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Everything posted by JELEINEN

  1. Just saw these in CD Japan's clearance section: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-1847 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-1848 Anyone know much about them?
  2. They've been enemies and/or rivals since about 1066.
  3. WXIII has a predictable plot centered around a cheesey giant monster. I recomend tossing it and just keeping the Mini Pat shorts (which should have been sold separately).
  4. I think whats happened here is this: Patlabor was originally an OAV series. It was so successful that a TV series was produced, but existing in a seperate continuity to the original OAVs (thus needing to re-introduce the characters). After the TV series another OAV series was made, this one actually following on from the TV series. A similar thing occurred with Tenchi Muyo!. Possibly the "1st Season" and "2nd Season" are the US distros labelling? There's also a third separate introduction in the manga, which was released concurrently with the original OVA.
  5. You can try here if the link still works: http://animejapan.cplaza.ne.jp/b-ch/specia...top_pv_500k.asx Thanks!
  6. Is the trailer available to download somewhere?
  7. Oddly enough, I think it's better off for not having been a TV series.
  8. What's the date for the survey? Is there somewhere online I can read up on it. There's also another reason for not flipping manga. Many of the artists don't want their artwork flipped and were refusing to allow it to be licensed in the US when flipping was common.
  9. Isn't WETA also doing the Narnia movies?
  10. Yes. Excellent review. Now I want this toy more than ever.
  11. I think Champloo's biggest weakness is that it lacks a strong plot thread between the episodes. The sunflower samurai search is very weak and is alll but forgotten in most of the episodes. I think the show would've been a lot better had it been less episodic.
  12. There's a lot of great animation that was done before computers.
  13. It's too bad they've never released the Dai Con III and IV films on DVD. The LD was going for around a grand, last I checked. Dai Con IV is a lot of fun to watch frame by frame. They threw a lot of little bits in there that you don't catch at full speed.
  14. Can't believe nobody's mentioned the Daicon IV film.
  15. What's the source for the 2% statistic? I prefer the way things are now with manga releases in the US than they were even five years ago.
  16. I just wish they'd do a release of Gunnm with the correct names.
  17. Is Studio Proteus still doing the work? Last I heard, Torren Smith was adamantly opposed to both the non-flipped and TPB only formats.
  18. This may be going beyond the scope of the thread (or even board), but out of curiosity, how much separation is there between the two these days?
  19. The article does mention a rumor about a movie at the very bottom.
  20. http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/...3082|1|,00.html Well, I guess if Lucas is doing it, Mel might as well too.
  21. Guess the t-shirts must've been pretty popular since the XL size is no longer up for pre-order.
  22. For a 70 meg file, the video quality is sure crappy. Pretty funny though.
  23. I clicked on the link on the first page of this thread and it doesn't appear that it's been updated in almost a year. I think this project is dead.
  24. Do you have the link? It's right there in his post. It's just not click-able.
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