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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. That makes perfect sense for broadcast TV. Is it true for cable as well? Do the subscription fees offset the money from advertisers?
  2. What gets me is that if the Empire's stormtroopers (which should be the elite, special forcess types) are that bad, I shudder to think what their regular troops are like.
  3. Anime Iowa is this weekend. I'll be there on Saturday. Anyone else on these boards going?
  4. I don't know about the war game, but the RPG is going to use the book, the movie and the Roughnecks series. They weren't very clear if it was going to actually mix all three together or present them as three alternate settings. I imagine the war game will be compatable with the RPG, so likely it will use all three as well. I probably won't bother getting it as Mongoose has basically said that they consider the movie to be a legitimate interpretation of the book.
  5. This does raise the question of where exactly do the space monsters come from now. In the original, the idea was that the galaxy as a whole is a living organism (individual star systems are just cells) and that the monsters were big antibodies. Humans are a disease, but we were benign as long as we stayed in our own cell. As soon as we started to spread, we triggered the immune system. The solution is to kill our own host. So with the host gone, where do more antibodies come from?
  6. That looks more like a sperm whale to me... Look at the bottom right. There's a dolphin.
  7. There were those 2 ewok made for TV movies back in the 80's. I haven't seen them in so long though, that I can't remember if they were any good. I say let him make a TV series. Can't be any worse than any of the SF TV series currently running right now.
  8. I suppose my opinion of him since he did Minority Report has been raised up a notch. Mine went down after that one. It's one of my all time favorite short stories.
  9. For the blasters, did you just start with replica stens and mausers and add the extra parts?
  10. Weren't the movie ones just parts to old cameras?
  11. But it's not Super Milk-chan. It's Oh! Super Milk-chan, which was the second series. The farttards at ADV couldn't get anything right even if they tried.
  12. Thanks for the links. I'm definitely looking forward to this. The Spielburg film I might watch. Can't stand Cruise though, so I probably won't.
  13. I assume it was an intentional pun that referred both to hyperspace and the size of the ship. Never underestimate the Japanese love of word play.
  14. Saw the pilot ep. Didn't like it.
  15. This game is why they released the DC game under the lame-ass "Sword of the Berserk" title in the US.
  16. Here's an easy solution: Take your FAST pack equipped Macross toy of choice. Apply a ruler. Scale up.
  17. That's the term I've heard used as well.
  18. The first Berserk game got mixed reviews. It didn't look impressive to me. This new trailer looks pretty cool and good music too. It looks like it takes place fairly late in the manga.
  19. From the article, it looks like an American production with just using Mad House as the animation studio.
  20. Well VOTOMS Scopedogs are about as old as the footage in your avatar lol. There's nothing flashy about these guys. Plus the show itself is rather dark and gritty. I'm surprised it was 52 episodes. No actually I meant the Yamato design.. I saw it in a hobbyjapan magazine like in 1998.. with the same features. I like the zaku though, it is better articyulated and it has a cool shield armor attached to the right arm. There have been other Scopedog toys from other companies. Also, the Zaku is from Gundam, not VOTOMs.
  21. My Yamato Giant Robo figure. It's so heavy that it also qualifies as a piece of medieval weaponry.
  22. I want those. I wonder what the chase figure will be.
  23. A color version of episode 6?? Why?! And... how?! The cels were painted and black and white!! What's the point in colorizing it? Amusing story: someone in our local anime club recenlty bought an HK boot copy of Gunbuster. She thought her disc was defective because there was no color in the last episode.
  24. Nope. Just tapes, and they're the really old kind of fansubbers. They will only send you copies if you send them blank tapes and a SASE.
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