in the 2040 series. 2032 is the original.
  10. Right. We're entitled to our toys, dammit!
  11. I agree the story wasn't the greatest, but that is a nice design. Doesn't look very articulate though.
  12. We don't see very many shots showing the outside at the time, but BD did give the command to evacuate. If there weren't ships, then it would be kind of silly for him to give the command. When ADAM activated there wasn't any indication that they weren't aware of what it was. And EVE's job wasn't to protect the entire Megazone, but to choose who should be allowed to return to Earth. This is why all of Shogo's friends who were scattered all over the city and in pretty bad shape all made it, but nobody else did. EVE specifically saved them. She was sort of a filter to make sure only humans who weren't going to screw up the Earth again would be able to land. He does fly off. Which is odd if he had just given up and is willing to die. If he wanted to die, he could have just stayed there and been disentigrated along with the rest of the Megazone. You mean besides the other seven planets and millions of planetoids that make up the solar system? Whether BD is alive or not is an unknown, but I think the creators of the show definitely left the implication that he was not destroyed along with the Megazone.
  13. Nice collection. Where'd you get that Stikfa with the brown chinese hat and sword?
  14. They evacuated the civilians, or at least a large number of them. Why would he simply abandon them? And conceding that Shogo "won" is not the same thing as committing suicide. He had been working all along at subverting EVE in order to protect the Megazone from ADAM. In the end he failed; EVE selected Shogo and company to return to Earth to rebuild civilization there. Realizing this and accepting does not mean he just gives up on his principles. Now it's certainly a possibility that everyone else from the Megazone died anyway, but there is sufficient evidence that there could have been survivors who did not make it to Earth. I obviously can't say for sure they survived no more than anyone else can say for sure they didn't.
  15. Saw a promo for it and decided to not bother with it.
  16. I think it's strongly implied that BD did not simply go off to die. It's also completely against his personality to do so.
  17. Not a huge Akira fan either, but I'll take it's animation any day over GitS. Especially with the level of detail that was in it. I find the fallacy that computer animation is automatically better than hand drawn to be annoying and stupid. Computers aren't better, only cheaper and faster.
  18. If it pulls it's landing gear in and drops the legs down, technically it's just in a sort of knealing position. I don't think it'd have much trouble from there.
  19. I'm assuming it's dubbed.
  20. You really should have put a spoiler warning in the subject line. Anyway, I believe it's Shogo. And considering how long ago part III came out, it's doubtful. Not that they couldn't do much worse...
  21. After seeing Dirty Pair Flash, I avoid any other show with the word "flash" in the title.
  22. I wonder if it'd be worth driving to Lincoln for. I'm with the guys who weren't real impressed with the first film and I'm also a huge Oshii fan. I might consider it more if it were in Japanese, but the dead pan dub of the first one was particularly bad.
  23. The arms and legs didn't work.
  24. They have different names. "Aquarian Age" is not the same name as "Sousei no Aquarian" even if they might mean the same thing.
  25. What have they done that's illegal?
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