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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Wow. I get those exact same effect whenever I watch a Star Trek show made within the last 15 years.
  2. I'm sure they do. As has been pointed out, the video is blatantly edited to make them sound dorky.
  3. Pioneer sold their anime division (along with their other media properties), which is now called Geneon. Pioneer just does electronics now.
  4. Outsourcing the animation to Japan is not the same thing as a colaboration. The release made it sound like they're doing their own productions, and if that's the case, there's little point in using the Japanese at all. Might as well go with the cheaper Koreans.
  5. The market shrinking I believe is in reference to the declining population, which means there are fewer children in Japan (children being the primary audience for anime). The first joint US/Japan animation project that I'm aware of was Little Nemo in Slumberland back in the 80's.
  6. Just watched episode 1 of Aim for the Top 2. What a load of crap. The animation was excellent, even if the chara and mecha designs sucked. It definitely looks like FLCL all over again. Not just in terms of design, but style as well. It's a lot more cartoonish than the original, that's for sure. They're definitely going for action/comedy, rather than the blend of drama, comedy and action that you'd expect from Gunbuster (nothing like the heart rending opening monologue in the original here). It also felt like there was very little tying it to the original, which might be a good thing. Even if they had made this show completely separate from the Gunbuster setting, it still wouldn't have been that great. *SPOILERS* What the hell?! Fine, the characters are psychics, but taking out a space monster with your bare hands in orbit without a space suit? Yeah, I realize it's just a show, but my suspension of disbelief was shot to hell. And yes, the original show had fan service, but having a character rip her shirt off in the middle of a fight for no apparent reason is just beyond gratuitous.
  7. According to that press release, Viz has nothing to do with this. I don't see how these three companies deciding to work together to make new shows would affect them in any way.
  8. Anime isn't a genre. My question is, if it's being made for the US, is it really anime? Anyway, if what they produce is quality, I'll buy it, but I won't be holding my breath.
  9. That's because he's really a nice, fun loving guy. Too bad the Cimmerians never caught on.
  10. Yeah, the cartoon was aimed at kids younger than I was when it came out, so I never got into it. The newer cartoons looked beautiful, but the stories were retched. Woo's done some good stuff, so I think there's hope for a new live action He-Man. Plus, I figure it can't be worse than the Dolf Lungram film that came out.
  11. Saw the promo as well. I'll definitely have to check out an episode or two.
  12. Noriko looks kinda odd in that picture. Can't quite lay my finger on why though.
  13. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/5797.html This could be cool.
  14. Got Azathoth. I thought it needed more questions. As it is, it's pretty easy to pick whatever one you want to be. I ended up just picking at random.
  15. Nope. Just a low tolerance for morons (and bigots, which is a category I suspect you fall into as well). Now do our species a favor and go play in traffic.
  16. Presto! Queer eye for the straight guy! Hey, stupid. You've used that joke already in this thread.
  17. The Alexander and Aeon Flux chara designs were horrendously fugly. I couldn't watch either without wanting to rip my eyes from their sockets.
  18. Slim Pickens is a god among men. I actually use this line on an almost weekly basis at the office when I walk into the production area and everyone is goofing off. Was. He's been gone now for over twenty years.
  19. My favorite lines were from Slim Pickens. "What in the wide, wide world of sports is goin' on here?! I hired you people to try to get a little track laid, not to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City happy people." "Mr Lamarr, you use your tongue perttier than a twenty dollar whore."
  20. I read somewhere that Brooks originally wanted Pryor to play the part of Bart in Blazing Saddles, but the studio told him 'no' because Pryor was too contraversial. Ironic, isn't it?
  21. Here's an interesting article: http://www.iesb.net/tv/tvt92804.htm Kevin Smith is an interesting choice. I'm not a huge fan of his, but I think he could do alright.
  22. Aren't these all just pics of a 1/72 Yamato?
  23. I'm going to have to agree as well. Not to mention, Mel Brooks has yet to top Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles. He's just a pale shadow of his former self.
  24. This one's pretty cool:
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