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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. heavy metal fakk 2 was beyond bad, at least Wonderful Days had a okay plot thrown togeather to support the visuals, HM: Fakk 2 seemed like it was written by a 12 year old crack head. There was a plot?
  2. I recommend renting it over buying it. It's a good series, but with very little repeat viewing value. One of the nice things about the series is that they explain what's going on in the end, unlike most series of this nature (although, this is probably why it's not worth seeing a second time).
  3. Wonderful Days was pure eye candy with no substance. It looks nice, but it certainly doesn't deserver an Oscar.
  4. Didn't they do an election thing years back where kids could vote on whether he could eat it or not? I seem to recall him winning that and there was a commercial where he got to eat a bowl.
  5. Because we won't always be ahead, we should abandon all further development? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
  6. Pictures of the new Daleks: http://www.gallifreyone.com/newstv.php#new...AFlEAApQJxcnDuA
  7. You were scooped quite a while back.
  8. Ultimately, the game depended on how much money you were willing to spend on it, which is why I got out of it. The only card game I'm interested these days that doesn't require a regular poker deck is Illuminati, which thankfully isn't collectable (anymore anyway).
  9. It got changed to that later, I believe.
  10. Yeah, I think this is right. I also think combat was part of the main phase too, and not a separate one, so there wasn't a need for two back then. It's been a long time since I looked at the rules, so I may be mis-remembering. I stopped, IIRC, about when Ice Age came out.
  11. I'm reserving final judjement until I see it with translation, but I thought it was a pretty good film.
  12. I played when it first came out and I don't recall any limit on the number of creatures you could put into play per turn barring the amount of mana you have. I haven't played in almost ten years now, so I don't know what the current rules are like.
  13. Patlabor is another good example of at least a semi-realistic look at giant robots. The labors are smaller sized and are mostly used for construction, fire/rescue and police duties (military labors were introduced later). Excepting obvious anime in-jokes like the Ingram, the labors are very functional in design. Another interesting take on this subject is an essay that Shirow wrote concerning legged tanks. His proposed design for a low to the ground, hexapodal tank would work pretty well, given that you can get all the engineering worked out. As for Heavy Gear, I do like their designs (glad I'm not the only one who spotted the VOTOMs influence; a lot of HG fans are in denial about this), but a lot of the reason for why they work so well in the setting is due to Terra Nova itself. IIRC, the area where all the fighting occurs is a very difficult place to use aircraft in and limits the use of long range weaponry because of high winds and heavy magnetism (which conversely allows them to use those big hovering battleships).
  14. I saw the first ep of this. Didn't find it funny at all, but at the time I thought it was because I never saw much of Soul Taker (first ep is all, I think). Glad to hear that missing the in-jokes didn't make much of a difference.
  15. The first episode of the original series did a great job of hooking me. The opening monologue of Noriko talking about her father gave it good emotional depth and ensured that there was going to be something more than just action or otaku references in the show. I got nothing like that from the first episode of this new series.
  16. Nice review. What a waste of some of the best voice talent in the industry.
  17. Personally, I always like Pertwee the best.
  18. Promotional postcard showing the new Doctor: http://www.tenthplanet.co.uk/postcard.htm I'm kinda feeling meh about the new look for this incarnation. He looks way too normal and every day. The companion is nice though.
  19. Here's a new pic of The Thing: http://www.superherohype.com/news/fantasti...ews.php?id=2149
  20. Please re-read what I said. I wasn't disputing the article or the findings of the scientists involved. I was merely giving an anecdote about a situation in the past where a few non-standard individuals were thought to be definitive of the entire group.
  21. While I don't think it's true in this case because the scientists are being pretty thourogh (they found this skeleton 13 months ago and are just now releasing info), this has actually happened. Some the first neanderthal skeletons found belonged to individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, and so for a long time the whole group was always depicted with a very stooped posture
  22. If they do it, I'd be willing to bet it's a hard sub using the VHS tapes as a source. That'd be par for the course when it comes to Manga.
  23. And back on topic, I had read an article on this on a different site. Seeing these little guys running around and hunting pygmy elephants and trying to avoid getting eaten by komodo dragons would make for an awesome fantasy or SF setting.
  24. Nay. I hate superthreads.
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