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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. I'll see if I can find you one when I get home. Hmm... not finding anything completed just off hand other than the text script posted above.
  2. Okay. I wasn't completely sure that was the correct film, hence why I prefaced my statement with the "IIRC." I'll look it up when I have the time.
  3. I've only ever played the NES version, but it was an awesome game. I am so getting this next month.
  4. Personally, the movie just didn't do anything for me. It's rather plain and I didn't think the animation was particularly wonderful. Basically the movie added nothing to my experience with the manga. As to why Nagano hates it, I don't really know for sure.
  5. I know ADV renamed Slayers Perfect to "The Motion Picture" (how much more lame can you get?). Is "Book of Spells" supposed to be Slayers Special?
  6. I'll see if I can find you one when I get home.
  7. It's a movie, not an OVA. IIRC, it was released as a double feature with one of the Silent Möbius movies. It's not particularly great either. In fact, Nagano hates the movie and it's surprising that he ever consented to the DVD release.
  8. They both need more Honneamise references.
  9. I thought L-Gaim sucked. The characters are annoyingly stupid and unfortunately the entire plot hangs on them continually doing stupid things. I recommend avoiding this stinker.
  10. Well, we all know how it ends already from volume 1, so where things are in the story line really don't matter. FSS is one of those stories that shines in the story telling itself and not in the plot progression. Saddly, back issues are really hard to find. The Toys Press website hasn't been updated in quite some time and has no way to order directly from them. Because they're releasing them two volumes at a time, usually with the same cover, the employees at my FLCS have, on a few occasions, only held one of the two volumes for me. So, I've got holes in my collection I need to plug.
  11. That'd be cool, but it would have to be bigger than every other robot in the line to really do Gunbuster justice.
  12. First half of the series is great. One of the best Ultra Man/super robot parodies ever. Second half was eh.
  13. Twice. And on the second viewing, I tried my hardest to ignore the fact that it's a sequal to Aim for the Top! It still blows goats.
  14. I just stick with the Japanese edition, though I prefer Animage to Newtype any day.
  15. Opening was interesting. The closing song is funny. The show itself is... eh. I like some of the ideas, but the main character was annoying enough to counter all of that. The plot (what there was of one) was incredibly predictable as well. I won't be watching any more of this one.
  16. Did that article not have an editor?
  17. My top 5: 1. Gunbuster (stretching here a bit, I guess) 2. Gao Gai Gar 3. Dangaiou 4. Dancougar 5. Gekiganger III
  18. Given the time in which it was made, I think that's highly unlikely. That was a few years before anime became a regular export as anything other than re-written and dubbed fodder for American television.
  19. Eh. Looks okay. I hope those aren't supposed the actual Knight Sabres. Those character designs are uglier than the 2040 versions.
  20. That's because the title was taken from a sports show, Ace wo Nerae! (Aim for the Ace!) which was a tennis manga/anime (and now live action) series for girls.
  21. Yeah, the first one paid a lot of homage to it's anime predecessors, but it still had a lot of depth. This new one just feels shallow. Plus, I getting tired of Gainax homage shows. I can only think of a three or four things they've done that haven't been homages. It was cool when Top wo Nerae! was new, but now it's old and tired.
  22. It tried watching it again while pretending that it wasn't a Gunbuster sequal. Didn't work. It's still just as lame.
  23. March, I think. It's going to be a longer episode to wrap things up, so that's why it got delayed.
  24. I used this: http://www.nifty.com/globalgate/?top4 Gotta love that funky yellow paint.
  25. I think the general concensus has been that they weren't that great.
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